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A Question: PC Strength

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First off, I should say that I haven't yet purchased an Aneros. I've planned to, and after reading these boards and trying experiments myself, I have a question. But first, some background.

I started experimenting with anal stimulation a few years ago. After a couple of months of fair-to-moderate anal play (usually prostate-stimulation oriented), I noticed that my once fairly strong pc muscle was significantly weaker than before I began all the experimentation. Sure enough, I had a harder time holding urine, getting a response from the muscle, or holding any sustained contractions. Needless to say, I put a big slowdown on the anal stuff and only implemented it once every couple of months or so. Nevertheless, it did nothing to correct what I genuinely feel was a loss in strength in the pc area.

Which brings me to the point. After checking out these boards, which I must say are highly informational, and reading b mayfields posts in particular, I decided to do a sort of trial run on this whole orgasm-without-ejaculation hoopla. Well, I gotta say I picked up on it pretty damn quick. I got the autonomic twitching after about 10 minutes, with slow, steady contractions. Building this up, I eventually began to feel the coveted "vibrating butterflies in the abdomen" sensation and realized the stronger and more sustained I tried to hold a pc contraction, the more pronounced the sensation. Sadly, I could not sustain the contraction long enough to "go over the cliff". I tried this several times over, all building to the warm vibrating sensation in the pelvic area, and all leaving me frustrated with the possibility that not being physically able to hold a pc contraction for very long has impaired my ability to completely achieve the so-called "Super O". Could this very well pose a problem?

Which, again, brings on another question. With the Aneros (I used a standard anal device for the experiment), is this all moot point? Having read that the Aneros basically feeds off your body's reactions, and vice-versa, does it basically turn you into one sustaining circuit that, once activated, runs on itself by triggering involuntary spasms that take you over the edge? Does the abutment tab, which I was without, increase any of these strengths or activate pc involuntaries that do not need to rely on physical strength.

All pressing issues, to me at least, but any help or answers would be most appreciated.

B Mayfield
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To answer your last questions first, yes, yes and yes (in that order) ! In short the Aneros functions precisely as you've stated. With regard to your concerns about a decrease in PC strength with the Aneros, it's exactly the opposite, the Aneros can actually increase PC muscle tone. I don't know what items you have used in conjunction with anal stimulation, but I know from my own experience that large objects can often cause problems. On occasions I have used and enjoyed butt plugs, but noticed that the larger variety definitely had this effect.

Not to worry, the Aneros is smaller (in girth) than most butt plugs (or dildos), and as a matter of fact is only an inch at the widest part and tapers quickly to about 3/8" at the point when it's fully inserted. Since you will be keeping it fully inserted for most of the time you're using the Aneros, there is little concern of "stretching" of any sort. You should also know that a properly employed Aneros is less about "heavy lifting" ( hard/intense contractions) than it is about subtle sustained lower level contractions shaped by mental focus.

I strongly recommend that you give the Aneros a try. The sensations that you've experienced up to this point are extremely encouraging! With the Aneros, and some experimentation on your part I'm pretty confident that you'll experience the Super O too.


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Well it wasn't so much a concern of the Aneros causing a weaker pc so much as concern that it may not function correctly with my already-weak pc (this board could really use some italics or bolds options to emphasise things). I believe that my previous anal experience (which is now some 2 years ago) had very significantly weakened my pc, permanently. I could instantly tell. And it wasn't that I was doing anything rigorous or excessive (I've never used an anal device over 2" in girth). It's like the muscles response to my contraction of it was rewired, and now I can't sustain a pc contraction for more than a couple of seconds at a time before it just gives out. It's because of this that I'm concerned the Aneros won't work if I don't have the pc strength to activate it (and why I'm hesitant on spending a good chunk of change on something I'm not sure will even work under my certain circumstances). I did, however, do another sort of trial run with breathing and contractions (this time without ANY sort of device or external stimulation, as I've read some people are capable of them without anything), and lo and behold, I got just as positive responses as I did before. And yeah, once again, I got extremely close to the big one, but my weak pc kept giving out and killing the buildup. I feel I'm half blessed, half cursed here, and would love to hear that I'm worrying over nothing (as is my nature), and the Aneros will solve all of these problems. Pretty please?

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Good lord... strike that last post.

After posting, vigilant as ever, I once again tried these exercises using nothing but my mind and.. words can't describe, that's for sure. After a little variation on contractions and switching up the routine a bit, my entire pelvic region became warm and suddenly my whole body goes numb as I felt as if it were being lifted up. I swear, this opens the endorphine floodgates wide. Is this the Super O?? If anything gets any more intense than what I just experienced, it'd probably kill me. I'd like to extend my deepest gratitudes to b mayfield and his extremely informative posts. READ THESE THINGS, FOLKS. You won't regret it.

Since the Aneros hasn't fit in this equation at all yet, this all may be a bit off topic... but at this point, after only 2 days of experimentation without anything and most likely already achieving the "holy grail", do I even need it, or would I benefit or gain even more from it in any way?

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Sounds like the Super O to me!! Congratulations! I hadn't had an opportunity to comment on your previous post, but what I was going to tell you or reiterate really, is that it doesn't take much of a contraction to get this process going. Contraction is only a part of the equation. But then I guess you learned this for yourself! My posting "IS THE ANEROS THE ONLY WAY TO FLY?" in the "Keys to the Backdoor ...REVISITED" thread, spells this out in some detail.

Indeed it is possible to have "non-ejaculatory" orgasms without the Aneros. (Jack Johnson's www.multiples.com is testimony to that.) But not for everyone, and certainly not for most without a great deal of practice. I found that the Aneros works almost like a triggering mechanism. The neural feedback loop that it creates, "jump starts" the process when utilized correctly. As I have discussed before, at this point I am "Super orgasmic" with or without the Aneros. I would have to admit however, that my orgasms have been more intense and certainly more plentiful with the device than without it. But it's a variety thing for me as well. I LIKE IT ALL!

You are certainly ahead of the curve. It's so terrific that you're so in touch with your body. It's an empowering thing isn't it? Knowing that you can give yourself this kind of pleasure!! So, do you need the Aneros at this point? My sense is that it would could only add to the experience for you, but that's your choice. Perhaps you just want to experiment on your own for a while. If you do get one though (and I hope that you do),...please be sure to post about your experiences. I am very curious to see how things develop for you.

Good luck and have fun!!

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After a couple more sessions, I'm convinced on a purchase. If these things are this intense without anything, the mind reels at how it is with direct prostate stimulation. Hell, I'm almost afraid.

Which brings me to another question: Can inducing these non-ejaculatory orgasms be harmful?

Not in the physical sense, but neurological? I've noticed that after a session (which I've only had a few more of, but am now able to induce a Super O in 10 minutes flat), you can still feel the after-effects much much later. The nervous system seems to almost be on standby, just waiting to go haywire again. I've noticed my chest seems heavier (a stronger or increased heart-rate?), and I feel like I've been exercising... and that was from a session 12 hours ago. I'm also getting the feeling that it increases sensitivity in the entire body. I had a couple of drinks later that day and noticed their effect on me was faster and much more pronounced than I'm familiar with... which brings on yet another question.

Is there any kind of official medical documentation on exactly what these non-ejaculatory orgasms are, and how they affect the nervous system? It seems like something this monumental in male sexuality wouldn't have just fallen under the biological radar for so many years. I'd be really interested in finding out just what exactly happens, physically, when you bring one of these things on yourself. My suspicions are that it may be likened somewhat to the process of getting an erection, ie; bloodflow is exponentially increased throughout the body at such an accelerated rate that it's like a heavily-magnified aerobic "headrush", but for the entire body (not to mention being able to sustain it for as long as you can handle it). Anyone?

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It's a deja vu for me reading your comments about the aftermath of a Super O. Let me guess....it's almost as if your body is still primed and ready to go, and all you would have to do is to START THINKING ABOUT IT to start the process once more! At first it was somewhat disconcerting for me as well, but what I learned is that this is the body's secondary response to the enormous endorphin cascade that is a Super O. You might think of it as a "side-effect" but it's more than that, afterall, your body has just found a new and very intense way to pleasure itself. Is there some rewiring going on...undoubtedly, as there is with all learning, (but learning's never felt this good before has it?!!!) In my own case the next day, I remember thinking that my body felt as if was continually anticipating another orgasm. It was almost as if it was saying to me "..are ya going again...are ya...are ya...!!" Not to be silly, but...I think you know what I mean.

At this point it might feel a little "out of control" for you, but this will change. As your body becomes more accustomed to the experience, you'll find yourself settling down a little more the day after. (Admittedly, it took me several weeks). With regard to physiological changes of a negative kind, I haven't found any, and I don't believe that they exist. This is a natural process, one of mind and body operating in true harmony.

Yes, it is strange that this phenomena has been so overlooked by Western cultures, but it has been well known and documented in Eastern cultures for centuries. In particular in the Tantric tradition. It has been suggested to me that this may be known within Tantra as "Awakening the Kundalini". I am still doing research of my own to confirm this. So why is there this disconnect between East and West on this? My guess is that Western culture tends to be rather restricted on the subject of male sexuality i.e., what is it to be male. Sensual/sexual exploration such as that involved in generating these kinds of orgasms is generally discouraged. I've long alleged that it is the programming that we as males have about how we pleasure ourselves (the penile centered approach), that is the single biggest stumbling block to becoming "Super Orgasmic".

I hope you'll forgive the expression but, this is a "life-changing" thing. Even after one experiences several of these orgasms it takes some time to put it all into context for yourself. Have I had the yearning to run off to an Ashram somewhere? Not yet! For me, it's just made me want to share the experience with others as much as possible (to wit, my participation in this forum). Altruism on my part? Partly, but just as importantly, it's been a need for affirmation of the phenomena.

In that regard you have been tremendously helpful to me. I thank you!

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Alright, the time has come to bite the bullet and buy one of these... and of course, I have some questions regarding different versions.

I've noticed that the company which distributes it has set up another site, High Island Health, which bills the Aneros as the Pro-State, most likely to play it up as a tool to increase prostate health. I've read that the MGX (or the PS New) has undergone some changes and is now seems to simply be a larger version of the SGX (PS 2) with a fixed abutment tab. So, my question is; is the PS New on the HIH site the old or new version of the MGX? The image on that site does seem to differ a bit from the one on here, but it may be due to just poor updating (it does state it has a fixed abutment tab). I can't seem to get a response from either companies email. Also, as a first timer who's slightly experienced with the sensations the Aneros is built to focus on, which of the three would be right for me? If all of this has been addressed elsewhere in detail, forgive me. It's quite late.

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So you've decided to take the plunge! Terrific. As you've surmised there are two sites going that sell these products. Same company, different marketing. However, as you've observed the HIH site is still selling the old style or MGX classic whereas the the Aneros site is selling the new redesigned MGX. For the individual who is interested in using something right out of the box, the new MGX is the product of choice. The old style unit had problems with an abutment tab that was too long, so it engaged too high on the perineum missing (in most individuals) the perineal neural plexus ("sweet spot"). This issue was addressed with new MGX which has a shorter, tighter abutment tab that affords optimum perineal contact. The MGX classic is still a preference for some (it holds a slight edge for me also) but it REQUIRES work to make the abutment tab functional, ie. a heat gun, time, etc. The SGX is a substantially different model which is smaller in the body, yielding less direct prostate contact with some individuals.


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Well, I've now had the MGX for about 2 weeks and thought I'd share on how I'm coming along, so to speak. First off, I must say that although I had stated I could easily induce Super Os after a little practice, I believe I may have been a bit hasty in my assumptions of just what exactly a Super O is. After a few sessions with the Aneros, I experienced what I now know is the REAL Super O. Make no mistake, I can get excrutiatingly close without anything at all... but what I was experiencing before was more like hovering on the edge of the Super O, dancing around the cliff for about thirty seconds without ever really going over. Very pleasurable, yes, but not nearly as much as the real deal.

My first couple of sessions were fairly exciting, getting used to all the new sensations going on. The Aneros really does hit the prostate just right and is quite pleasurable on its own, though it does give me a frenzied urge to urinate at first. As I had guessed to myself before, my "sweet-spot" was easily engaged by the abutment tab, so I have no real problems there. During these sessions, in which I was pressed for time, I had no Super O but finished to a traditional orgasm, which was definitely new and improved with the aid of the Aneros. The following two sessions were much more thought-out, and while the first was intense enough in its own right, the second yielded the Super O that had me convinced.

I won't go into explicits about the sessions, but I will bring up a couple of things. First, I know abdominal/rectal contractions play a big part in generating the Super O, but I feel that doing these contractions heavily and sustaining them for long periods could lead to asphyxiation/cerebral anoxia. Keeping these contractions in check is proving to be the most difficult aspect of my sessions at this point. Also, during some intense sensation-building moments, I've had a couple instances of the Aneros being pushed completely out by the force. Not exactly big problems if you know what you're doing, but I felt the need to address them anyway.

I've also noticed that, contrary to popular opinion, penile stimulation actually helped me during the Super O. The key, as I believe BMayfield has stated before, isn't keeping away from the penis at all times, but rather keeping the ejaculatory routine at bay when engaging in penile stimulation. I've found that when I use loose strokes (or, forgive the term, lazy masturbation) the penis almost becomes a conductor to the sensations building within. I know this isn't the case for many, but out-thinking the standard jerk-contract-jerk-contract-ejaculation cycle while engaging the penis may help out people unable to achieve the Super O otherwise. Keep in mind, though, I'm a newbie at best when it comes to this, so feel free to debunk any and all theories until I have a few more Super Os under my belt.

Now having experienced it in full form, I'll surely be paying more attention during my next few sessions, as I feel that I have quite a bit of learning to do before I can trigger these things at will. As of now, during these early stages of use and familiarity, it's total and utter chaos down there. Trying to make sense of what does what and maintaining the delicate balance of anal, pc, rectal, and abdominal contractions can be a bit like trying to read a book in a foreign language. But hey, half the fun is the discovery. I'm already fascinated by the human body and it's workings, so this learning experience is nothing but enjoyment for me.

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Anoxia is NOT and should never be a part of any Aneros session. I realize now that in a different thread, I had suggested holding your breath (in combination with some other techniques) for 30 - 40 seconds. Be aware THIS WAS A TYPO, it should have read 3 TO 4 SECONDS. Coincidentally, I had been thinking of giving some timing to the contractions themselves, for example 30 seconds or so for a rectal contraction, but then decided against being so specific. My concept of holding a breath, was simply as a pause in some of the focused vibratory breathing, not an attempt to become light-headed. During such a pause one is able to stop and take stock, and drink up some of the sensations that you would have been working on generating. I am sorry for this mistake and I will be contacting the webmaster to correct this. If my comments led you to feel any discomfort, again I apologize. In the future I will be more careful in reviewing them, prior to posting. If however, the problem had arisen out of the way that you were contracting, then you must seriously reconsider your technique. Be aware that the magnitude and frequency of contractions required to produce a Super O shouldn't, in and of themselves, create this problem. To be clear, besides being dangerous, anoxia WILL NOT get one closer to a Super O. Bearing down with hard contractions and holding your breath should NEVER be a course of action. Generally speaking, less is more tends to be a better approach. Work from a place of subtle contractions, (perhaps punctuated by some stronger ones) used in a focused way with rhythmic breathing. Using visualization can also be a very powerful tool, not only because it can lead to more arousal but because it can actuate involuntary physical responses as well.

Remember that the SUPER O IS ABOUT TUNING IN.... NOT TUNING OUT! I've discussed being rested and aroused, being sharp and attentive to the sensations that you can create through mental focus and contractions. I''ve also discouraged the use of alcohol or other substances that can mitigate and dull sensation. Again, this is a natural process, one of true harmony.

With regard to your observations about penile contact and the Super O, yes it certainly can be done, and yes I have strongly discouraged most newbies from proceeding in this direction. The reason for this is that engaging in penile contact tends to lead a person down the path toward a traditional orgasm and very often causes them to ignore the subtler sensations that will take them to the more intense (Super O) experience. As you've indicated, one has to be careful in keeping one's focus and avoid the ejaculatory route while using the penile sensations for a different end. Again, I've done it this way myself several times now and it can be very interesting way to go. But for most, it is probably not the easiest method. Needless to say, I am delighted that it's working for you!

Regarding the chaos that's characterized your sessions up to this point; it's pretty clear, from your comments, that you've got all of this straight. Of course, as you progress this will all change. Right now your technique is probably somewhat of a scattershot approach. As time goes on, and you gain more experience, you'll find out what really works for you.

Experiment and have fun, but above all be safe.

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Don't worry, my problems didn't exactly stem from your posts somuch as me reacting to certain sensations the Aneros was building (Besides, I knew I'd probably pass out long before 40 seconds). Once a non-ejac orgasm begins to rise, the body seems to automatically start to tense itself. My breathing also seemed to become deep and ragged, which caused me to hold it in order to focus on other sensations. This, as I learned, isn't the way to go... especially with heavy abdominal contractions, and made me wonder if I had missed a WARNING: MAY CAUSE MINI-STROKES disclaimer.

All jokes aside, though, I can see that controlling and seperating my breathing and contracting will be the most challenging thing for me in the future.

I appreciate the comments, as always.

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It's now been almost a month since I purchased the Aneros, so I thought I'd express some of my current thoughts and questions.

After my last post, I decided to take a break from the sessions so I could gather my thoughts and figure out the sort of 'plan of attack' I should be using. After a few days, I tried my first non-aneros session since I first bought it, and was surprised to find that I was much more in-tune with the sensations than before. Manipulating the muscles and contractions came much more easily, and I felt it build to a mild orgasm fairly quickly (much more quickly than with the Aneros) . Elated at this discovery, I continued with these non-aneros sessions throughout the week and found that it became easier to induce the sensations each time. I also worked out my initial breathing problems, which were easier to overcome that I thought they would be. After a session where I gave myself two Super O's in a row, I felt it was time to reinstate the Aneros.

As soon as I introduced it, I immediately felt more comfortable (and knowledgeable) with what was going on than before. As the initial usage of the Aneros had helped me better practice without it, that very practice had come full circle to help me better use the Aneros, and so on and so on... ah, learning. Anyway, using the methods I had focused on during my earlier non-aneros sessions, it wasn't long before I felt the Super O quickly hit with much more intensity than before. Amazed, I started the more contractions once it had subsided, and it almost instantaneouly began to rise again. I think my excitement killed it, as I was more basking in the glow of my triumph rather than trying to continue. I've had three more Aneros sessions since then, each more intense than the one before, and I can finally say with absolute certainty (!) that I can induce Super O's with relative ease. As usual, though, I have more observations and questions. If anything here is merely a repeat of any of BMayfields instructions or observations (and really, with such depth, it'd be fairly hard not to be), forgive. These are merely newbie brainstorming.

First off, I've realized that my problem (like so many others, I'm sure) in the beginning was that I went into my first session(s) with the goal of acheiving a Super O. While hard to evade, this it not the course to take. It's very important (as had been stated) that the beginning be dedicated to getting yourself acquainted with the area of sensations the Aneros is meant to focus on. I had mistakenly used heavy contractions of all types in order to do this, which while letting me know my limit, really had no bearing on producing a Super O. I realize now that the Super O doesn't really happen through continuous trying so much as not having to try. The more I tried, the less likely I found it to happen. Only when I became completely familiar with the contractions and the sensations each one generated, could I really understand the nature of the orgasm.

For me, the key is capitalizing on a sensation that I was quite familiar with from normal masturbation without realizing it. Not to go into explicits, but when I masturbate normally, I tend to anally contract for a short period and then release, then contract, release (much like the contractions during normal orgasm). I've now realized that it is the 'release' contraction which is crucial to starting the Super O (for me). Focusing on this 'release' sensation, and very subtley maintaining it is what triggers the beginning of my Super O's. To give you a better idea, this contraction gives me a sort of 'bottoming-out' feeling in the abdomen. I noticed, even during my early sessions, that within the chaos of my endless contractions, there was a period between 'not-quite-relaxed' and 'not-quite-contracted' which made my body involuntarily twitch. I've now realized that this contraction, maintained, is the same 'release' contraction I had known from normal masturbation. Lightly maintaining this subtle yet sensual sensation, it will begin to grow stronger and stronger. With me, and I know this isn't the case for most, penile stimulation makes it easier and more intense. Since I've realized I used the same kind of contraction during normal masturbation (which I'm not sure if everyone does or not, as it may be why I've become such a quick learner), using the penis as a 'focus tool' has been extremely beneficial for me personally. During this buildup, I also notice a feeling of swelling or tension within the prostate, along with the onset of an erection. As it continues, the two sensations of the erection and prostate swelling overlap into one big sensation. At this point, a Super O is on the brink, and I then focus on that erectile/prostate tension, and channel my energy (or perhaps it's bloodflow) towards it with a light rectal/abdominal contraction. It is this that triggers the Super O, as the penile/prostate tension suddenly becomes steel-hard and the rectal/anal involuntaries become steady and heavy as endorphins are released and bloodflow increased. I've noticed that during this, if I contract (push) abdominally/rectally even harder, the prostate tension becomes even more intense. The last session I had, which was last night, I kept it going harder and harder, more tense until I was almost at the fainting point. Is there even a limit to how high you can push it?

All of this has sort of rekindled my interest in the human body, and as such, I'm wondering if the Super O is really that much different from the female orgasm. I know that my idea of orgasms in general certainly has changed, and I feel much more knowledgeable about human sexuality in general. Not bad for $50 bucks, I'd say.

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First, let me congratulate you once again on the magnificent results that you’re having! I also want to thank you for all of your detailed comments thus far; I know that many will benefit from them, (I know that I have). That your comments should happen to mirror my own in one aspect or another is really no accident. After all it should be expected that there are some fundamental properties that underlie the Super O phenomena. In particular, it is what I’ve been searching for in my months of participation in this forum. I encourage you and any other forum contributors to continue to report on their techniques and observations (even if they seem redundant). Establishing certain patterns will inevitably enable us to develop some true techniques that will no doubt save the aspirant Aneros newbie from a great deal of frustration. Likewise, it should be expected that there are certain areas where we differ. Perhaps some differences are attributable to variation in individual neural networking, while others may represent areas of undiscovered territory .

One thing that appears to becoming more established is the notion that non-assisted Super O experience facilitates the Aneros Super O. In my mind, there’s no doubt about it. For a long time now I’ve encouraged newbies and experienced users alike to check out Jack Johnson’s www.multiples.com. and other techniques (some discussed in this forum) which seek to generate a non-ejaculatory experience. One might consider achieving consistent Super O status, much as one would get a degree from a University. Not in the sense that it should take years to accomplish, but in the way that building the better Super O is based on a variety of smaller achievements building on one another.

Another thing that jumped out at me were your comments about the perils of trying too hard to generate a Super O. Unquestionably there are paradoxical elements (Catch 22’s) that are involved in finding your way to a Super O. The instance that you described about having difficulties when you’ve tried to make this happen is an example of this. It is the essence of the pathway to the Super O. Why is it like this? One reason, I suspect, is because that in trying (even though we’re experimenting with new techniques), we may rely on old information on how to produce an orgasm. This old information is always with us, and it’s very to hard shake. New learning is what the Super O is all about, which is one reason that I’ve maintained that eliminating expectation is so important. Expectation breeds impatience and impatience leads people to resort to using the old information once again. Conversely, if one simply focuses on new ways of generating sensation (without expectation of outcome) new learning is bound to occur. Eventually these new techniques may be combined into one’s own unique personal recipe, and at that point success at hand. As you said, “ it is only when I became familiar with the contractions and the sensations that each one generated that I could really understand the nature of the orgasm” Yes, it is so! Chances are, that once you are at that point of understanding the nature of the orgasm, you are also pretty much on “auto-pilot” when it comes to generating a Super O. That is, it just seems to happen on it’s own when you start focusing mentally on your prostate in a certain way.

Your technique of actively using penile contact in generating a Super O, is (for me), an example of what I described earlier as undiscovered territory . Based on my own learning experience, I had strongly discouraged others from using this approach, only later to find that I was able (after developing my Super O chops) to use it with great success (see my 2/22/04 post entitled Finding Your Own Rhythm…Getting Your Body in Tune, in my Keys…Revisited thread). I should mention that I still do strongly discourage people who have yet to experience a Super O, from utilizing this approach. For most (but certainly not all) it simply becomes too confusing on a sensory level and generally leads them back into the traditional pathway (old information). On a related subject, I will be posting some comments to BEE Line very shortly regarding another bit of undiscovered territory. Something you might call a SUPER T: a traditional orgasm mediated and super-charged by the Aneros.

Lastly, your comments regarding contractions, (abdominal, rectal and anal) and the sensations of swelling of the penis and prostate are at the very heart of the technique for achieving a Super O. It is the synergy of these core sensations that act harmonically within the body to yield the Super O. In so far as how far you can take it, I would discourage anybody from continuing to the point of passing out. Enjoy, but be safe!


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I've continued my usual over the past month, and have been pretty sucessful overall. That said, I have questions in regards to the orgasm itself and would love some insight or suggestions (BMayfield, I'm lookin' in your direction).

I've come to understand the Super O and it's relation to the amount of arousal much more clearly over the past month. After getting my gold star in Super O production, I've since introduced porn into the mix with great results. Usually, if I prolong a session (or pre-masturbatory foreplay, I suppose) until I can'ts stands no more, the sensations come much stronger and much more easily than if I were to jump right into a session. Positive visualization, which has been touted as a must, does indeed play a huge role in building yourself up to the big one. I find that the high arousal due to porn or what have you combined with an almost submissive mental approach to the sensations (if that makes any sense) can usually get me to the top pretty quick... which brings me to the question at hand.

I've read more than a few times, from the posters who can actually experience a Super O regularly, that they can keep it going for minutes at a time. Now, my orgasms are powerful, no doubt... but they only seem to last around 30 to 50 seconds (or, slightly longer than a normal orgasm). This 'wave after wave of constant bliss for minutes at a time' that I've read about really doesn't seem to describe exactly what I'm experiencing. My orgasms usually begin with the building of tension within the prostate. As I maintain this, the muscles begin to tense and I'll usually get an erection. I then focus on the prostate tension, building it higher until the entire area completely tenses up, with deep, slow steady involuntaries (anal/rectal, what have you) increasing bloodflow. I usually get pretty tense all over during this, it being tough not to, and I get the euphoric feeling in the back of my head. I can usually make it more tense, as I've said before, by abdominal/rectal pushing. It's amazing, no question, but again, only lasts usually for less than a minute before I either can't keep it going and give out, the anus involuntarily contracts and kills it, or it just subsides on it's own.

I guess my question is: how exactly do you maintain it for long periods once it's started? I've read a ton on how to generate one, but very little on 'ok, what next?'. Am I going about it wrong and simply in the dark on a certain technique I should be using, or are the 'sustained for minutes' testimonials simply slight exaggerations? School me.

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As always it was a pleasure to read your comments. First, regarding the duration of the individual Super O, the time frame you gave is definitely in the ballpark. In my own case they normally last from about 45 seconds to 2 minutes. Where the whole experience really takes off though, is when the orgasms come back to back, that is, waves of Super O's. When this phenomena occurs I literally segue from one orgasm to the next creating a fairly continuous experience for as much as 20 minutes in one instance (man was I exhausted after that one)! Yes, it is possible, and I have NO DOUBT, that you will find this out for yourself. In many ways your path seems so similar to my own that I'm certain that you will come to this place ultimately.

So how do you chain the Super O 's together? Part of this comes down to having more experience with it. Success begets success. The more Super O's you have, the easier it is to go to that place . Beyond that, I have found that certain positions may be more helpful than others in initiating the chain reaction. I've been particularly successful with lying on my left side, my knees drawn up slightly towards my chest. Again, visualization is another key, after the first orgasm starts to subside you want try find that deep tickling sensation that's left in the first orgasm's wake, it is always there, you just have to find it, focus on it, encourage it with breathing and contractions...tell yourself that you feel it coming. It's much like adding kindling to a small flame that was moments earlier a roaring fire, in this way you can generate another orgasm and another and so on. Eventually, with practice, you can come to a point where the many, morphs into the one. Orgasms with little or no refractory periods. Does it happen everytime like this? Not for me no....not yet that is. But I'm working on it!

Keep at it!


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Dear ASH:

Please contact us!
We would like to correspond with you directly.
Please call or email: 713-680-8840 or @aneros.com">support@aneros.com.

Thank you!

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Originally Posted By: support
Dear ASH:

Please contact us!
We would like to correspond with you directly.
Please call or email: 713-680-8840 or @aneros.com">support@aneros.com.

Thank you!

Seeing that I've never recieved a reply from any of my e-mails to that address, I'm fairly convinced that my yahoo mail may be blocked or somehow is being filtered by your server. Then again, someone could have just been asleep at the wheel at the time (personally, I recommend an instant messaging feature for the board members). Either way, I've emailed from one of my accounts per your request, but if that didn't work, you can mail me at theyliveashsleeps@yahoo.com if you like.

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It's been a while since my last post, so I figured I'd update the thread with some of my latest revelations. Though I've been having non-aneros sessions regularly, I've only used the Aneros itself once or twice within the past month. I suppose I could chalk it up to convenience, as a non-aneros session negates the lengthy preparation of a session with it, and can be done practically anywhere. Also, I'm having a bit of trouble finding an adequate lube, as KY just simply doesn't cut it for me. Yet when using something more slick, I get a bit of Aneros 'pop-out' during intense moments, which makes me wish the girth was just a wee-bit bigger. Actually, I've thought of a few more design-enhancements I would use if I were to make my own personal Aneros, but I won't get into that here. I'll admit I think I'm liking all of this a bit too much, as I can't remember the last time I had just a regular-old 'jerk' session. But hey, I'm not complaining.

But lets get back to my past-month experiences. After my last inquiry on sustaining the Super O (or rather, inducing multiples back-to-back), I went to work. One thing I think I've realized over all this time is that no matter what instructions you read or techniques you use, there will probably never be a sure-fire way to induce a Super O every time you use them. I've noticed that during my various sessions, producing a Super O has become a lot like hide and seek. Each time, a slightly different method or technique has come into play in trying to find that 'zone' to bring one forth, and is very different from the set-in-stone path to the ejaculatory orgasm. Perhaps it is because the mind plays an extremely important role in producing a Super O, as it will never be in the exact same state from session to session. As such, like I said before, it almost becomes a game of 'ok, where's the Super O at this time??', and using slightly different techniques to bring it forth than the last session. It's really a matter of you following your body rather than leading it. Once I realized this, it became easier still to induce them than before, and I soon was able to give myself the back-to-back experience I've read so much about. Granted, it was no 20 minutes of enraptured enlightenment, but I'd say a 4 minute orgasm aint so bad as opposed to the 40 second orgasms I had before.

I'd also like to mention that before this, I decided to try and wean myself off of using penile contact to facilitate a Super O. Though, unlike most, it was helpful to me in the beginning, I felt that using it was sort of 'cheating' myself into the orgasm. I suspected that letting it happen naturally, without the added penile stimulation, would not only increase my chances of bringing on back-to-back multiples but would prevent any sort of dependance on having to stimulate the penis to achieve one. It turns out I was right, and once I honed my 'skill', as it were, of inducing them with no stimulation, my orgasms became stronger. A lot stronger. They were strong before, no question, and though they were mostly prostate-centered, I still felt them vibrating through my system. As of a week ago, I tapped into something that was a lot more powerful. An orgasm that felt heart-centered. Now, I'm not sure if this is the usual for the Super O, as I haven't seen it mentioned, but it was definitely a surprise for me. It was as if my heart was having an orgasm, and it spread warmth from my chest throughout my entire body, and I can only imagine the sounds I was making. I'd like to say that I'm a natural skeptic, cynical to the bone, and have always thought of new-agey mumbo jumbo like chakras and soforth as just a lame excuse to sell books or tapes, but now I'm not so sure. Sure, finding info on it without having to wade through a sea of holistic-tofu-horoscope filled madness is nigh impossible, but I'm beginning to think that at the core of the idea, there might just be something there. Maybe not spiritual, but defenitely of body and mind.

Yeah, I know it sounds a bit hokey and I write of my experiences like Conan conquering Thulsa Doom, but what it all boils down to is that it is a journey. Reading the board lately, and I do often (even though my posts are largely infrequent... maybe I should actually start helping around here), I find it discouraging that some people are giving up after two or three sessions, or calling it a scam altogether. I'm sure that it very well may not work for everyone, and those who've tried but can't make it happen... well, at least they tried. But calling it quits because of the lack of instant success is a mistake. There is no 'one trick' to making it happen instantaneously (at least, in my experience), and asking for one is, to quote Seinfeld, like asking Pavarotti 'Teach me to sing like you'. It takes time, it takes patience, it takes a will to learn about your body, and above all else, it takes practice and exploration.

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Originally Posted By: ash
It's been a while since my last post, so I figured I'd update the thread with some of my latest revelations.

Hi Ash

I'm a newbie noob greenhorn and I'm so excited by the Aneros I could bust 🙂 Well, I'm pretty excited anyways.

My questions are:

* You mentioned figuring out how to work around the breathing issues, but never explained how you did it. Could you go into that a bit?

* Did you ever experience discomfort or soreness in the backdoor, like a feeling of prostatitis (like sitting on a hot coin) or muscle soreness? I'm a chronic prostatitis sufferer and I've got another flare-up going, not related to the Aneros but certainly not helped by using it... Hmm. What about muscle soreness, do you ever get that and (I assume) is that an indication of over-use or PC muscles being out of shape?

Thanks again!


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Originally Posted By: FleshJoe
* You mentioned figuring out how to work around the breathing issues, but never explained how you did it. Could you go into that a bit?

My main breathing problems consisted of holding my breath for an extended period while doing the 'bearning down' contraction, which I later learned through experience that not only is holding your breath for a long time not advisable, but that I was also doing the contraction much too hard. I also found that my breathing and contractions were causing a sort of 'counter-force' to each other, and essentially cancelling each other out when doing them together. To get around it, I basically had to teach myself how to keep my breathing pattern independant of the contractions. I likened it to when I learned how to play piano. The first instinct is to just bang both of your hands down at the same time. Through practice and repitition, you're eventually able to seperate the right and left hands, and operate them independantly. It's the same with breathing and contracting. I'm now able to keep a steady breathing cycle which works with and reinforces the contractions. It may sound difficult in print, but it's easy to get the hang of.

Did you ever experience discomfort or soreness in the backdoor, like a feeling of prostatitis (like sitting on a hot coin) or muscle soreness? I'm a chronic prostatitis sufferer and I've got another flare-up going, not related to the Aneros but certainly not helped by using it... Hmm. What about muscle soreness, do you ever get that and (I assume) is that an indication of over-use or PC muscles being out of shape?

I'm not sure how experienced you are with anal/prostate experimentation, as it could certainly be a bit uncomfortable for someone completely new to it. As I said early in the thread, I've dabbled in anal play for a few years, so I haven't experienced any major discomfort in regards to the anus area. Naturally, having a hour-or-more session of something constantly fluxing in and out of the rectum will leave you with some understandable soreness, but it's nothing to get worried about. Unless we're talkin' searing, unbearable pain here, in which case I'd discontinue use. It gets easier with experience. As for the prostatitis issue... the Aneros can actually be beneficial to people suffering prostate difficulty (see www.HighIslandHealth.com). If you feel it could very well be agitating it, you may be going at it a bit too vigorously. Keep it gentle in the beginning, and learn from what you're feeling. Judging from your other post regarding your sessions, I'd say you're doing very well for a beginner. A key which can't be stressed enough is relax, relax, relax. If you find your body tensing up, try to maintain a relaxed state while gently reinforcing the contractions. Keeping it low key, I think, is crucial... the body can only take the gentle teasing for so long before it just goes haywire, so stick with it.

Once again, keep in mind that I'm practically a newbie myself, as I've only been doing this for 4 months, so nothing I say at all is a set-in-stone fact. Simple observations, they are.

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Thanks for the extensive reply. I'm going to lay off the Aneros tonight (if my willpower holds, which isnt at all certain).

I just wanted to point out that during the involuntary contractions its an auto-response to the incredible pleasure that causes my muscles to lock up, not anything I do consciously. If I try to relax, I have, at least so far, also stopped the contractions.

Another point I think B Mayfield mentioned is to encourage the release part of the contraction. I find that part to be the most pleasurable of the cycle, and naturally tense up from all the exquisite stimulation. Yeah, I need to learn how to relax into those release phases, then gently rock along with the contractions. Its clear to me already that success here predicated on a gentle approach, not a forceful one. And it's an extremely useful way of thinking about the contractions as a swing that you just need to add a little push to. Amazing... More discoveries await just around the corner, I can tell.

One more reaction to your penis stimulation POV. I find that I lose my erection as soon as the anal contractions start, whether I'm touching my penis or not. I can be in the middle of an intense sweet cycle of involuntary contractions with incredible pleasure and my penis is totally floppy -- weird 🙂

That's all for tonite, I think I *am* really going to sleep and skip the Aneros tonite.


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