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My sessions have been in new territory for me in the last month or so, especially this past week. I had a session with the Progasm, to MGX back to Progasm. At the end of the best session ever, I am on my knees on the floor with my upper body on the bed. My Progasm slips out, (another post maybe). And I lay there catching my breath and winding down from my last orgasm. I start thinking of what I might want to have for dinner.

And I feel this tingling in my core, that's new, never had this without a device in. And it keeps building in intensity and reaches 90% of what I felt with the Progasm in. WHAT? So I lay there for a while and sure enough, just like the last couple of hours, every few minutes another starts building and coming. This can't be happening, I thought I started the next one by my next contractions? I lay there another 15-20 min and these waves of orgasms or whatever I am having keep coming. I had to force myself to stop and go eat dinner. For the next 5 hours they keep coming, watching TV or whatever, when my mind wanders, the feelings build. 

Finally went to bed and while they diminished some through the night, they kept coming. And here comes another one while playing a video game 1/2 asleep. Now I am like, what the heck, this is fun, and new, but what if this happens tomorrow while I am with someone else? (It did not) But WOW what a cool bunch of new experiences.

New or Frustrated? READ BELOW......

I started a year ago with a lot of interesting and exciting feelings. This made me very lustful for the aneros. But as time advanced, things became stale, nothing new was going on. I scoured the forums for answers. I bought new toys thinking maybe a different design will be the secret key. Nothing changed and sessions became fewer and farther between. I started up again several months ago. Not much new and different was happening, but intensity seemed improved. This all lead to last night.

SO don't quit, keep going, I am nothing special. My journey will not be your journey.0 I have no secret to share, I don't even understand what happened yet. I am so glad I came back, I would have missed this part of the journey. Our journey in life is not all bliss....... people fight.... health goes south..... you lose a loved one. I get it, sometimes life is just hard, but man when things are hitting on all cylinders, it is so worth it.


Morexp, Ggringo, SOwithoutAneros and 9 people reacted
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@Alaska, congrats!

Great to read about your new experiences. If all these new overwhelming feelings should become too stressful and you might feel the need for some recreation, I can recommend two methods to cool yourself down, which have helped me a lot:

1) Drink a lot of healthy water.

2) Put your right hand on your heart and send all those crazy vibes you feel to the connection to your loved ones.

If I only could describe the wonderful warm shower just flushing through my body when writing and envisioning hint 2.

Good vibes to you!


p38, Ggringo, p38 and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @sowithoutaneros


If I only could describe the wonderful warm shower just flushing through my body when writing and envisioning hint 2.

Good vibes to you!


Did you have to work on that, to develop this feeling or did it come by itself?

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I have the Vice 2 and it falls out of me as well. Not sure what to do about that but I figure maybe I'm not "ready" for that size yet...

Thank you for your post, it is very inspiring to a beginner such as moire.

This post was modified 5 years ago by simplepenguin

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Posted by: @ggringo

or did it come by itself?

@ggringo, it just came over me like out of nowhere.
