Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

A-Less Cremaster..
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A-Less Cremaster..

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Hey all..So,I’ve had my first A-less super-o today,and discovered something newish.
I started off with various contractions,and quickly put together a really nice p-wave.
Something I’ve always done in A-Less is rock my hips/pelvis up and down about an inch,but as I progressed today,I started to really feel muscles working ‘from the sides’. These are cremaster right? I’ve been aware of them previously,but more in the background,today,they were the dominant force by a mile. The sphincter wasn’t having much input,slow and fairly weak contractions.
The pc was drumming really fast,like machine gun speed. But the sides were out in full force,like them frames with the balls in,where you ding one,and the middle ones stay still while the far one gets knocked out,they would finish their range of movement
with a thump.
So I got a really clear ponr,and enjoyed a really great orgasm,so much so,I forgot my nipples,so when the orgasm was going down the other side,I strummed them once more and strangely pictured a v,which kickstarted the sides into action again,and deposited me back at the ponr,and we go again,and again and again,repeated the process 6-7 times,and milked that bad boy for everything I could get before finally coming down. Does anyone else use or notice the sides as a ‘heavy hitter’ in their sessions.Ive never had them out front before. I dare say,I think thisA-Less may eclipse sessions I’ve had with toys. It was really great.

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The cremasters are those little muscles that levitate the testes for temperature control. They can be engaged by belly breathing and I suppose by can engage them by trying to pull your balls upwards. Congratulations on your first A-less super O, I would say that some of my best super's have been A-less. I think A-less will become your go to in the future.

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@brucemarkland yea,I could really feel the pleasure in my testicles,fairly new sensation for me,only had background noise there before.

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