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a fascinating novel experience

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I climbed into bed at 9pm, having selected the Eupho as my night's entertainment.

My typical routine is to run through my vast mental library of erotica until I hit on something that gets the party started.  This night I was intrigued by the involuntary muscular activity massaging the Eupho.  The motions were very subtle and soft and had compelling expertise.  I thought about how I couldn't reproduce these motions if I was in control; not with the same level of detail, ease, and elegance.  I became fixated on the idea of 'who the hell is driving this train here', how are these decisions being made?  What part of this activity is 'me'?

I've had tinnitus for as long as I can remember.  As the involuntary dance became ever-so-gradually more pronounced, I noticed that my tinnitus was synchronizing with the motions of the Eupho.  Pitch and tone were rolling, rising, falling with the Aneros like music.

After an hour of simply observing, the energy in my pelvis flowed up to my shoulders and down to my legs and the tinnitus ramped up to a shrill siren.  I got really excited and braced myself for an incoming Super O.

The energy moved so freely around my body, almost like my tissues became a superconductor and the sensations spread *outward* from my self, seemingly eighteen inches or so in all directions.  Behind closed eyes, I could see flashing white light as my body sense expanded outward.  I experienced the ovoid of space around my body as plainly as I experience my own hands.

This feeling was profoundly easy and soothing.  I set my intention to go beyond this ovoid of space, to connect my experience with everything.  I did not succeed, but the focus of trying intensified the extra-body phenomenon, and my extra-being was bathed in bliss.  i became one unitary flowing energy 'thing' and lost any sense of separate parts.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.  At 4 am I awoke with tears rolling down my cheeks, but it didn't feel like weeping.  I no longer had the ovoid sensation, but the energy was still flowing so easily and simply through my body that the tears seemed like part of a natural, cleansing, recycling process.

I am struggling to get to work this morning, as it all seems so unimportant!  If any of my fellow explorers have any insight into what I experienced I am eager to hear about it.  This is something that I wish to cultivate further.



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Posted by: @seekingpelican

I am struggling to get to work this morning, as it all seems so unimportant!  If any of my fellow explorers have any insight into what I experienced I am eager to hear about it.  This is something that I wish to cultivate further.

I don't know if I have any particular insight into what you experienced but the fact that you experienced an altered state of consciousness with an accompanying emotional energy intensity is not unique for Aneros users. In a former incarnation of this Forum there was a sub-forum titled SOS Sojourners - Beyond the physical... which had postings by members who had mysterious experiences which didn't have conventional explanations. For some users, Aneros use occasionally facilitates induction into an altered state of consciousness which yields ineffable sensations bordering on mystical. I try to avoid calling these experiences 'spiritual' for fear of being accused of promoting Aneros use as a cult. Aneros devices were labeled "...tantric training wheels..." by B_Mayfield many years ago because he and other users were reporting results which were beyond typical sensual/orgasmic sensations. Additionally, there have been posts implying or stating the awakening of Kundalini energy through Aneros use. An interesting thread to read which touches upon these ideas is -> Automatic tantra?. Sacred Spot massage may help open up choked/blocked emotional energy channels in the body, when this occurs spontaneous 'bliss tears' may appear, this may have been what happened to you.

This can all be rather 'off-putting' to those who don't believe in the esoteric concepts of chakras. kundalini and energy manipulation but recent scientific experiments have documented the ability of humans to manipulate their bodily energy to accomplish some extraordinary phenomenon (please see the recent documentary movie Superhuman: The Invisible made Visible).

The awakening of a man's prostate may open doors into new realms of experience and expand his senses in unforseen (mostly really pleasant) ways. I hope you cultivate your experiences further as well.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel  I can't thank you enough for your reply and the resources.  If nothing else, it made me feel like I'm not alone with this.  I was a bit hesitant to post what I did as I thought it came across as a little nutso.


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That was a great read and the fact that you were able to bring all those details with you from that session, and share them with us, that's marvelous! I won't add much, but do read on kundalini and kundalini awakening even if you don't believe in them, this will help you if you ever encounter similar things in your adventures. Take care! 


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Posted by: @seekingpelican

I was a bit hesitant to post what I did as I thought it came across as a little nutso.

Well... compared to the majority of men in our society, what we are doing, putting pieces of plastic up our butts, is "...nutso." But, as I have said before, I think we are the vanguard of men who are open minded enough to expand our potentiality for sensuality by shedding the taboos of traditional masculinity and donning the cloaks of body wisdom our practices bestow upon us.

Good Vibes to You!

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I also have had some level of tinnitus as long as I can remember. I notice that it gets a little louder after a session. Other than the siren in your session, have you noticed any long term change (increase/decrease) in your tinnitus from using Aneros?

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Posted by: @7sdoor


I also have had some level of tinnitus as long as I can remember. I notice that it gets a little louder after a session. Other than the siren in your session, have you noticed any long term change (increase/decrease) in your tinnitus from using Aneros?

No decrease in my tinnitus @7sdoor.

As strange as it may sound (sorry), I don't want it to go away.

In my 20s and 30s I was pretty desperate for a solution and sought a lot of medical advice.  The list of possible causes is so long that it seemed to me that *everything* was the cause of my tinnitus.

When I started taking meditation seriously I noticed that the tone and amplitude changed with the depth of my meditation.  I learned to recognize it as a subjective language and utilized the sounds as a feedback loop to guide my sessions deeper.  When using the aneros, the high-pitched squeal is always a harbinger of an orgasm (except, of course in the case of my original post, which pointed to an entirely unexpected phenomenon).

I sort of look at my tinnitus as a handy 6th sense, except that it feeds me information regarding my inner state, as opposed to the other five informing me of my outer environment.

Faith-Manages, Ggringo, rumel and 9 people reacted
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Wow...what a cool way to look at it!! Instead of some strange weird medical issue, it’s like your own super power...I love it! Maybe I need to tune into this more. Thanks for the perspective!


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