Hey guys,
As most of you know, I am a long term forum member, as well as an even longer term user. I have participated in the forums, chats, and even talked to a few members outside of the Aneros site. From that, you guys Im sure are aware that I havent gained much success with the product over the past 3 years. I have had inconsistent p waves, a few random body jolts, as well as at one point in my journey getting a bit of body tingling. None of this has worked up to any type of Mini O, let alone a Super O.
While I have explained my situations in the past, Ill give a quick run down. I currently own the Helix, Progasm, Eupho, and Peridise. At the same time I have occasionally tried gaining results with Rumels recording, as well as taking tips from other members, and even reading some Aneros ebook. For quite awhile, I was using the Aneros almost every night. However, in the past few months, I have taken weekly breaks, seeing as though my life has become hectic. I dont typically refrain from ejaculation, because I am a single 26 year old guy, with no past relationship history, and I do have a higher sex drive. I did start to extend my sessions longer considering that maybe I wasnt being patient enough. But even after having a few sessions close to two hours in length, I received no extended result. I even tried using a medium sized plug an hour before a session, but nothing there either. Not to mention of course changing lubes.
Being around the Aneros product for the past few years, I completely understand that we are on our own journey and setbacks. However, I feel I have put in more than my time and effort. With the exception of the first two or three months of using the product, I have never been focused on getting a Super O. Over time all I asked for was consistent sensations that can lead me into feeling pleasure in future sexual situations. In return I have gotten very little from the Helix, nice mild sensations from the Peridise and Progasm, and a bit of enjoyment of the movement with the Eupho. So Im left with a few final questions.
First, from both a personal opinion, as well as a product developers opinion, where is the line drawn? I understand that these things take time. But if the product is properly used, isnt three years of dedication enough to be able to get even half of full range results? I know some members go by the perspective that everything we feel with Aneros is a step up from what we had before Aneros, but should I be happy with the results to time ratio I have experienced?
On a different note, I want to request a possible crash course idea for people like myself. What other things should I try, when I have been reading the advice and threads of others for quite a long time now? Is Aneros by any chance developing a book, model, or kit to help those who are longer term users and still dont get results? This might be a good idea, seeing as though the majority are those not getting the best results. And with all due respect, as Aneros releases new products for its more advanced user, the rest of us get left in the dust.
I just wanted to throw this out there and ask for help one last time before I gather up all my Aneros stuff and just trash it. Considering all the time, effort, money, and support I have given this product, I cant help but feel a bit cheated at this point.
Thanks guys. Ill try to post more and get back in the chats again as time permits.
Where are you on the mental and spiritual side of things? ...rook
I honestly feel that I can relax quite well. I dont know how to better answer this..
Try to smoke some weed before a session.
Not too much, just enough to get you in the zone where your mind drifts. That was the fast track for me. I worked at it for two years with not much success until a vaped some weed. Now I have Super-Os every session. Believe me, you don't want to give up on this, once you get there your whole life changes.
I concur with The_B. Don't give up on Aneros until you've tried it with marijuana. Perhaps we should make that a sticky as I don't think it's failed anyone to reach ever higher plateaus. I myself tried the Aneros for about 2 months with very limited response, stopped for about half a year then gave it another try with hasj, then I finally discovered what it was like to be multi-orgasmic, now I'm discovering things that are beyond the sexual.
So get stoned(smoke, eat it or vape it)and come back and tell us all your Aneros success story
Mental Crash Course and Last Ditch Stand
I managed to cross over without THC but, agree with The Bish and Helixer that it opens the portal for many folk. I'd bet that when you've made it once, you'll not need chemical help again.
I'm addicted to nicotine, have been 'clean' for over 20 years and don't risk inhaling anything as I fell off the wagon three times before I finally quit. Someday I might try a brownie. However, no doubt that people have been getting proven orgasmic assistance from THC and Peyote for a very long time.
I think that the upper levels of orgasm are more involved with our love of oneself, of another and of spiritual love (which need not be religious in nature). After I made it, I reflected on the mental challenges I went through for nearly a year with the Aneros and formalized those in a post:
-- http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/whole-body-whole-mind-mental-side-14498/ --
Some elements of it are not needed for most. In my case, I had to work on those areas before I was able to release and really make love to myself. A book I found good and very helpful: Spirituality for Dummies.
Mental Crash Course and Last Ditch Stand
I managed to cross over without THC but, agree with The Bish and Helixer that it opens the portal for many folk. I'd bet that when you've made it once, you'll not need chemical help again.
Agree with rook. I just had session today unassisted by weed, had several orgasms plus a very powerful Super-T.
Nat, whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP ON SUPER-ORGASM! Maybe Aneros isn't for you, maybe you need another model. How about another product such as Dr.Erector? Discussion thread: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/dr-erector-prostate-stimulator-13141/ Don't plan on getting it due to lack of money, but would love to try it. Are you married? I ask because I've recently been having intercourse without orgasm causing me to be in a constant state of extreme arousal, as if my body is desparately wanting to have an orgasm. I'm experiencing pleasure waves and strong erections with the slightest stimulation. I haven't had an orgasm for a week and I don't plan on having one any time soon. However, I believe I'm not so far off experiencing my first dry orgasm. I've been having strong urges to moan at night as P-waves course through my body.
Here's my lengthly post about it all: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/p-waves-build-up-dry-orgasm-14539/
Nat, whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP ON SUPER-ORGASM!
... snip ... I've recently been having intercourse without orgasm causing me to be in a constant state of extreme arousal, as if my body is desparately wanting to have an orgasm. ....
I think "Kork" points out something very important as we mature in the sexual side of our lives.
Without realizing it, the orgasmic side of my sexual encounters had shortened in duration. In my twenties, my orgasm lasted longer than my ejaculation. By the time I was in my late 60s and early 70s my orgasm was almost undetectable, perhaps no longer than one or two seconds -- just a small fraction of the time it took me to fully ejaculate.
Until I had experienced a few mini-Os and learned that orgasm and ejaculation are two different entities, I was clueless. Eventually I got to a point where I could separate the two.
With more dry-orgasmic experience my orgasms began to increase in duration and now, while my sexual orgasms are not as long as they when I was 20, they last about eight seconds. Long enough to have improved my zeal for sex and lust for my spouse.
While the Aneros is helping me emotionally and spiritually through a particularly rugged period in my life it's contributed immensely to the quality of "plain old sex."
Sheesh .. sorry for the really dull response last night. I was having a bad night.
I understand the mind wondering thing, because it is what has lead me to the small bit of results that I have had. Believe it or not, I think the perception of Aneros use is a bit off. I can sit here for a session and watch porn, but getting nothing. But if I just lay down and close my eyes, I can get a general starting point quite quickly. I do the images focusing on sounds, and so on. The problem is even though I am in this relaxed mind space, no actual pleasure is coming my way but a few p wave type sensations. I think the best sensations I have had are the one or two times I have gotten a ticklish feeling in my penis and the movement from the Eupho (which is more of an imaginetary feeling than it is pleasurable.
Im conflicted about the weed idea. I have no problems with it considering I have smoked on and off since I was 15. However, Im looking to not spend anymore money here. For me, I bought the Helix because it was a middle of the road starting point with Aneros. I moved on to the Progasm, because not only was I not getting ANY results (if I remember right, a member suggested I try a different model, seeing as though they all dont work for everyone), but I wanted something bigger. I got something out of that, but not much. I figured if I can maximize my movement, I could get better results. So I went and got the Peridise. To this day, this has been my best bet. However, I tried the Eupho for better results, considerng I liked the Progasm movement and Peridise. This brought me little luck.
I guess what Im saying is, averaging each Aneros model at $60, I have spent about $250 for little result. Why am I going to spend more money for another product, or even buy weed just for the use in sessions, when I have spent so much already for no real result? Im not complaining here. Im just saying that its a bit of a slippery slope approach. "buy more products so that MAYBE you can get better results". It reminds me of those fads from years ago, where they would sell sets of something, but only release it in parts so you have to buy more over time. When in the end, you are so caught up in the product that you dont realize how much you have spent, compared to what it is you originally thought you were getting. Plus, lets face it, I dont think Anero wants to start a marketing strategy around the fact of "if our product doesnt give results, use drugs with it". lol
In all fairness, I dont want to give up on Aneros. But with all the time and money spent, it just doesnt seem worth it. Even more now since my last few sessions are offering me even less.
Yeah, it's easy to fall into the "buy every new product." (but you have the same product 3 times, so buying something that works completely different may not be a bad idea) However, what I'm suggesting is that you have already started your journey, you are aware of P-waves. I've had little success with my Aneros (haven't used it for almost two months), better success with the Prostate Cradle (haven't used it for 4 days), it may have helped accelerate my discovery of strong P-waves. However, the bliss I am currently experiencing is not directly related to any product, but just discovering how to "tune it" and rewire myself. Does nipple stimulation do anything for you? Only recently has it given me a powerful P-wave.
Hi again Nat,
I hear you and detect a bit of pent-up anger. Good honest assessment of your past actions. Good honest judgment of the costs and benefits of the whole Aneros experience. Definitely moving toward a "bait cutting" decision.
So, I'm gonna revert to my action and objective-oriented style, take you by the horns and horse you around a bit.
Agree -- stop spending money. I did this without THC (aka weed) and you sound like a more objective guy than I; so, you can do it too. DON'T GIVE UP. Save the five bucks for a toke and learn skills to reduce or circumvent your stress and deal with your judgmental nature -- I really believe those two mental factors are killing your sessions and locking shut the portal to your success with Aneros. I think it would also extend to KSMO.
Step one. Stress: Look for those things in your life that are winding up your mainspring. For me it was a brother with terminal cancer, a spouse with Breast Cancer and a horse I regretted putting down on Christmas Eve. Find healthy and positive paths to deal with your stressors. I thought I was relaxing and was sayiing what you wrote. The Aneros should be 'floating' inside you. It should move freely. You gotta be loose whether you are inserted or not. A floating Aneros is an indicator of where you brain is.
Step two. Do an MBTI self-assessment. Don't pay the $ 30 bucks many sites want. There's a link to a free site in my "Whole Body / Whole Mind" post. My bet is that you've got a big "J" on the tail end of that index. Mine is an ESTJ. Absolutely great for team leaders, project managers, test administrators, budget analysts and guys who want to orchestrate ego trips as managers. Tough road to hoe for honest lovemaking.
"J" is a session killer unless you counterbalance it by expanding some other dimension of your being. For me that was spirituality and some additions to my physical workout program. Go find your own. Public Library trip will cost only a gallon of gas or some tread wear on your bicycle.
there you got it. your basic 75-cent chunk of 'tough love' Go to it Tiger.
... rook
This is a joke, right?
While I have been a long term member here, I do only have a small amount of posts. I have gone in chats a lot. However, that hasnt even happened much lately. Therefore, where do you, someone who doesnt know me, have any credibility to say that I have a "judgmental nature"? Have we talked outside of this board? Or better yet, have we even talked much on this board? Clearly you are making a judgment call here. Which is quite ironic, considering you are labeling me as someone of that nature.
Sit back and chill... While I appreciate the advice (or what you want to call "tough love"), I did NOT start this thread in order to obtain life lessons or draw out my own personal problems. Im sorry to hear about your brother, spouse, and horse. But the fact of the matter is, this is about nothing more than an evaluation of a product, which has not provided as it promised. I respect that you have had sucess in many ways with said product, as well as maybe not having a problem if you were in my position. But please be aware that we are all not the same. We all have different financial statuses, time limitations, and so on. I respect yours, as well as others on this board. Take the time to step back and respect mine.
As I said before, I understand the mental side of the product. I am in no way a new member, nor someone looking to challenge the system because of my own experiences. Take a look back at chat histories and forum posts. I am not the only one posting these question. However, I do happen to be someone who is a writer and willing to give an honest opinion. If I am not getting bang for my buck (for lack of a better phrase), Im going to speak my mind, just as those do who sing the praise of this product. Afterall, we all arent going to have the same opinions. But somehow something has triggered here, as if Aneros is like a child of yours. Someone has a negative opinion and instead of carrying a conversation, you immediately jump to the conclusion that something is wrong with me, not the product. Can you back this up with anything more than casual opinions? Are their any hidden Aneros studies out there that state anyone who isnt getting results isnt doing it correctly? Last I knew there wasnt. Just as last I knew, while I dont believe Im always right, in the consumer world "the customer IS always right". Just a thought....
There are no anger issues here. A slight bit of frustration considering the time wasted and money spent. But literally, I can easily walk away. In fact, that is what most of this thread is about. I dont want to walk away because I do believe in the product and want to see it work. However, if no one can come up with alternative methods that dont require doing more of the same, I will walk away. As much as I would enjoy the pleasure, its a piece of plastic.. not my life..
I appreciate any Aneros advice you can give, because afterall this is an Aneros forum. I did as well appreciate your PM. However, just because you are older than me, doesnt alays make you right. It also doesnt give you the god given right to talk down to people like you just did. If I wanted to go to the library, I would. As for my lovemaking or all these trippy new age terms like "find your own being".. I know who I am. Yet you wouldnt know that, because.. oh yeah.. you dont personally know me.
Give those younger than you with different perspectives a chance. You will find that we arent all bastard sons.
Nat, We all know Aneros doesn't work for EVERYBODY, I guess you're one of those unfortunate few. Bon Voyage et Bon Chance in your future endeavors.
Should you read this, I offer my most heartfelt apologies. I realize I hit hard and it was with what I thought was from an honest read of what you posted. I clearly misinterpreted what was said.
In review I realize that I broke one of my own rules -- don't mess under one's mental umbrella. I realize that I did intrude.
Fair winds, following seas and may you have smooth sailing in your future relationships.
Good vibes to you. .... rook.
Nat, We all know Aneros doesn't work for EVERYBODY, I guess you're one of those unfortunate few. Bon Voyage et Bon Chance in your future endeavors.
I have yet to see many members admit to this being possible. If this is true (as I also believe at this point), I wonder if Aneros has included this tidbit anywhere on the website, or even small print of the product packaging. Seems to me if I was aware of this within a month or two of trying, I could have gotten my money back, fully knowing the product doesnt work for everyone. Yet here I am 3 years and over $200 dollars later.
I know this whole thing isnt a scam. But I would be interested to know why Aneros isnt willing to put this in writing or the benefit of its users.
And Rook, thanks for the apology.
I believe drugs in ancient times have always assisted those on a spiritual journey. As mentioned on this site KSMO and Aneros are just part of the larger Tantric wheel. Breath, energy, sound(response), visualisation, orgasmic reflex. Sure in a way you cheat with weed, but then again you might open pathways or stumble on to new connections otherwise occult.
I don't know it seems strange someone could spend over $200 and years trying cant spend a little on weed to try what IMO is a foolproof method, eat some weed then get prepared and lube up your aneros slide it in and sit back on a sofa with your legs extended and raised so you're in a incline angle, then just do what you normally do, and know, that the ecstasy gonna hit you in approximately an hours time
I don't know it seems strange someone could spend over $200 and years trying cant spend a little on weed to try what IMO is a foolproof method, eat some weed then get prepared and lube up your aneros slide it in and sit back on a sofa with your legs extended and raised so you're in a incline angle, then just do what you normally do, and know, that the ecstasy gonna hit you in approximately an hours time
I agree. I would have never gotten to the super-O without weed. I analyze too much and am too tightly wound to relax.
It took me only a few weeks to get a dry-O (and a Super-O soon thereafter) when assisted by weed.
I think you guys are missing the point...
Go back and read in one of my posts when I said that its a slippery slope argument. If people had been straight up with me from the beginning (ex : the company that makes the product), I might never have been put into a position where I would have thought of buying more products on those same words. "try a bigger model", "try a smaller model", "try a model with more movement", and now "try weed". If I am not happy with the results and money spent, why am I going to spend even more over just as big of a maybe as every other time? I know we are all different, but you guys are still yet to answer my questions from the original posts. Should I be happy with my results based on the time and the money? Better yet, but yourself in my position for once. Would you be willing to shelve out more money, when you already wasted over 200+ on the products alone, that dont help?
Everyone is stuck on this outlook that the product can do no wrong, because it does work for them. Look at this from the other side. Look at these responses and you will notice that none of my questions are being answered, yet everyone is making judgments on my character. As I also said in an earlier post, we all have different financial situations and what not. I respect yours, so respect mine.
Also, I stated that I am looking for alternatives than the same old thing, meaning more time doing the same stuff in sessions, more money spent, etc. Not only are alternatives not being offered, but most of you are reacting as if I did not ask these questions.
First question: I would have not sunk $200 into the various models. I would have gotten two at the most. Perhaps the first purchase was not the right one, after a second purchase with no results I would had purchased no more aneros products. And three years is a long time to devote to trying to learn something. I spent two, but I used it very leisurely, never really terribly devoted to the task until the last four months. But I don't see the advantage of throwing them away. Who knows, years from now you may have a different perspective on aneros.
Second question: Have you taken a look at the post "Quick and Dirty Path to the Super-O"
Seems like there is a lot of good info there to be reviewed.
I wonder if you can return the Progasm and Eupho for a refund?
Looking at it from a different perspective--I've learned from helping women that neurotransmitter balance is key to achieving the female version of the Super-O. As for spirituality I think that's more of a chicken/egg thing. The same brain state that assists in the Super-O also produces feelings of spirituality. While it's true that some types of meditation raise dopamine, I think the quickest shortcut, which is what you are asking for here, is to smoke weed. You could also try my diet, but that would be more expensive.
You cannot return a sex toy you bought months ago......
Nat- I'm in the same boat as you- I've plunked down my cash as well. I've got a few more models than you and when I add up my "investment" in the aneros toys and other prostate toys and lube, etc it comes out to a four figure number! I'm just as frustrated as you are- still no super-o. Sure, when you jerk off to a finish it feels great inside you, but that's not why I bought it. It's this forum and the posts contained here. They have captivated my imagination and led me to believe that there was something better than simply jerking off. I'm not really a big believer in the new age mumbo jumbo that alot of the members post here, but to each his own. I still read their posts and try to understand. I keep coming back here to read more and more, hoping that in some way I've missed something. But I'm pretty sure I haven't. I'll keep trying- my daddy didn't raise no quitter, I tell myself. lol.
As far as your purchase is concerned- Caveat Emptor, my friend. Buyer beware. I bought X-ray glasses once and those didn't work either! You can't blame anyone- including the makers of the aneros products for any type of false advertising. (I'm not attacking you here- so don't quote me and come back with flames.) I'm just saying that it appears that you are frustrated. I am too! I spend on average 3 hours per session about 3 times a week striving to achieve this pipe dream that is the Super O. Like you I'm also at a crossroads. It's like time has come to decide whether or not to continue in this journey. A wise man once told me, (seriously) "If it feels good, do it. If it doesn't feel good anymore, stop." While he was giving advice on a totally different subject, I think it applies here.
You may have reached the end of the road. There are no magic moves. You can try weed. You can try abstaining for a few weeks. You can try chanting, nipple stim, KSMO, the condom method, Natural Jelly Lube, inserting it backwards, switching models halfway through, wearing it to the supermarket, on your back, on all fours, on your side, holding your breath, breathing rapidly, in total darkness, in the sun, in the pool or jacuzzi, outdoors or any other of the hundreds of ways that people here have posted about. None of them may work for you!
I'm on the brink of giving up myself. It's just that these Super O stories here keep me coming back. You guys and your damn stories.
I'm sure I've tried everything...
...except the Maximus! Hmm...
Try using your finger. It's free!
Best Regards,
BTW I'm an INTJ whatever that means. Although I read intp and it sounds more like me. Maybe I'm a mix. I'm an implementation consultant and have a reputation for driving results. Who knows.
Nat- I'm in the same boat as you- I've plunked down my cash as well. I've got a few more models than you and when I add up my "investment" in the aneros toys and other prostate toys and lube, etc it comes out to a four figure number! I'm just as frustrated as you are- still no super-o. Sure, when you jerk off to a finish it feels great inside you, but that's not why I bought it. It's this forum and the posts contained here. They have captivated my imagination and led me to believe that there was something better than simply jerking off. I'm not really a big believer in the new age mumbo jumbo that alot of the members post here, but to each his own. I still read their posts and try to understand. I keep coming back here to read more and more, hoping that in some way I've missed something. But I'm pretty sure I haven't. I'll keep trying- my daddy didn't raise no quitter, I tell myself. lol.
As far as your purchase is concerned- Caveat Emptor, my friend. Buyer beware. I bought X-ray glasses once and those didn't work either! You can't blame anyone- including the makers of the aneros products for any type of false advertising. (I'm not attacking you here- so don't quote me and come back with flames.) I'm just saying that it appears that you are frustrated. I am too! I spend on average 3 hours per session about 3 times a week striving to achieve this pipe dream that is the Super O. Like you I'm also at a crossroads. It's like time has come to decide whether or not to continue in this journey. A wise man once told me, (seriously) "If it feels good, do it. If it doesn't feel good anymore, stop." While he was giving advice on a totally different subject, I think it applies here.
You may have reached the end of the road. There are no magic moves. You can try weed. You can try abstaining for a few weeks. You can try chanting, nipple stim, KSMO, the condom method, Natural Jelly Lube, inserting it backwards, switching models halfway through, wearing it to the supermarket, on your back, on all fours, on your side, holding your breath, breathing rapidly, in total darkness, in the sun, in the pool or jacuzzi, outdoors or any other of the hundreds of ways that people here have posted about. None of them may work for you!
I'm on the brink of giving up myself. It's just that these Super O stories here keep me coming back. You guys and your damn stories.
I'm sure I've tried everything...
...except the Maximus! Hmm...
Thats what Im getting at.. Im not trying to spam the board or blame any individual person. I just feel that if you are going to put out a product that is more revolutionary like this, you might want to do a bit more testing once you see that a good percentage of your customers arent even getting half of what is advertised. I just feel sometimes, even more so since Support does look at the forums and blogs, that they really dont care. They see the dollar signs and know people are going to buy more the more excuses that come up. Im not so sure this was the developers intentions before te product was labeled as a sex toy for everyone. Because honesty, I have gone into some really knowledgeable sex shops and even some of them throw their arms up in the air and say "I know what it does and how it does it. But I just dont get it".
When I first came across this site, it was fairly simple. Then Rumels product came in, so for every member that couldnt get results, buying this was a must. Then it was "did you read the wiki close enough" (when I think a lot of us read through that thing so much it makes our heads spin). Then buy another model.. do a specific position.. a different meditation.. and now even illegal drugs. I apologize, because we do have some great members here who have been very helpful over the years. But when you are suggesting external methods to get a product to work (more so the drugs..), I think its time for those who make the product to wake up and realize that its not the customers fault, but that the product doesnt stand on its own. Whatever.. you cant change that. But atleast inform people before they get sucked in. Instead they just keep making new models, rather than making the ones they already made work.
I can care less about the Super O that everyone claims they can have. I just want to see clear results. And while "my daddy didnt raise no quitter", "mamma didnt raise no fool" either.
I just think some ppl are more wired than others to use it.This has nothing to do with knowing which muscle is which or using a certain mathematical formula spread over the muscles. But a certain neuro pathway that gets cleared. After that you follow that feeling and the muscles provide assistance in enhancing the feeling. Now I can get very pleasurable feelings from just tensing my pc muscles, this before wasn't the case.I've known about pc muscles and have done exercises for them for years, without any pleasurable sensations. Now I know what to look for I can.
Some ppl already had pleasurable sensations after the first use of the Aneros, for me it was only really after my drug induced Super O.
We're all at different stages. Perhaps without thc I would have been trying in vain for decades.
And if the only problem is the illegality of it, come to Holland for a weekend or some other place where the government's made the right distinction between soft-/ and harddrugs.
It probably feels like an 'escalation of commitment' to you but knowing what I know, I'm really glad I used it, without it I'd either be grinding away still or, more likely, would have spent 100s of euros in vain without ever having known this amazing feeling.
Still, a consoling thought for you, is that the Aneros was initially developed as a medical device for a healthy prostate. So even if you don't want to try weed, it can still be used as a health product. So it's not a complete waste of money
Choise is yours, but stop bitching, coz imo you really haven't tried everything to dismiss it outright
Choise is yours, but stop bitching, coz imo you really haven't tried everything to dismiss it outright
WOW.. can you say rude???
WOW.. can you say rude???
That.....art thou.....
After some consideration I think this thread is concerned with the implied suitability for favorable outcomes in glossy/glitzy advertising. I've got a fair piece of experience in that realm. When comes to tools, I'm a bit of a 'test guy' so am always anxious to try something new.
I figure that, over the years I've "invested" about $ 18,000 in golf clubs, shoes and golf balls. Those have been highly advertised. Yet, my results haven't come close to what the ad writers implied.
I could blame the equipment designers, manufacturers, marketers and copy writers of the advertisements. Since I've not graduated from the "duffer/hacker" category the claims of the ads were at the least, "over optimistic."
So, I look in the mirror and ask what I can do to improve my game. Cuz, "it's been all good and I hope to keep it that way."
OTOH, I could blame the tools.