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After years of frustration, finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel

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I'll apologize in advance for the novel that's to follow, but as the title suggests I've been an on and off Aneros user for quite some time, probably 6 or 7 years by my best guess, and I have always struggled to feel like I was making any progress or having any success up until recently. So I wanted to share my story in the event it helps someone in the same boat who has been trying and trying but just not seeming to get anywhere. I know throughout my journey when I was getting frustrated I would occasionally pop on here and read other people's stories and that would be the motivation I needed to keep at it and maybe come up with a few new things to try.

The first Aneros I bought was the Helix Syn, probably the same as a lot of folks on here. I had very little experience in any sort of anal play, and in fact, I don't even really remember what it was that caused me to buy a prostate massager or even how I heard about it, but at some point I decided to give it a try after reading about the fabled Super-O. Now, right from the get go I had some challenges to overcome. First off I also had some physical obstacles to overcome in that area that I never took the time to address which then led to discomfort as I tried to get accustomed to things going in rather than out. But on the occasions where I could comfortably explore back there my second hurdle got in the way which is my general lack of patience. Even though I'd read the Wiki and several forum posts saying you can't force it and just need to relax and let things happen naturally, I stubbornly thought I could brute force my way to success. So after several unsuccessful sessions I took my first break out of frustration.

After what I would guess to be several months off I decided to give it another go, and this time I'd try and heed the advice of others and actually follow the instructions on the Wiki. Here is where I saw at least a little success. Rather than trying to just to brute force my way forward I let my body take over a little more. I tried much more to relax and focus on what I was feeling. I would close my eyes, focus on my breathing, and then would slowly begin with contractions to get things moving. Here is where I started to get some P-waves and the occasional harder than normal erection. On a few occasions I even got to where it felt like I was getting the "auto-fucking" that I've seen others describe. In the end though that was as far as it ever got. This is where I made my next mistake and thought that the Helix Syn I had been using just wasn't enough and tried getting other/bigger toys. I bought a Progasm, as well as a few different vibrating massagers. While those did sometimes get some pleasurable results it still never felt like I was making any actual progress and so once again I eventually just gave up which then led to about a 5-6 year cycle of several months off, trying a handful of times with the same lack of results, then giving up until the next time the urge hit me.

Well I'm happy to report that I finally had what appears to be a breakthrough. A couple of weeks ago I got that urge to give things another go. So one night I decide to grab my Progasm and give things another shot. Now right from the start I could tell something was different. From the moment I inserted it I got immediate P-waves that felt more like they were coming from my anus than my prostate, but it was still very different and very pleasurable from anything I'd felt in the past. Once those initial waves subsided I laid down and tried to let things take their course. Now one of the issues I've always had with the Progasm once I got used to the size of it is that the P-tab tends to dig in and gets very uncomfortable after a few minutes which is an immediate session killer. That was no different here, but just from that initial wave I could tell something was different this time and I definitely needed to pursue things further.

A few days later I was sitting at my computer working on a few things while having some porn playing on my second monitor for some background entertainment. Now normally when I do something like this I tend to finish off at my desk the traditional way once I finish up whatever it is I was working on in the first place. However, thinking back to a few days earlier and the experience with the Progasm I decided to try going back to the Helix Syn instead. So I went about things as I normally did, lubed up, inserted the Helix, then went and laid down on my bed. There are a few things I did a little differently this time which is where I think the positive results came from. First, rather than using a thinner water based lube which is what I always used in the past I used a thicker anal lube which I think held up much better throughout the session. Second, I truly went in with no expectations. In the past I think I would tell myself I had no expectations but in reality there was still that little thought in the back of my head that "this was going to be the one". Lastly I took the "do nothing" approach. I literally just laid on my back with my knees bent and just focused on what I was feeling. Within a few minutes I started to get results. I started getting contractions, but not in a way I had in the past. I was like my body was quaking rather than the anal contractions, and it just continued to build and build until it felt like I was humping the air. Now, while that was what I would call a pleasurable experience, I can't really say that I felt overcome by pleasurable feelings if that makes sense, but I knew it was different and I enjoyed it. This went on for maybe 20-30 minutes before it felt like I lost it and just finished the session off with a traditional orgasm.

Riding high off my newfound success I tried a second session a day or two later. This session was a little less eventful, but I think that's more because my body was still tired from the previous session. Things actually started out the same way. Watched some porn for a bit of time to get aroused, used the same lube as before, got in the same position as before, then after a few minutes the "quakes" began. This time though my body was just not quite up to it so it didn't progress too far but I was still happy with the session. It still reinforced that the method I was using was working.

After giving my body a few days of rest  I went in for another session, but this time I decided to try something a little different just to see what would happen. I let things begin as they had the last two sessions, but when the quakes began I decided to try and feed into them with manual contractions. Not forcing it the way I did in the very beginning or expecting that that would somehow put me over the edge, but trying to use those to enhance what my body was doing on its own. It made for an interesting session, but ultimately did not result in much so I've confirmed that manually trying to control the massager just doesn't work for me.

The fourth and most recent session is where I think I've finally had my big breakthrough. I did everything as I had to start the previous sessions, but this time almost the moment I laid down the quakes began. As I had the first couple of sessions I just let my body take over and do what it wanted to do. It wasn't before too long where the quakes turned into something more and I was completely overcome by it. It just kept building and building until one point where I got this sensation beginning from my anus that just worked its way through my whole body until it just clenched up like it had never clenched before along with some vocalization. Much like the first session it still wasn't what I would call an intense sort of orgasmic pleasure so I think there's still some progress yet to be made, but I could sense that I was close and just enjoyed the ride that I was on. That session went for around an hour of just waves hitting me for a bit, then it would subside for a few minutes before just starting back up again. I had this sense like even though my mind might have thought I couldn't go any further my body was in full control and would not let go and continued the session. There were even a few times where I could feel the sensation beginning deeper within me and then slowly working its way into my penis to the point where I felt like I was close to having a HFWO, but never quite made it there. The interesting thing is that throughout the session as the waves were hitting me I didn't even really care about finishing off with a traditional orgasm whereas in the past that was always my plan whether it was a good session or bad. As I was in the middle of it I just didn't care about having an ejaculatory orgasm. I was fully prepared to end the session when my body let me and just clean up and go about my day. Ultimately things did build to a point where I couldn't help myself and wanted to see what ending with a traditional orgasm felt like after that strong of a session and boy was it wonderful.

As I reflect on what is different now that might have let me have this breakthrough I can think of a couple of things. First and foremost was finally taking care of those physical concerns that no longer causes me any discomfort or even the worry about having any discomfort. Second, finally understanding how to actually go into a session without any expectations. Even after having a few successful sessions I feel like I would have no disappointment now if I have a session and it were a dud where in the past I would just be frustrated at spending that time trying with no results. Thirdly, and what I think may be the most important, was coming to accept a few things about myself and my sexuality and no longer feeling any sort of weirdness or shame about enjoying anal/prostate play. Heck, not that long ago even the thought of coming on here to talk about this sort of stuff would've terrified me. I think finally being able to ignore any sort of stigma around being a man who enjoys anal play has knocked down a lot of mental barriers that I think were probably one of my biggest road blocks from day one.

So if you've made it this far let me say thank you for sticking around this long, and if you're someone who has been struggling or just not finding the success that you were expecting just keep at it. Even though I know I'm still not quite where i would like to be I can finally see the progress being made and I have nothing but excitement to keep at it and see where things lead.

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@oneum, Congratulations on your breakthrough to the Super-O zone . While you may not have recognized it as such, your description of events certainly fit the broad definition. You've learned some valuable lessons about patience, non-expectation and body allowance as well as self acceptance about the sensual possibilities available to open minded men. Yes, there are more intense Super-O's to come and there will be less intense ones as well, every Anerosession is likely to be unique in intensity and duration and that's part of the mystique of our individual journeys.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel Thank you. When this all first happened I wasn't quite sure if what I experienced was actually a Super-O or not and I did come on here right afterwards searching for some answers which seemed to confirm it, but seeing your confirmation is extremely helpful to validate what I suspected was in fact the very beginnings of a Super-O. Where in the past I may have felt frustration at being so close to that intense Super-O all I have is excitement at the journey towards reaching that peak.


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Thanks for the great recommendations. I have been using Aneros for last 6 months . Although I have enjoyed each session , I am no where near orgasm. After Reading your note, I am sure I will keep on going. Keep us posted on your progress. Much appreciated. 

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Nice write up.

A couple of caveats. In my opinion,after 6 or 7 years,some changes and tweaks could be made to expedite progress. Really,for most guys,6-7 months should be plenty of time to figure things out.

I don’t think jacking off so much is helping,especially   at the end of a session. We re-wire to finish sessions with orgasms but without ejaculations,and ejaculating in and around,or close to sessions can be counter productive. I think on the best session,although you wanted to resist traditional finish,frustration got the better of you.

Also,you could start working on building arousal without porn. I don’t know if porn is an issue for you,but watching it while you work does sound like it. Your brain is flowing out the good stuff and having sex while you are not actually having sex. Perhaps this is draining your sexual energy pre-session. Take a month off porn and see if process ramps up while the journey has all of of your focus. A few members have attested to increased progress on porn breaks.

Quakes,waves,shudders,pressure,auto fuck. These things are your orgasm machinery at work,but you don’t feel what you describe as orgasmic,so a few tweaks to the regimen might help. Just have sessions,don’t Jack off,and guide the body to release  in a different way.


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@helghast Cheers Helghast.

Thank you for your response. Just to clarify a few of your points of concern, the 6-7 years included a lot of off time where I wasn't actively using the Aneros for various reasons, so if I were to guess the cumulative amount of time I was actually having regularish sessions it'd probably be closer to 12-18 months. A few different factors played a part in that that, but mostly some physical limitations that I needed to get sorted out which I thankfully finally have.

Regarding the porn, I do not consider it an issue. It's just what happened to work that day, and since it worked once I wanted to try and emulate everything I did in that first successful session in the next just to really try and pinpoint if it I had made it over that hump towards re-wiring or not or if I just happened to get lucky. And I say I was "working" but I should've clarified that I was not "at work" at that time. This was during the weekend, so no concerns with watching porn on company time, haha. I was just working on some hobby related stuff at the time and it seemed like a fun dumb thing to throw on in the background for when I needed a brief distraction. It's certainly not the norm for me or anything where I have a need to watch it, and in the days since I have had sessions with less time watching porn to get aroused, and some without it at all. I'm just a very visual person, so sometimes using the ol' imagination to get the juices flowing is not quite as successful, but once I'm in a session I do not use porn because I have identified in the past that it is too distracting for me.

As for the last point regarding finishing with an orgasm I cannot argue with you there. In those particular session I think I was just so caught up in the moment that I thought "well if this feels this good just think about how good an ejaculatory orgasm would feel!" It certainly did feel better than normal, but I do understand the need to resist that urge to help separate the idea of the orgasm being linked with ejaculating. Since that original post I will say I've had a few more successful sessions without ejaculating afterwards, and a big difference I've noticed even in the brief time since those earlier sessions where I did finish is that at the end of these more recent sessions I felt completely satisfied without finishing off the traditional way. There was zero feeling of needing or even wanting to finish the session that way, so I take that as a big positive.

I'll just end off with a brief update on the sessions I've had since my original posting. I'm happy to report that most sessions have been fairly successful. Certainly some more than others, but every sessions has still been very enjoyable in its own way. I just recently added a Eupho and Peridise to the lineup and just had a very good session with the Peridise. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to really sense that much of a difference compared to my Helix Syn which is what I've used primarily and always had the most success with, but right from the get go I could notice a difference. Just the way my body was reacting was noticeably different. I even switched halfway through from the smaller size to the bigger one, and could even identify my body reacting differently just between the two sizes. If my body is willing I think tomorrow I might give the Eupho a try just to see what that brings. If not then it will probably be a few days until I'm able to give that a try, and I expect those to be some of the most agonizing days ever.

I'm not sure if I should keep giving these sorts of progress reports here or if updates like that would be more appropriate for a blog, but if anyone is interested in following my progress let me know and I'd be happy to give what updates I can.


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Yes, feel free to give updates whenever you like.  People gave you many "likes", so they are interested.  I have gained something myself both in posting ongoing progress in the forum and when others reply.  Entries clarify for yourself where you are right now, and in retrospect can show you where you've been and how you've progressed.  You may find the same too if you post over time.

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Well if no one updates,the forum will be lost. So you should.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking my answers or anyones for that matter are criticism which is all too common in a world full of wet wipes nowadays,they are not. They are just tips and advice from different perspectives and the hope is,there may be something relevant for you to take away and unlock a piece of the puzzle. Of course,there may be nothing relevant to you at all.


Posted by: @oneum

and since it worked once I wanted to try and emulate everything I did in that first successful session in the next just to really try and pinpoint if it I had made it over that hump towards re-wiring or not or if I just happened to get lucky.

Sessions always vary in either small ways or big ways. Trying to recreate sessions can have the opposite effect. Just go into each session with and open mind,and a ‘let’s see what’s in store today’ attitude. Things will come good as experience grows.

Posted by: @oneum

I let things begin as they had the last two sessions, but when the quakes began I decided to try and feed into them with manual contractions. Not forcing it the way I did in the very beginning or expecting that that would somehow put me over the edge, but trying to use those to enhance what my body was doing on its own. It made for an interesting session, but ultimately did not result in much so I've confirmed that manually trying to control the massager just doesn't work for me.

I forgot this the first time around. Quakes are driven by involuntaries. Ride them for as long as you can. Invols do wane in time,and we’ll timed manual contractions can restart them,so don’t throw manual control contractions out of the tool box just yet. 



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Just thought I'd provide an update since my last post. Since the last time I've had 3 or 4 sessions (sadly my schedule has not permitted more), and things continue to progress. My last two sessions each went over 2 hours which seemed unfathomable to me not that long ago. Two sessions ago I had what I think was my most powerful Super-O yet. That was also the first session where I had tried switching to a different massager mid session just as a change of pace. I started with the Helix Syn which has been the most consistent for me thus far and got things off to a good start. Then I switched to the Peridise which I've been getting very good results with, then finished off with the Eupho. I was a bit nervous to try switching since in the past if I got up mid session to do anything it was pretty much a session killer, but in this instance as soon as I'd popped the Peridise in I was getting contractions and my legs got weak and it took everything I had to get from the bathroom back to my bed to continue the session. I think it was with the Peridise where I got that strong Super-O (I can't be sure since it was all a bit of a blur). What made this one seem different his how I could feel it building not so much in my prostate but in my anus. It just built and built until it exploded through me. I did find it a bit odd that it seemed to originate from my anus and not so much the prostate area, but I certainly wasn't going to complain.

That session was also the closest I felt to having an HFWO, but it never quite got to that point. I think more of that may be as my body quakes my penis just tends to do its own thing and ends up rubbing on my thighs which unfortunately can also be very distracting. I tried wearing a jock strap as I've seen suggested in other posts, but I found it just made things worse because my penis would just rub on the inside of that. I did find later in that session and my most recent that if I just hold the base of my penis so I'm not really touching the really sensitive parts that it does help keep it from flopping around and keeps me more focused, and in a couple cases grabbing the base actually seemed to kick things up a little more rather than detract, so for the time being I think I may use that approach.

As for my most recent session there wasn't much to report from that. I also tried switching models throughout the session, but in addition to using the same three as the previous one I also tried using the Progasm. Unfortunately that part of the session was a bit of a dud. I could feel things starting to build with it, but I find the tabs to dig in too uncomfortably. If it's not the P-Tab it's the K-Tab as it was in this session. It makes me wish there were a syn version of the Progasm, because I do tend to find that for me the syn models are more comfortable, and perhaps having softer tabs would take care of that problem.

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Posted by: @oneum

I did find it a bit odd that it seemed to originate from my anus and not so much the prostate area, but I certainly wasn't going to complain.

I've found this too.  Isn't it a kick?  Try not to overthink it, as I might, and just enjoy it, as I do.  Of the manifold delights of Aneros has been, my truth as a male is most certainly not as simplistic as humorously depicted in the attached jpeg.

That session was also the closest I felt to having an HFWO, but it never quite got to that point.

Not that you are making HFWO a goal, but it doesn't have to be a goal.  Whether or not "prostate orgasms" and "anal orgasms" are really different things or not (at the brain-level?), that sort of pleasure is what you and I might best reach for here in our early Aneros careers, and not so much be bothered whether we can attain HFWO.  There is so much pleasure to be had without HFWO.

(...) if I just hold the base of my penis so I'm not really touching the really sensitive parts that it does help keep it from flopping around and keeps me more focused (...)

Agreed.  It can be distracting, so it warrants adjusting one's shirt if it makes contact or doing as you suggested above.

That was also the first session where I had tried switching to a different massager mid session just as a change of pace.

Not something I have explored much, but I might as well!  Smoke 'em if you've got 'em : )

... I find the tabs to dig in too uncomfortably...

The Progasm design was modified in 2021 I believe, so the revision might be physically felt differently for you if experienced now?  I have a Progasm Ice on order myself now.

sadly my schedule has not permitted more

Yet, solid exploration, good man.  Bodily and mental eagerness and time to do it, and quality, not quantity.  For me I've found say 30 minute sessions satisfying so longer isn't always greater for me, although I have clocked in well over an hour before as well.  I'd say it's good to have flexibility and it is yet another sign of yielding to your body and the greater pleasure that can result when you do so.  I am happy to read of your update and terrific progress.

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Greetings Helical. Agreed regarding the sensations seeming to radiate out more from the anus than the prostate. It's crazy how we focus on stimulating the prostate, and yet can still get hit by this extreme wave of pleasure coming from somewhere else. As you mentioned later on in your reply regarding "anal orgasms" vs. "prostate orgasms" that particular orgasm made me wonder whether they are all that different or in fact the same. I'm sure someone much smarter and more experienced than me has the answers to that, and at some point I'll dive down that rabbit hole to learn more. For now though I'll just try not to overthink it and take the enjoyment regardless of where it comes from.

You are correct that HFWO is not my goal, but I've also always been curious about what exactly that would feel like compared to a normal masturbatory orgasm. The idea of reaching ejaculation without ever touching myself is very interesting and exciting to me. It's not something I would try for intentionally during a session, but I would not complain if it were to take that unexpected turn either as long as it didn't become a regular thing. Oddly enough, early on in my journey before I really took the time to read over all the information available here I actually thought HFWO was in fact the end result of a prostate orgasm, but one that somehow still didn't incur the refractory period. And given that I was unfortunately not blessed with incredible stamina in the bedroom I thought that prostate orgasms would come to me relatively easily. Boy how foolish I was back then, and what a long way I've come. That just goes to show, always read the instructions folks.

I bought my Progasm a few years ago, so I must have the older design. I may browse some of the forum threads regarding modifications to see if I can find anything that might alleviate that comfort issue with that model because I would certainly like to be able to include it with my normal arsenal, especially as a change of pace from the smaller more mobile models when the mood arises.

Aside from those last two longer sessions mine also normally last anywhere from 30-60 minutes. I think the only reason those two sessions went as long as they did was because of switching to different models during the session. It almost ended up feeling like each was its own distinct session, each landing somewhere in that normal 30-60 minute window. I think I'll continue to explore longer versus shorter sessions just to see how things progress if I were to for example focus on more shorter sessions in a week or one or two longer sessions, and then also see how that may impact sessions after those particular ones. Variety is the spice of life after all, is it not?


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Posted by: @oneum

The idea of reaching ejaculation without ever touching myself is very interesting and exciting to me.

Greetings, @oneum.  That bug had bit me too: Can you HFWO from Aneros or Aless?  I had tried what I'll call @Helghast 's "one-two, pump-eroo" in there, and you can see various members' replies.

Boy how foolish I was back then, and what a long way I've come.

Your "foolish" is my "underinformed". There's so much we get to smash through, here.  Instructions / the body-of-work on this site, even if exhaustively read, only get us so far without practice.  Happy exploring, with variety.

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Thanks for linking to that thread. I think I may have stumbled upon that one sometime in my past exploration of the forum, but I don't know that I ever read it fully. I took the time today to read through the whole thing and it definitely gave me some ideas if I decide I want an HFWO to be an end goal for a session, or at the very least maybe a few new techniques to try just to see what sort of response I get. Probably won't get to try it out for a few days, but I'll definitely be looking forward to it. Heck, just giving that technique a quick test Aless to make sure I could pinpoint the correct muscle groups stirred up some good sensations, so I'm excited to see what adding an Aneros to the mix will do.

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