6 year update on pr...
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6 year update on progress..Super O at last

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Its been about six years i have been chasing this dream orgasm...in a previous thread about 6 years back in the beginning of what they call the journey...when i look back on all that has happened i realize now what happened in the begining really was in fact only the beginning....

I originally thought i had experienced the super O only to come to a dead stand still of nothing ever happening again for a very long time...im talking over a year..but i never gave up i still kept trying...after months and months of trying and trying reading the wiki over and over again to see if there was a small important detail that i missed...reading thru the forums day after day on what everybody else was doing still nothing worked...i began to think it was the lube...i tried every lube mentioned even came up with a few of my own creative mixes some worked better than others but still nothing worked i bought almost every model tried various modifications......i tried every position..when i look back i can't help but laff at some of the shit i was doing to try to "MAKE THIS HAPPEN"...nothing and i mean nothing worked...don't get me wrong i felt some pleasurable sensations but just as fast as they would come....they would go away never to return...its like the best was upon first insertion then the felling would slowly fade away....after awhile i just gave the hell up...i was so sick and tired of trying..and ending up with nothing but a sore ass...i got so pissed that i thew all of them in the trash..but for some reason i kept my fave one the helix...it went in a box and thats were it sat for a few years..untill i came across it cleaning one day and decided to give a try again...once again i became obsessed with the super O...again trying relentlessly to rewire and get my body in tune...this went on for another few years with very slow progress but i was making progress...over the past few recent months i was doing 1-2 hour sessions with very little or no progress at all...some were better than others some produced some really good feelings but i knew i was only scratching the surface..UNTILL THIS MORNING......

I got up to pick up a friend of mine at about 5am from the train station...when i got home i was kinda tired but i said the hell with it let me get in a session...because don't get me wrong even tho progress was very very slow...i felt like i was in fact making progress...any way i lubed up with what i found to be the very best in my opinion The ID glide water based...i use a plastic medical syringe to insert the lube then i coat the helix and insert it...for some reason i don't know why but this morning when i put it in i immediately started having involuntary contractions like crazy...i was like jesus christ this feels great..i had them before but not like this...i just layed there and did nothing just enjoying the ride..when after about 20 min they just stopped...no matter what i did everything just stopped...but i kept at it for about an hour slowly contracting...i started to feel good but nothing i hadn't experienced before...i always though the best position was on my back...it were i felt i had the most control...well after getting bored i decided to just go to sleep...so i flipped over on my stomach my least favorite position and closed my eyes...to be honest i don't know how long i was asleep....but out of no were the helix jumped inside of me just a tad..and this what i would describe as A WARM WAVE of pleasure jolted thu my body..all i could think was WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT...before i could even finish that thought it did it again and in a slow steady pace the involuntarys just completely took over my body...when this happened i immediately just let go...i just surrendered myself...suddenly my prostate began to buzz and the helix was completely moving on its own and the involuntarys were moving the helix in precisely the right movement...im gonna say i just completely lost control...i felt a wave of pleasure come over me that i would call nothing less than a MIRACLE.... and it just kept building and building and building...untill i couldn't take anymore then peaked for about at least 1 minute...and them came down a little and started again and got so strong that my body was completly numb with pleasure...i swear all i could feel was my prostate and the helix was stroking it in a way that i knew at some point i was gonna EXPLODE!!! and i did....this SUPER O just kept coming in waves over and over again and got so strong i felt like i was KNOCKED INTO NEXT WEEK.... i could not feel anything but my prostate contracting over and over again...the rest of my body was completely and utterly numb with wave after wave of total blissand this continued for about and hour until i was physically exhausted and could not take anymore...and it just dyed down on its own...i knew it was over an hour because i lost all track of time and wondered how long i was under and i had to look at my cell phone....i literally layed there in total disbelief as to what just happened to me...i still don't believe it....im sitting here typing this and my hands are still shaking...im sorry this is so long...what i want all you people who who are out there in the same boat i was....i want you to know that my journey to the super O was well over 7 years...i thought i would never get there....i did.....don't give up....i hope this is just the beginning....because from what i read from others experiences it only gets better..

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Congratulations on your experience and thanks for sharing it! 🙂

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Inspirational, so pleased that you have experienced this at last. It's quite something isn't it? Thanks for sharing.

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Great stuff! I would caution you though and say most likely your next session will not be as fruitfull. Thats just how it goes unfortunately. Also I think, just from reading your post, the key to your success was when you gave up and didnt care. Alot of us try too hard to seek out the super O. We have to set up the right conditions and let it come to us.

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Great stuff! I would caution you though and say most likely your next session will not be as fruitfull. Thats just how it goes unfortunately. Also I think, just from reading your post, the key to your success was when you gave up and didnt care. Alot of us try too hard to seek out the super O. We have to set up the right conditions and let it come to us.

Yes, he's correct! Don't let it bother you in the least if it happens because it does return! Just remember what got you there in the first place!!!! Keep that same positive spirit and attitude and you'll be amazed at what could
happen! It was thanks to someone like @ineverknew that I didn't let it bother me too much and before I knew it, things were good...very good in fact!


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Holy thread resurrection batman!

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Oh,Goodie, I have only two years to go!
Well it's not that bad I am make progress in a very strange way. But also a lot of prostate problems have been resolved and do feel very good about it all.
How ever well done.

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Nice job and congratulations! Welcome to the club.
Did you experience intense aless sensations after your superO? After my first, I had a constant buzz that didn't go away for about 4-5 days. The first two days were intense!

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Nice job and congratulations! Welcome to the club.
Did you experience intense aless sensations after your superO? After my first, I had a constant buzz that didn't go away for about 4-5 days. The first two days were intense!

never super-o'd ever and i get the after effects as you describe, at one point it was for at least a week.

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Really @Sorena_ ? I loved that sensation and wish it would come back! Some people here experienced it in such a severe way it prevented them from going to work, enjoying their days, etc. It wouldn't end for them.

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Really @Sorena_ ? I loved that sensation and wish it would come back! Some people here experienced it in such a severe way it prevented them from going to work, enjoying their days, etc. It wouldn't end for them.

thats exactly how i describe the after effect as well, just no super o before it. I had a week where i was unable to function at all!

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The sensation is sometimes overwhelming where you almost want to get away from it because you can't believe anything can feel this good. And, as you say, it builds. I remember one time screaming out "What the f*ck!" and "Holy sh*t" as my body gave me incredible pleasure. After I remember there were tears in my eyes and when I went to stand up I almost fell to the floor.

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yea i have had after shock buzzing that lasted for hours....i even had what would seem like a small super O that woke me up outta my sleep from my prostate lightly buzzing....

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Yo this keeps getting better and better....that buzzing that your talking about is something else isn't it?? the same EXACT thing happened to me i was in a sound sleep and outta no were my prostate started BUZZING like CRAZY and my anus was twitching involuntarily...i nearly thought i was gonna hit a super O with out the helix...but it just kept buzzing off and on and i grabbed my helix lubed up and took off like a rocket...everytime i get to a point were i don't think it can get any better it does....just today a few hours ago i had a 3 hour session which seemed like 30 min...about 3/4 of the way thru some thing happened that never happened before...i started having involuntarys that were going like crazy and my prostate started buzzing and the involuntarys were what i would describe as tickling my prostate.....and i just literally became absolutely NUMB with pleasure...my prostate started beating very slowly like a heart and it felt like there were pulses of electricity pulsing thru my body in every nerve from head to toe..in time with the beating of my prostate...and every time it beat i felt myself I guess loose consciousness in total bliss... all i could feel was my prostate...it felt like it was the size of an apple and if it had a color would have been glowing a blinding WHITE!!!!!!!once again I'm am sitting here with my hands STILL shaking as I'm typing...lemme ask you vets this???? does it still get better???

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@South7856 I congratulate your success and am very inspired! Please
keep it up.

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@South7856 HOLY CRAP, it came on that fast and unexpected? Damn!

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I fucking love it when it takes me for a ride. Hold on weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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I was in Vegas once, heading t the airport, the cab driver asked, so did Ya win? I said yes! (I had one about a grand) he said great, it's the winners who bring us the losers and they pay the bills. You super o guys pay the bills.

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Still feels good, super o or not!

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