I've been a lurker for some time. That being said, this forum has been instrumental in my journey.
Yesterday, I was having a terrific session when I noticed more involuntary movement with the Aneros and throughout my pelvic area. Everything seemed so much more pleasurable almost to the point of being "too much". I had a "warm" feeling that I've had before, throughout my pelvic area but stronger, the feeling started covering my whole body. My heart rate increased and I kept up with my breathing. I knew something was coming... This thought came into my head "if i want and orgasm, act like I'm having an orgasm" so I started moaning passionately, and waited for the unknown. In this journey I've learned to be patient and just enjoy whatever is happening. Then like a slow wave crashing on me, my whole body is in the sweetest powerful pulsing pleasure. Imagine 100x penile orgasm, mentally and physically from head to toe lasting 10 minutes or more (I lost track of time). During, it felt like my penis was rock hard and profusely ejaculating, there was only some pre-cum.
A quick outline of my progress:
Early 50's, straight. No prior anal experience.
Somewhere I read about MMO and prostate orgasm. Then found Aneros.
Got the Helix Syn, May of this year.
It took a while to understand my anus and this whole thing. I did 2-3 session per week. In the beginning I felt nothing, I kept trying and trying and trying, and reading forum posts.
Then I thought the Helix Syn was wrong for me so I bought one of each model. I kept trying.
The Progasm Jr with it's P tab was a breakthrough. Perhaps I'm different, the more pronounced P tab hit the spot perfectly!!
Experimented, I found the "Do Nothing" approach worked best. Just be aroused, relaxed and patient.
Then I found I could jump-start the movement of the other models by applying some pressure with my fingers.
I continued my 2-3 sessions every week, it was getting better all the time!! All the Aneros models now worked! I could feel how different each model worked on my prostate. My favorites: Progasm, Eupho and Helix.
Around 4 weeks ago, I found that I could do a session without Aneros! In fact, my prostate was constantly tempting me, always! All I need to do is be calm and and I can have orgasms. A couple weeks ago on a flight, I orgasmed the the duration of the flight!
Yesterday's super O was an order of magnitude better than anything else!!
Just reading this forum, writing this post or just thinking about a session is enough to arouse for another session. I'm having chairgasms as I write this.
Some side affects:
I'm eating better, especially more fiber!
I suffered from ED, no more! Before sex with my wife I go to the bathroom, stimulate my nipples and it makes me hard and horny!
Plus, a traditional orgasm now kick off loads of other small orgasms in the afterglow.
Welcome and congratulations.
This thought came into my head "if i want and orgasm, act like I'm having an orgasm"
This is so bizarrely true. I've had moments where I've realized the orgasm is already here, I just need to step into it, instead of waiting to be pushed in by some unknown external force. The line between orgasming and not can be so incredibly thin. The experience of being able to reach out and touch an orgasm that's right in front of me was so unexpected. It's beyond just being passive.
During, it felt like my penis was rock hard and profusely ejaculating
That's my holy grail right there. Unfortunately my penis doesn't like to join the party, even though pretty much everything else does. I seem to be mostly stuck in "calm seas" land.
Is there any contraction or held tension you're doing there, or does it just kick-in from a state of complete relaxation? Does it start slow/weak and ramp up? Or does it happen suddenly? Still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
@Moonbounce, I, too, welcome you to the Aneros Forum and offer Congratulations on entering the Super-O zone , good for you!
That's my holy grail right there. Unfortunately my penis doesn't like to join the party, even though pretty much everything else does. I seem to be mostly stuck in "calm seas" land. ...Still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
I'm a little surprised by this statement from you, you're an experienced veteran with many orgasms under your belt (pun intended), This is either a 'higher order gripe' or the revelation of an unmet expectation. I get the feeling you are doing nothing wrong in your practice since you are having "calm seas" orgasms. Perhaps it is time to accept this as your body's natural response rather than chasing some other experience which may never occur. That doesn't mean you should abandon trying adventurous new techniques but rather to accept as natural and normal the response your body provides, this too is part of the journey.
If this is just a 'higher order gripe' then, as the song goes https://vimeo.com/152278882 "Get over it..."
Good Vibes to You !
Congrads man, you crossed over!!
The world looks a whole lot different now doesn't it?
Perhaps it is time to accept this as your body's natural response rather than chasing some other experience which may never occur.
I've experienced so many completely different kinds of orgasm that I don't accept my body has just one natural and inevitable response. And I've broken new ground so many times that I don't write things off as something that might never occur.
I've had one or two ejaculation spasms in the past, that occurred in my penis/perineum, they were awesome and I'd like to explore more of them.
My sessions can be influenced by different kinds of visualization, shifting sensation awareness in different ways. Like the other night, I was moving the orgasm from the front of my brain towards the back of my skull... and when it got there, it shot down my spine. And I could do that over and over again. That wasn't my body doing its own thing, I was driving that. I've also had it ping-pong back and forth rapidly, alternating between shooting sensation down the front and back of my body. You could argue that that's where the energy wanted to go in the first place, and I was just getting out of its way. But I find the distinction immaterial, when I have to intervene either way. I'm working with what I have, and for better or worse, that involves a certain amount of abstract direction and wordless intent. Maybe that's just my path, and I have to hand-hold and reassure myself through it. Sometimes walking in front of the orgasm and opening doors for it. Doors that my subconscious prefers to keep shut, and sensations my body recoils from. I've had to tell myself "This is ok, we want this" during some build-ups... so I've got some issues I'm working against. Some rooms in the mansion are still locked, and part of the fun is exploration.
This isn't a "How many contractions should I do?" question... though I admit I could have worded it better.
Thanks for sharing. I NEVER tire of reading these breakthrough posts (some day I'll get to write one).
"Then like a slow wave crashing on me, my whole body is in the sweetest powerful pulsing pleasure. Imagine 100x penile orgasm, mentally and physically from head to toe lasting 10 minutes or more (I lost track of time). During, it felt like my penis was rock hard and profusely ejaculating, there was only some pre-cum"
This is my unicorn... My penis will get rock hard (within the first 20 minutes), I feel like I'm maybe 2 or 3 minutes away from a traditional orgasm and then..... nothing... At the height of the session it stops, I go limp, and don't really seem to reach that point again.
That sounds like an awesome experience congratulations bro!
Congrats on the next step in your journey!
Is there any contraction or held tension you're doing there, or does it just kick-in from a state of complete relaxation?
@Clenchy I'm not intentionally doing a contraction or holding tension in an Aneros session. It was not from relaxation, my heart rate increased and I kept up with my breathing. Valley/belly breathing has worked for me better than contractions.
Does it start slow/weak and ramp up? Or does it happen suddenly?
A slow strong ramp up, then became a strong orgasm. Patience works so well, it feels like my body want to provide the pleasure, just wait for it.
The line between orgasming and not can be so incredibly thin.
@The_Bishop yes, the world is different! Being able to do this changes the way I feel in almost every moment every day!
Last night, I was able to have another Super O, this time A-less! Even last night, I almost gave up, I decided to wait, it was maybe 10-15 minutes and this time it come on strong.
A similar path hear - it never stops getting better. Easy pwaves with no insertion at all. Even better, at the moment, I lie typing with a silicone but plug pulsing in and out, with a previously unreached higher level of tingling and spasm. As before, my toes and legs wash with waves of excitement. My groin groans from side to side. And now, I can even invite my fingers, arms and pecs into the act.
It keeps getting better. I feel a constant orgasm almost every moment I'm awake. The only exception is when I'm concentrating on something or doing something physical.
For weeks now, I wake up having an orgasm and fall asleep the same way.
This morning I woke up at 5am and stayed in bed for an hour experiencing multiple full body orgasms.
I never dreamed this could be possible!
@Moonbounce, Congratulations on your first Super-O, and conquering ED, without a doctors prescription.
Aneros certainly does not practice Age Discrimination, thankfully, for us wisdom seekers.
Clenchy, Your statement, "Unfortunately my penis doesn't like to join the party, even though pretty much everything else does" rings true with me also. I believe that was part of some of our rewiring, and I actually enjoy the "everything else" more, now. I don't have to worry about premature ejaculations that instantly ruin my journey into prolonged bliss.