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Well we don't know if the sumerians did it, though there are suggestions of it... anyways, what i really want to know is WHY we orgasm, what is the need for orgasm? it only seems to serve the purpose that it creates a need and keep us reproducing.

I also wish that a super o was a natural state for all men, meaning that we all could have them no matter what.

Imagine if every man could know what a super o was like, I'm sure there would be less fighting/wars/murders, if only by the prospect of the distraction of taking years to potentially achieve one...

Why we orgasm? Why we want it?
Simple answer: feels good to touch the penis, releases dopamine. Acts like a drug, causes a habit. Related to testosterone which escalates sex-drive.

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The entire natural vs unnatural argument is based on the false idea that things are one or the other. The only way the argument could possibly have any basis is, if there is something on our planet, including humans or things made by humans that is unnatural. Impossible. If it's here, or we made it, or we do it, it's part of the system; part of nature. Just because humans create complex new things or concepts doesn't make whatever they are unnatural.

Perhaps the diametric of human-made vs already-existing-prior-to-humans would be more useful to consider. In that context, male on male sex falls into the latter category.

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Well, I see that you might have been offended by my post @euphimistic, and that is not my intention. I approach the "question" of the rectum having evolved to adapt for anal sex from a purely scientific standpoint. I weigh what is known to be fact, and so far all I can see here that pertrays gay male anal sex as "an evolutionary adaptness" is pure speculation.

Please give me some facts that show that anal sex was intended by how your body is made. Facts that I believe state that anal sex is not intended by our body;

1. Size and accomadation of penis
2. No natural lube created when aroused
3. Bacterial flora that could lead to death if outside modern society / medical help.
4. The fact that you need to have/should have a BM before doing so.
5. You don't get pregnant from anal sex.
6. Anal cavity is created for storing waste until we can dump it, extracting as much nutrients from it as possible on the way down/out.

That your experience was great, is good for you 🙂 I have no issues with others wanting this, but personally it is not something I would want to try. I hope you can respect that without portraying me like I have something against gay people, because I do not.

Now, we do also have different views on what is considered natural. And this is a different cuestion than what the rectum is meant for doing.
To me, natural is something that can happen wherever, whenever without anything unnatural. If your experience was without lube and without having to go and take a dump beforehand, then yes, to me your experience falls in that category.
My natural sex with a woman would entail no lube, she being wet by arousal and without any sex toys etc. Just purely desire and me putting my dick inside her steaming hot, slippery delishious pussy. Hell, I'd even go as far as to say that other positions than the missionary would seem "un-natural" to me. Dunno why, but old fasioned sex entailing love and being in her arms to me seems natural. The other side of natural being animalistic, still natural, but much less civil.

I just want to add one more thing.. If your conclusion here is that the rectum/body is made to accomodate anal sex, then that is great. I am hoping for some great arguments and fact. Especially since the female and male rectum are almost identical in build and response. This would mean that the female ass is also built for anal sex. So really no need for vaginal sex except for making babies. What a great form of birth control 🙂

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I am beginning to think that sex between a male and female is unnatural. Although the sex organs compliment each other they are in both cases external attachments (the body can survive without them). If sex was natural then it would be easy and happen in the course of our daily life. This does not happen. To make the female and male come together there has to be arousal and need developed to overcome the resistance. Complex mechanism come into play. Here in do all the problems arise. It is so unnatural that some US states legislate on how to do it. Religions see it as a necessary evil. Cruelty and violence abound. It is taboo in many cultures. There was a book titled "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" suggesting almost two species. In nature mechanism have happen to increase arousal and need to be satisfied. Unnatural though it is sexual reproduction is preferred as it is increases the gene mix allowing for evolution and improvement.

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I drive a 'short bus' and have learned over the past 6 years, as to "I'm right, and nobody else matters a shit", you really need to appreciate and be civil. Sometimes, while you're all looking to prove your point, the magical unicorn will walk right past you, smiling.....and you'll miss it.

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@Alex_xxx, anal sex has almost certainly been going on for millenium, or as long as men have been men. That's loooong before men began identifying themselves as "gay". So your reasons why anal intercourse is not intended by our anatomy and physiology is contradicted by the fact that anal sex exists. It's been right in front of us all along if we care to see it. And I know for a fact that you don't need lube for penetration and intercouse although that does help.

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That probably correct. But, a milennium of anal sex does not mean that the male or female rectum was created for the secondary purpose of anal sex. Does it?

I still want some physiological points that stand in favour of that possibility. And I welcome them, if there are any.

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What i don't fully understand is why the anal cavity is full of nerves, its a 'treasure trove' according to the wiki.... why? what for?

Also the lining in there is weak and can lead to disease from damage that would not otherwise be an issue with other forms of 'natural' sex. Its odd we as guys have our most intense sexual pleasure from an organ located in there as opposed to our penis' which is what is designed for sex/orgasming

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Okay, I guess I need to weigh in.

The biggest problem I see with some of the arguments here is that we're talking about what something was "created for." We were not "created." We evolved over many thousands of years, and men evolved with a major pleasure center located immediately inside the anus. So huh? And yes, a penis fits inside an anus just fine, thank you very much.

There is this attitude among some of the straight men (not all, but some) on this website that they just discovered prostate pleasure, even going so far as to claim that gay men get no pleasure from anal sex and only engage in it as a power play, glossing over the fact that gay men, or Men who have Sex with Men, have known that intense pleasure can be had from insertion into the anus for a very long time. Sorry straight boys, but gays have known about anal pleasure/stimulation far longer than Aneros have been making Progasms. And as a gay male who has been experiencing the pleasure of being inserted by a penis for many years, I can tell you that the anus/rectum, though not self-lbricating, is a perfect orifice for intense sexual pleasure, and that a penis can find and stimulate the prostate just fine.

One last thought. The penis has a dual purpose: sexual gratification/procreation and elimination of waste. So why is it so hard to fathom that the anus also has a dual purpose?

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Hey, LICNYCgay.

How about a mammal with a triple-purpose rear opening (cloaca)? Consider the Platypus. One hole is used for defecation, urination and reproduction. Oh, and one more thing, the male Platypus has a double-headed penis.



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Good point, ten-s-nut! 🙂

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BAM! I think in these last 3 posts, the argument has been won.. I don't know if Alex-xxx can present a compelling counter-argument, at this point...!

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This discussion is as fascinating as I'd hoped it would be.I agree the last 3 posts have given weight to one side of the discussion, although I think @euphemistic hit the nail on the head when he stated that anal sex has been going on long before the 'gay and straight' labels were attached to people. People were just people and sex was just sex, whether for reproduction or pleasure.

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There's one big problem with the "anus designed to be used for sex".


Yes homosexual sexual activity has been going on since the beginning of time in all species.

But anal sex requires some kind of lubrication.

Homo sapians have been around for about 200,000 years or so.

Homosexual activity almost certainly went on from the very beginning. It's perfectly natural.

But, without lubrication it would have been primarily mutual mastubation and oral sex.

Things like Olive Oil weren't "discovered" for a long time.

Yes the anus is a treasure trove of sexual pleasure, but that is just a very happy coincidence.

Yes the penis is a perfect instrument for inserting into the anus and providing pleasure but the lack of natural lubrication means that it's not "designed" or "meant" for that.

It just so happens that the genitals and anus are close together.

Does that mean anal sex is "unnatural" or "wrong"? Fuck no. The creation of lubrication and the other necessary things for anal sex comes from our natural intelligence.

There is no such thing as "unnatural" because everything we create comes from a natural process.

It seems the guys who are saying that the anus was designed for anal sex are gay and I understand the desire to try and "justify" it to a world where (unfortunately) there is a lot of anti-homosexual sentiment.

If we had evolved to have anal sex it would be self-lubricating like a vagina.

But it doesn't. Therefore its "purpose" is to remove waste.

Thank fuck human beings have created lubrication so we can enjoy the pleasure of anal stimulation though!!

There are tons of things we use that aren't "what it was orginally designed for" - the mouth is there to breath, eat and speak through.

Though we use it for oral sex.

I had a girlfriend who could get extreme sexual pleasure from rubbing the inside of her elbow (the soft crease).

Is that area "designed" for sexual pleasure? No, but if it feels good why the fuck not!!!

Let's use another example......

Chicken tastes great. We CAN eat it and it's yummy and full of nutrients.

BUT we didn't "evolve" to naturally eat chicken.

To eat chicken we have to cook it.

Prior to the invention of fire we wouldn't have been able to eat chicken.

Fire and heat is necessary to eating chicken. We didn't come equiped with the natural tools to process raw chicken.

We DID evolve to be able to eat RED MEAT and FISH.

We CAN eat both of these things completely raw and be absolutely fine.

Our digestive systems were naturally evolved to process this.

Does this mean that eating chicken is unnatural because we have to cook it?


But we cannot say we were "evolved" to eat chicken. Because if we had we would have a digestive system to process it raw.

Nature wouldn't "create" us saying - "well, they should eat chicken but I'm going to make them wait several thousands of years until they discover fire and cooking".

We aren't evolved to "fly" but as anyone who has been skydiving knows, the human being is incredibly agile in the air and our arms, legs and torsos are wonderful surfaces to control our bodies in freefall.

Basically my point is that:

1 Homosexual behaviour is natural, normal and perfectly healthy behaviour.


2. Anal sex requires lubrication for the most part and therefore was simply not physically possible for a large part of human existance until the creation of things like Olive Oil.

Prior to this discovery homosexual activity was probably mutual masturbation and oral sex.

Therefore we cannot honestly say that the anus evolved to be a sexual orifice. It's only a happy accident that the anus is next to the genitals.

Orgasm and sexual pleasure is really down to increased levels of arousal. You can increase those levels of arousal purely through your own mind.

Even if there was no prostate accessible through the male anus I daresay men would still have anal sex and still be able to have orgasms because it's arousing to be fucked in the ass (taboo, being penetrated is arousing anyway, raw attraction to the person fucking you etc.)

In the same way I'm able to have mini orgasms now just by going down on my girlfriend because I find licking her cunt very arousing and I know how to build that arousal through breathing and body movement.

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@Neros, I'm not saying that the anus was designed for sex. I'm saying that "design" is the wrong term here. Do the animals who engage in anal sex know anything about design? And yet they do it and without lube I'm guessing. It's what men do when we're horny and opportunity presents itself. Men use the anus for sex whether it's "designed" that way or not.

I've said here that I've had anal sex without lube (unless you count spit 🙂 ) but apparently nobody believes me. I even wrote a short story about it a year ago. It was my first time and I wasn't expecting anal sex so Didn't bring lube (it was outdoors in the woods in a cruising area). Have to admit lube would have been nice but I was aroused enough that it didn't matter. Why doesn't anyone believe me?

I don't want to engage in this debate about design or lube any longer. For those who want to know something about the history of homosexuality, there are books for you to read.

I'm not speaking for all gay men here. I'm trying to be honest about my experiences. Notice the resistance to listening to what gay men are saying here about our actual experience and the dismissal of that as defensiveness.

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Animals do have anal sex it seems but the animals who do that might have different sexual parts.

Remember our penises are rather large for our size and are typically dry. Only a few men produce significant volumes of precum.

Animals that have anal sex might well have smaller penis sizes than ours, larger and looser anal openings and possibly "slimy" cock

DOGS - they have VERY slimy cocks because that enables them to slide it in and out of the penis sheath when needed. Dogs don't need lube for anal sex.

I was actually going to ask you your non-lube experience but completely forgot.

I'm not dismissing it as an experience and I DO BELIEVE YOU.

Exactly how did that happen?

Was it a smaller penis?

Did you have some "leakage" from your rectum?

I think we are on the same page here mate to be honest. Design is the wrong word - the human being wasn't designed in the first place. We evolved. And its just a happy coincidence that the anus is a pleasure center.

No defensiveness whatsoever. Seriously mate I WISH i found men sexually attractive. I'd love to experience anal sex - I know how pleasurable it would be because of aneros. Alas I don't find men sexually attractive.

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@Neros, I may put the story in my blog. Look, I was not born knowing I am gay and what that means. I was raised ignorant of sex with men. I was socialized like most of us in a straight culture with straight assumptions. I had to figure out many basic things for myself whereas straight boys could take them for granted. On top of that it took me decades to come out and I missed some of the prime adolescent years for sexuality. I also did not become a stereotypical gay man. So I know what it's like being raised as straight, considering myself syraight, trying to fit in and not quite. So I think I know something of what you are going through grappling with these strange gay creatures like myself 🙂

So are you saying that some animals evolved anatomically to have anal sex? (Rhetorical question LOL)

I'm telling you this because you seem receptive to an experience different from your own even if it's hard to grasp. About my non-lubed anal sex experience, I don't know how big the guy's penis was. Seemed big at the time LOL. And I have more precum than some men. Does this really matter? It happened and happens every day. Most gay and straight men probably carry condoms now that are prelubed anyway.

All I know about sex is what I've learned from experience and imagination. I don't know much about the latest evolutionary theory although I do watch NOVA. I've worked in the medical field all my life and have degrees in respiratory therapy and sleep technology so I'm not entirely ignorant of scientific knowledge. Frankly the science doesn't interest me or inform me as much as my own experience.

All I can say is talk to your gay friends and listen to them, ask them about their experience. My dear straight friends rarely ask me about being gay even though we talk freely about a lot of things. I wish they would ask.

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BAM! I think in these last 3 posts, the argument has been won.. I don't know if Alex-xxx can present a compelling counter-argument, at this point...!

Lol, well ok then. I guess you see this as some kind of a competition.

I believe my arguments still stand. And even if a wide ass guy and a tiny hung guy would work out fine, the fact is still that anal sex could kill you if it weren't for modern antibiotics, etanol and soap.

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So I think I know something of what you are going through grappling with these strange gay creatures like myself :-)I'm telling you this because you seem receptive to an experience different from your own even if it's hard to grasp. All I can say is talk to your gay friends and listen to them, ask them about their experience. My dear straight friends rarely ask me about being gay even though we talk freely about a lot of things. I wish they would ask.

I don't mean this as an attack or anything but something I just want to point out in general.

We are both men.

The ONLY difference between us is that you are sexual attracted to men and I am sexual attracted to women.

You are not a strange creature by any means.

That's an artificial barrier.

Look I get it. Society is overwhelming hetrosexual in culture and depressingly there are parts of the world where gay people are murdered by governments and individuals because they are gay.

There's a social aspect to your upbringing that you think I don't quite get because I am straight....

BUT here's what you might not know about "straight men":

Most of us have at some point had sexual dreams/wet dreams about gay experiences. Or had fantasies about gay experiences.

Of course most of us don't admit it.

This typically happens in teenage years when your body is going through tons of hormone changes.

And we've struggled with the same "guilt", horror, shame and self loathing that gay men usually go through when struggling to come to terms with their sexuality.

The difference is we come out of it realising we are straight and understanding that sometimes you are going to have wet dreams about people you have no interest in having sex with.

Of course the process of coming out, dealing with haters etc. I cannot understand from a "gay" perspective but I can empathise because every human being understands what its like to feel the pain of being an "outsider" or fearing disapproval from those close to them.

Of course you don't know this about me but I've just had to deal with my younger brother coming to terms with his sexuality - he is straight but went through a phase where he was seriously thinking he was gay. Which for a 14 year old boy is horrifying. Which is sad but hey thats what it is.

I've spoken at length with many of my gay friends, in fact I'm subtly trying to help a very Catholic friend come out of the closet by making it very clear that its no big deal. Making progress as he hooked up with a guy at a party we were at together and knew we (my girlfriend and I) could see him.

My point is not to be confrontational with my reply, but just to point out that straight men do have a pretty good idea of what you have been through as young men (we went through it ourselves for the most part - its just the conclusion for us was straight and for you it was gay) and, hell, we are all men.

We are WAY more similar than you give yourself credit for. Don't allow the stereotypes to get in the way.

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Thanks @Neros. I've been to hundreds of men's workshops, sharing secrets and looking into each other's emotions and past hurts with men of every stripe. So I really know men very well including straight men. That's not the issue.

I felt like I had died when I realized I was gay. I never heard a straight man in all the thousands of hours of counslling them say this about their sexuality. I don't want to stereotype anyone but there are real differences. It's not just physical or sexual for some of us like me either. It's an emotional and spiritual attraction and need that I'm still trying to understand myself. So I don't expect you or other straight men to understand this part. The assumption here all along is that anal sex is merely physical sexual release and that's just not so.

If it's any consolation it's the same way for me with lesbians, I have lesbian friends but really don't get lesbianism. All I'm saying is not to minimize our real differences. They are real. We don't move forward in understanding each other that way.

As for @Bunk's original question, I'll let him decide if it's been answered here or not. It's brought up some interesting and challenging issues. When he first asked his question I had hoped more gay, bi, curious men would join the conversation since there are so many of us here but that has not happened. I'm just pointing this out and asking why.

I don't want to magnify our differences because you're right, we are all men and have so much in common. But I think our differences are important for understanding each other better. This is an issue for aneros use in general among straight men, reconciling one's sexuality as heterosexual with anal play which is considered the province of gay men by society. Im just pointing out there's a need for more processing of these old feelings. Sorry if I'm making anyone uncomfortable. These old feelings are NOT our fault. We men are all born good IMO. These feelings can be tackled. It takes some work though.

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Great post @euphimistic!
Well, that is a completely different story than how our bodies are intended to work and why. All in all, that really doesn't matter.

The emotional sides of anal play(toy or no toy) and intimacy issues are in fact a side that seem to be shared despite gender preference. I don't really know if it's more of a taboo to straight guys, but it seems so judging by this thread. Not everyone has a girlfriend that approve of aneros, or friends they can tell about it. Thankfully, we all have this forum where we can talk regardless of sexual preference.

We have common ground, and we should all remember it. Some are more sensitive to certain subjects and posts than others - I will try to keep that in mind in future threads.

This reminded me of the story of the 17th camel. 🙂

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OK, Alex, you win the free camel.


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Guys were having anal sex long before modern antibiotics. It's not a lethal activity. It's strange that you think so.

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The OP's post was:
Just thought I'd throw this one out there to see what comes back.
Having been on the receiving end of anal and prostate orgasms, thanks to aneros, I now believe that anal sex between men is a act that nature intended. All the ingredients are there. Same goes for women whereby they can have sex by rubbing their clitorises together (among other delightful-to-watch methods). These have no procreational reasons to happen, but they do. But one question springs to mind; Why then, does the rectum not self-lubricate in the same way as a vigina during arousal..?
On the face of it, a daft question. But I'm curious as to people's theories, and I know of no better place to ask than here.

The answer - reproduction or pleasure? The penis self lubricates to prepare the vagina to accept the sperm for reproduction. The anal canal does lubricate during intercourse and reacts during penetration. Unfortunately that lubrication mostly takes place outside of the the anal walls, and end up in mostly precum production. During anal sex the male does have an anal orgasm, but it is expressed through the ejaculation from the penis, not through the anal canal. I wish there were, but there is just no physical mechanism to make it happen. Instead when a man is being fucked, his anal orgasm is expressed by the sperm cumming out of the penis.

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Tell me that story @Alex_xxx. I've not heard it. And thanks.

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Tell me that story @Alex_xxx. I've not heard it. And thanks.
Here u go, enjoy! It blew my mind the first time I read it, stroke of genious. 🙂
I'll only post the link, dont want to meds up the thread with a thousand words!

Maybe it's the 18th camel. I might remember wrong, either that or both are used..

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Wonderful @Alex_xxx!

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Okay, the story is posted in my blog:

@NYCLICgay, denial is NOT just a river in Egypt 🙂 I was surprised at that too. At times I've felt like Dorothy in Oz while reading the comments in this thread 🙂

@Rusty140, I don't usually have ejaculation with anal sex when I'm the bottom unless he or I am stroking. I guess even us gays are different from each other 🙂

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@Neros, mammoth fat :))

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