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An obstacle in my path?

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Been using a few different models, but my go to seems to be the Progasm.  I can achieve p-waves and feel energy build up to the "edge" but invariably, my abs/body would contract/convulse (similar to cumming?) and everything is gone after this.  I feel as if I could avoid this, I could step into the next phase, whatever that may be?  I do wonder if I'm ever so close to the super O only to be yanked back by my body spasms.  Sound familiar to anyone?

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Welcome to the Forum ! 

Understanding how each event fits together in someone's Aneros adventure is still very much a work in progress, so I fear it will be difficult to give you a definitive answer as to what your next step would be.

What I would try at this point is to relax into the contractions even if they are intense, maybe accepting them is closer to what you'll be tying to do. You have to make it so you won't snap out of it when they happen, which you already mentioned as a potential obstacle. 

So it's probably just a matter of getting used to it so you can keep your concentration when they happen, and then you'll able to roll with it. If you can give more details about what happens and your mind state, maybe we'll be able to narrow things down further.  


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Greetings @pogiebait.

You sound like you are in the same spot I was not too long ago. I would feel the sensations building, my body would start reacting by trembling and quaking, and my focus would suddenly shift to what my body was doing and I'd become distracted. Especially those first few times because my immediate reaction was what is hell is happening to me? No guarantees this will work for you because everyone's is a little different, but what I found worked for me was to try and keep my focus on what my body was feeling and not what my body was doing as things started to ramp up. I was able to eventually accept my body's reaction as @zentai said, and at the same time find a way to keep my focus on what I was feeling in my prostate. And any time I would notice my focus starting to slip and go to my body was doing, or I found myself trying to forcibly push myself to that next level, or even if my mind just started to wander I would immediately try to clear my mind, relax, and refocus myself and bring my attention back to what I was feeling down there. Once I was able to start doing that I found I was able to progress even further, and even if I did lose focus for a little bit and things started to cool I could usually get things going again by just doing that. Sometimes it would start building again immediately, sometimes it would take a few minutes, but usually unless I was at the end of an already long session or my mind just wasn't in the right place to begin with I found I could get things going in the right direction again.

So for me I guess it was less of viewing my body's reaction as a distraction or a nuisance and more of just surrendering to it for lack of a better term. Like once I put that Aneros in I just kind of say "ok prostate, for however long this session lasts you're in charge and the rest of me is just along for the ride", and once I was able to mentally let go and do that I've found my sessions to be much more successful. Even if they don't result in a super-O I can usually still manage several dry-O's and feel more than satisfied by the end of it. I think that's also very important to focus on the positives from the session and the pleasurable feelings you were able to generate rather than how close you may have been to the finish line. Staying positive and keeping at it will eventually get you there, and you can find pleasure in every session until you do.

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Solid replies, thank you!  From much reading here, I've learnt to surrender to the feelings and just let them take me wherever.  But I suppose by surrendering I can't help when I have body becomes a sisyphean effort and I have to start back at Go.  I'm also not forcing a Super-O, just wishing to continue my journey.

As to my state of mind, I'm solely focused on the sensations, sometimes imagining the motion of the Aneros against my prostate.  Glad to hear others have had this experience, and there's the other side!  Quite the challenge to let go AND maintain control!

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Posted by: @pogiebait

Quite the challenge to let go AND maintain control!

Maybe you're not supposed to do both ? Because if

Posted by: @pogiebait

[...] it becomes a sisyphean effort [...]

then by definition you cannot sustain this. What if you were to experience a 5, 10, 20 minutes Super-O, do you think you could maintain this level of effort the whole time ? On the other hand, if you don't fight it and you let your body spasm and tense as much as it wants, it's not much effort on your part. Like @oneum said, focus is key. When you feel the start of the spasming and tensing, focus on your prostate like a laser beam and forget about controlling anything else, and take the sensations in.  

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Posted by: @pogiebait

I can achieve p-waves and feel energy build up to the "edge" but invariably, my abs/body would contract/convulse (similar to cumming?) and everything is gone after this.

Be careful, you are falling into the trap of the myth of 'the Edge'. Please see Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding 'the Edge' and a couple of other myths. Also please read @Neros thread The Myth of Super Orgasm. With regard to 'the Edge' please see @Zentai's thread Navigating "Almost-Almosts" : So you're almost there ?.

Posted by: @pogiebait

I feel as if I could avoid this, I could step into the next phase, whatever that may be?

Learning to relax through those spasms will greatly help here, please see @darwin 's post relax, relax, RELAX for a little insight. With regard to trying to control your session please see my thread "Just Let Go !". Also be aware that these prostate orgasms can come in waves and after that first one crests and ebbs, continue to focus on the latent sensations and patiently wait (usually a few minutes 5-10) for another one to build, you may be pleasantly surprised to chain a series of orgasms together.

Good Vibes to You!

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When you get to your edge,try not to let the spasms take your focus away from your pelvic floor. Back off just a little on the contractions a shift focus to the floor,muscle spasms and in-voluntaries are quite normal,though these will calm down a little with experience. Keep your mind open and stop believing that there is nothing after the spasms,that will pin your mind down with negative expectations.

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one thing that made a big difference for me was using a lube shooter. was stuck for a long time as well but since using the lube shooter am able to experience a lot more movement inside and actually feel the various Aneros tools go deeper and latch onto the prostate and provide much more stimulation including multiple orgasms.


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A good quality lube goes a long way,literally lol. I think some ppl are paranoid about douching etc Not sure why though. 


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