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A couple more questions...

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Ok. So, I'm back with more questions. I got my helix syn last Christmas. I used it on average...once or twice a week. And when I say "use" that's maybe not exactly accurate. Try to use I suppose is more accurate. It hasn't give me great feelings yet. I made a post that one time I was one the verge something, but then it went away (I think I got too excited).

So my questions are these:

1. If I'm doing it right should I be leaking precum? I've heard a lot of people say this is the case, but perhaps only if you're milking the prostate or applying a lot more pressure but not with the helix syn?

2. I've also heard people say "Oh you'll know it when you hit it". Well, I don't really know it. Does that mean I haven't hit it? When I have the device inserted, it doesn't give me especially good feelings. It doesn't give me bad feelings, but generally it doesn't feel like much of anything. Someone suggested perhaps I have it in too far? And maybe its not as high up as the toy is reaching?

3. I can't find my sweet spot. Believe me when I say I have read every post and every article talking about it. I've done what all the literature says to do, but I can't find any spot down there that does anything different than any other spot. And I've spent some time. Any thoughts?

4. I read a lot of articles about this stuff. Trying to learn as much as possible and figure it all out. On thing has me a little confused. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a prostate orgasm is different from a super O? Yes? A prostate orgasm is maybe stronger than a regular orgasm, but is an ejaculatory orgasm that occurs from massaging the prostate but not touching the penis? Whereas a super-o is MUCH stronger than a regular orgasm, usually involves full body feelings and is produced through relaxation and gentle pressing on the prostate? So even though aneros makes the "Vice" (the vibrating massager) that would be more to induce a prostate orgasm than a super o? Because in other threads people say "Oh don't use a vibrating one. That kills all the subtle sensations you're looking for." "Like using a chainsaw to cut butter" I believe is the phrase that was used. Because if that is the case...why make a vibrating one if that's not what you should use? Also are either of these things different from an anal orgasm and if so...what's an anal orgasm?

5. Muscle groups. I feel like the more I've been doing this the more muscle groups I'm finding as I squeeze and contract and whatnot. I'm having a hard time distinguishing one from another. I don't even know if I'm doing kegels right any more! You've got your rectal muscles, your anal muscles, your pelvic floor muscles and I don't even know what all else. How can I be sure when I do contract them while using the syn, that I'm contracting the right ones? I've understood from people the whole "just do whatever feels good" thing, but as I mentioned before...I seem to not have gotten great results that way.

6. I've read a lot about breathing but I've found it is a little vague. Breathe in short breaths like you are panting? Or breathe from your stomach and not your chest? Can someone break it down a little for me?

Sorry this is a long post.
Thanks for you help! Muchas Gracias

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I dont have many answers but I thought Id share this with you:

1. I only leak precum if I havnt had a tradtitional orgasm for about 5-6 days, and even then, only if I was using the aneros for a few days. I dont think leaking is a prerequisite, so dont worry if you dont leak.

2. I also think that hitting it isnt that obvious, at least when you first try it and you are new to it. But these days I can feel it when I instert the Helix Syn - I get this weird feeling of needing to pee. Took me a number of sessions before I could recognise that feeling, so dont be worried about it and keep trying. My first few sessions didnt really do much for me, but I think this was all part of rewiring. Others have also written about how commonly newbies tend to ask "is it too long, is the device too short" and often the answer seems to be "give it time and relax". See if that advice also helps you.

Can't really comment on the last two points - I'll let someone more experienced reply.

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Thanks for your input!

Well, I've never felt the need to pee. And Iike I said, I've done this...I don't know...50? 75 times now? So I wouldn't exactly say I'm new to it either even though I've been unsuccessful with it for the most part. I've given it a lot of time. I mean, when I have a session I usually do minimum of 1 hour, sometimes closer to 2. So I'd say I've logged 100-125 hours with this piece! As far as relaxing goes...I would definitely say I feel relaxed. The other day I fell asleep with it in and woke up early the next morning. That's the first time that's happened but I don't think I get much more relaxed than that.

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There was some stuff that @Canacan wrote that seemed to help me a lot with relaxation.

I think mucles were metioned that keep our limbs together and keep out bodies together, and these are always in tension, otherwise we would not be able to stand or sit etc.

So one thing that I tried to do after he told me this, is think about what happens to your PC mucles while you stand or sit. If you try to analyse the forces or "sense" muscle tension, you often find that even though you dont intend to, there's a small bit of tension there, very hard to spot. But its there. If you can let go of that tension, it can get you to an increased sense of relaxation.

So even while you sleep, you might think you are relaxed, but your muscles are probably still tensing in certain ways. PC mucles tensed to stop you peeing yourself while you sleep, or pooping yourself or passing gas. Or maybe stomach and abdomen muscles are slightly tensed because of the way you breathe etc.
So I think that's what it means to relax.

Regarding your sessions, do you do any of the PC muscle contractions or do you stick it in and Do Nothing?

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That's a good point about the relaxation. Because, yeah. Your muscles would be tensed while you sleep otherwise you'd wet the bed wouldn't you.

As far as sessions go, I've done both. The one time I almost felt on the verge of a super O it kind of came out of nowhere. I was reaching over to grab something off my nightstand when it hit me. I wasn't clenching of flexing or anything like that. But I have tried all manner of flexing and clenching. Hard, soft, almost imperceptible. Sometimes I feel some quivering or involuntary clenching but it's hard to tell if that's a prostate reaction or just my muscles twitching from being clenched slightly for an hour at a time.

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Caveat : While males are physiologically and functionally extremely uniform, psychological and perceptual responses to environmental stimuli are quite varied, hence the oft noted "your experience will be unique", it is one of the paradoxes of one's Aneros journey. 1. If I'm doing it right should I be leaking precum?Not necessarily, while some men do report increased precum output from Aneros use many do not, myself included. See the member's poll How much precum do you produce?2. I've also heard people say "Oh you'll know it when you hit it". Well, I don't really know it. Does that mean I haven't hit it? When I have the device inserted, it doesn't give me especially good feelings. It doesn't give me bad feelings, but generally it doesn't feel like much of anything. Someone suggested perhaps I have it in too far? And maybe its not as high up as the toy is reaching?Have you tried using different stimulation tools? e.g. a dildo? a drumstick? a G-spot wand? etc. If none of those induces a responsive sensation then you may be one those men who simply does not respond well to prostate stimulation. It is just one of those vagaries of life we have no control over. Your Aneros use may be relegated to just a healthful exercise without a great deal of pleasure but you never know if/when that situation could change as it has for a few men here.3. I can't find my sweet spot. Any thoughts?If it's any consolation to you, I can't find my sweet spot either. IMHO, this is not something to be overly concerned about, your Aneros device will still do it's job of stimulating the area whether you're aware of the spot or not.4. I read a lot of articles about this stuff. Trying to learn as much as possible and figure it all out. On thing has me a little confused. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a prostate orgasm is different from a super O? Yes?In my opinion you can think of a prostate orgasm as a subset/precursor to a Super-O. You may have multiple prostate orgasms and still not feel you've had a Super-O, you may have multiple prostate orgasms and not have an ejaculation, you may have multiple prostate orgasms and not have any leakage or 'milking' effect. So yes, they are different from a Super-O.A prostate orgasm is maybe stronger than a regular orgasm, but is an ejaculatory orgasm that occurs from massaging the prostate but not touching the penis?This is a personal judgment which will vary from man to man, individual variation in response is the 'norm'.Whereas a super-o is MUCH stronger than a regular orgasm, usually involves full body feelings and is produced through relaxation and gentle pressing on the prostate?I'm assuming here when you say "regular orgasm" you are meaning a traditional ejaculatory penile based orgasm, if that is the case then a Super-O MAY be much stronger than a regular orgasm but it isn't necessarily stronger. The definition of a Super-O is more dependent upon it's characteristics being different from a traditional ejaculatory orgasm in that it is usually longer lasting and more full body encompassing and of course is non-ejaculatory.So even though aneros makes the "Vice" (the vibrating massager) that would be more to induce a prostate orgasm than a super o? Because in other threads people say "Oh don't use a vibrating one. That kills all the subtle sensations you're looking for." Because if that is the case...why make a vibrating one if that's not what you should use?Not every man is pursuing the path towards Super-O's, many men are simply looking for different methods of stimulation leading to pleasurable sensations. The 'VICE' was Aneros response to market demand for a vibrating model. The cautions against vibrations masking subtler response sensations are valid for those seeking the Super-O but if you just want a quick way to get to some prostate based O's then the 'VICE' can be a very effective tool for doing so, this is simply another choice you may make. Also are either of these things different from an anal orgasm and if so...what's an anal orgasm?Penile based orgasms, prostate based orgasms, nipple based orgasms and anal based orgasms are all different types of orgasm. You can also have blended types and these can be induced by different types of stimulation. In simplest terms an anal orgasm results from stimulation primarily of the anus but there can be a great variety of stimulation techniques to induce such orgasms (fingering, rimming, dildo penetration, pegging, e-stim etc.)5. Muscle groups. I feel like the more I've been doing this the more muscle groups I'm finding as I squeeze and contract and whatnot. I'm having a hard time distinguishing one from another. How can I be sure... that I'm contracting the right ones?There are no "right or wrong" muscles to contract/relax, only muscles which are effective for you. This is where you have to do a lot of experimenting using different muscles or groups of muscles or no muscles at all. You need to be aware that even a combination that you find effective today may not be effective two days from now, there are very few "sure" things in life, this is just another one of life's vagaries.6. I've read a lot about breathing but I've found it is a little vague. Breathe in short breaths like you are panting? Or breathe from your stomach and not your chest? Can someone break it down a little for me?For most people practicing deep valley (belly) breathing is relaxing and causes extended diaphragm motion. This is complimentary to Aneros practice as relaxation is important but also the diaphragmatic action serves to move the internal organs slightly with each breath, in effect you are slightly massaging your prostate against the Aneros with each breath, this effect is reduced or nil with primarily upper chest breathing (additionally upper chest breathing does not fully fill the lungs and hence oxygenation of the blood is less efficient). Now having said that there is a Tantric technique called "Breath of Fire" which can help 'jump start' your arousal, this involves a short series of rapid belly panting but it isn't intended as a sustained method of breathing which will only lead to hyperventilation, see this YouTube video for more information on this technique.
Good Vibes to You !

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while some men do report increased precum output from Aneros use many do not, myself included.

Noted.Have you tried using different stimulation tools? e.g. a dildo? a drumstick? a G-spot wand? etc. If none of those induces a responsive sensation then you may be one those men who simply does not respond well to prostate stimulation.;

I have. Also have an njoy pure wand which I've used a couple times. I've wouldn't say I'd definitively located the prostate with that, but feel like I've had feelings than with the helix syn.

If it's any consolation to you, I can't find my sweet spot either. IMHO, this is not something to be overly concerned about

Noted. I'd just read one of the posts here that said "You know, if you're having trouble getting results, it may be because you don't have the tab on the sweet spot. That makes a big difference.

Thanks for the other info too. Much appreciated.

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So many good questions.. 🙂

1. If I'm doing it right should I be leaking precum? I've heard a lot of people say this is the case, but perhaps only if you're milking the prostate or applying a lot more pressure but not with the helix syn?

Naaah, I don't leak much pre-cum either, that's not un-common. Furthermore, the responsible gland (Cowper's gland) is not in the same area as the prostate (where most of the pressure is applied).

2. I've also heard people say "Oh you'll know it when you hit it". Well, I don't really know it. Does that mean I haven't hit it? When I have the device inserted, it doesn't give me especially good feelings. It doesn't give me bad feelings, but generally it doesn't feel like much of anything. Someone suggested perhaps I have it in too far? And maybe its not as high up as the toy is reaching?

Well, the prostate doesn't respond so easy in every man. You can be spot on and still don't feel anything remarkable. That's not so un-common as well. But since you are on it for some time now, it's rather bad news, that there was no development over time 🙁

3. I can't find my sweet spot. Believe me when I say I have read every post and every article talking about it. I've done what all the literature says to do, but I can't find any spot down there that does anything different than any other spot. And I've spent some time. Any thoughts?

Hm... I sense a pattern here... The location of the P-Spot can vary quite a lot. Did you check the complete ridgeline? For me the point is pretty near to the anus for example. There is another way to search it but I can't promise wonders. In front of the anus lies the traverse muscle which goes from left to right (hence the name) - imho the P-Spot lays on or right behind that muscle. In fact, this muscle is attached inwards with your body through ligaments and I guess that's the reason why it's so responsive to touch. For more info, see the videos-links I pasted below.

4. I read a lot of articles about this stuff. Trying to learn as much as possible and figure it all out. On thing has me a little confused. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a prostate orgasm is different from a super O? Yes? A prostate orgasm is maybe stronger than a regular orgasm, but is an ejaculatory orgasm that occurs from massaging the prostate but not touching the penis? Whereas a super-o is MUCH stronger than a regular orgasm, usually involves full body feelings and is produced through relaxation and gentle pressing on the prostate? So even though aneros makes the "Vice" (the vibrating massager) that would be more to induce a prostate orgasm than a super o? Because in other threads people say "Oh don't use a vibrating one. That kills all the subtle sensations you're looking for." "Like using a chainsaw to cut butter" I believe is the phrase that was used. Because if that is the case...why make a vibrating one if that's not what you should use? Also are either of these things different from an anal orgasm and if so...what's an anal orgasm?

@rumel already covered this and didn't left much to say. Generally, you can orgasm from any body-part as long as it has nerve endings. The more nerves involved, the easier...

5. Muscle groups. I feel like the more I've been doing this the more muscle groups I'm finding as I squeeze and contract and whatnot. I'm having a hard time distinguishing one from another. I don't even know if I'm doing kegels right any more! You've got your rectal muscles, your anal muscles, your pelvic floor muscles and I don't even know what all else. How can I be sure when I do contract them while using the syn, that I'm contracting the right ones? I've understood from people the whole "just do whatever feels good" thing, but as I mentioned before...I seem to not have gotten great results that way.

This is very good news. To me, this development was a major milestone on my journey! Try to distinguish as much muscles as you can (it should be around 10) and learn to control them individually.

Watch these videos to get an idea what you are dealing with:

The second video covers the perineal membrane including the traverse muscle I've spoken about earlier.

6. I've read a lot about breathing but I've found it is a little vague. Breathe in short breaths like you are panting? Or breathe from your stomach and not your chest? Can someone break it down a little for me?

Again, @rumel covered this quite good already. No panting, but deep slow
stomach breathing should be your weapon of choice. You may
experimenting with keeping in some air and flexing your abdominal
muscles a bit. By doing so, you are applying some pressure on the pelvic
floor with your midriff/diaphragm. That sometimes can light a spark.

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Thanks @unfugGreat answers. I had a much more successful session last night than I've ever had before so I think I'm really on the right track. Appreciate your response.

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