About shipping meth...
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About shipping method

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I'm Moteki.

I post here, because there is no reply from support email.

I ordered Aneros that will deliver to Japan I live in.
When ordering, I choose a shipping method "International Global Express ($29.95)".

And then, I recieved email.
Contents are,
>Your order: XXXXX
>Your order #XXXXX has shipped and the tracking information is below. Thank you for your business!
>Shipped on 11/19/2012 using USPS International First: XXXXXXXXXXXXX

XXXX(13 digits) is linked to USPS web site.
I clicked that link.
Viewed this,
>Service: First-Class Mail International

fmm, I searched USPS's service.
First-Class Mail International
Price for this service is $0.85 and from.
I paid $29.95 😉
$29.95 service is "Express Mail International", I thought.

I wonder that "International Global Express" and "First-Class Mail International" are same services? (I can't think so that.)

How can I do for this question (or problem)?
I have not yet received luggage and not got reply from support email...


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Today is "Thanksgiving" in the US, and most people in the US are away from work and spending time with their families, that may explain why you have not received a reply today.

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