The aneros toys, when properly used, are the greatest anal training kits that exist. They teach you how to get pleasure out of every square millimeter of your rectum.
Just exploring is anal training.
My experience over the last several years is that the Aneros massagers have opened up bundles of nerves. As the sensations have improved and grown, I have found the use of additional toys has increased pleasure. I have used the Njoy Wand, as well as their plugs to provide complementary results (Njoy wand, medium and the super large plug). Also Doc Johnson dildos have opened up the nerve endings farther up the canal than the Progasm. The one result has been easy entry for all toys, as well as improved sensations.
I deal with SI joint and nerve pain, the challenge for me has been to be able to move past those nerves and experience the joy of my ass. Each set of toys provide complementary pleasure, as sensations improve, my Aneros experience (standard Helix and Progasm, Peridise) has improved. Each toy is different, and each use improves the experience overall. Lubrication is really important, I use clear water based anal lube and a plastic injector, real slick and easy.