• First session ever!

    I just finished my first session … it was better than I had imagined it would be, by far! I had thought about getting an aneros for some time, and finally ordered a starter kit a few days ago. I have been thinking a lot about it and what it would be like. My MGX arrived this morning, and I was really eager to give it a try, but it was a busy day at work, and after dinner, I had to drive 200 miles for a business meeting tomorrow. So, I had 3 hours in the car by myself to think about this first experience. After I checked in to the hotel and called my wife, I began. I followed the routine that most guys here have described — hot shower, quick enema, few minutes looking at some sexy videos (although I hardly needed arousal, I hadn't ejaculated in almost a week, and I was thinking about this all day), big clean bed, towel, lube, drink. I lubed myself and the MGX, lay stretched out on my side and slipped it in, slowly gently. Slipped right in, I love the way my anal and rectal muscles just took over and pulled it in. Lay there for a while trying to sense all my body was feeling. Loved the feeling, it was subtle, it was there. Moved around a little, could definitely feel different pressures on my prostate in different positions. Practiced breathing, slow contractions, started feeling even better. Lying still I could hear and feel my pulse, feel it stronger in some places. About 35 minutes into the session, I moved on to my right side, left leg pulled up … could feel small tremors start, move around my body, I moved a little, gave a few contractions, and WHAM, warm pleasure swept over my body, the tremors increased dramatically, and my breathing went raspy. I tried to get in synch with what was happening, but it wasn’t easy for me. It felt incredible, coming and going, getting stronger, not so strong, for about 20 minutes or so. Finally, it got stronger and stayed stronger, I couldn’t help myself, I rolled over onto my belly and let a big, long, wet orgasm happen! After that, I relaxed and came down off the high. I know I have much to learn, and it will take a long time, but, Wow! What an introduction!

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