• Far More Than Ever Expected

    When I started this journey a little over two years ago, I was pretty clueless of what to expect. I had been through open heart and by-pass surgery nine months earlier; and, my Beloved and I had not had sex together for a year. Even solo sex was a challenge and not very satisfying — something had to change! As I have shared before, my purchase of the Helilx and MGX opened far more doors than just my back door. I explained my aneros purchases to my wife as an effort to jump-start my sexual abilities and thus rekindle our former sexual sharing as husband and wife. Within months, I was rewired and my Beloved and I were not only discussing our sexuality BUT we were exploring grounds in our intimate sharing I NEVER dared dream of before.
    My aneros use continues pretty much on an every other day routine – much preferring early morning use to night time use. I depend on and enjoy my eupho over all other models but will bring out my peridise, mgx and helix from time-to-time. I have also come to thoroughly enjoy external prostate and nipple massage; and, my male sweet spots are frequent places to linger.
    As my journey continues, I am realizing more and more the enormous affection my Creator God has for me — after all, He created me in His image from a handful of dust. My aneros and prostate massage sessions are intense and are reflective of God's presence in my life. He has led me in the exploration of my male sexuality — intentionally and perfectly guiding each step I take.
    The deeper my journey, the more I have come to appreciate my Beloved AND God's intent for me to give to her through our touching and joining together as one. These are times we will never be able to relive — each one is precious and memorable.
    Each time I slide my eupho into my well-lubed anus OR my Beloved slides it into place for me, I rejoice to feel the awakening of my prostate, my testicles, scrotum and my penis to the very tip of my foreskin. As each pronounced breast orgasm signals an on-coming O, I rejoice — deep within my soul — knowing God is with me AND within me. The ensuing build of an O into a full body super-O shakes my inner core — I AM alive spiritually and sexually — despite my close to 62 years of age and my frail frame — I AM ALIVE!!!
    It is not uncommon, after I slowly withdraw my eupho, to massage my anus for several moments — alone, in the silence of the day, breathing and reflecting upon my creation. I loose sight for a bit of time of my other physical distractions AND just joy in the rolling surges of the fullness and warmth of being a man. After-session glows radiate throughout the day — even as I write this late afternoon entry my entire prostate region is energized and radiating joyfully!
    My journey into being a man has taught me many many things — most importantly, to praise my God in all He has done and continues to do! As I discover and receive His unfolding gift of my sexuality, my maleness, I am to give to my Beloved without holding back. What greater purpose than to give to others from that unending Source that is ours simply for the asking!!!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/16/2011at8:49 pm

      Gentle, yet powerful, Hallelujahs STARR, and your Beloved, dear friend!! You are exemplary celebrants of these amazingly graceful gifts of the Maker, the Great Spirit, in all the Names, the God of All, right to the core of our Being!!! Thank you so much for eloquently sharing your story of challenges and such great joys. Ever onward…

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/16/2011at8:52 pm

      I enjoyed reading your post, I'm as well a believer in our Lord God, and I truly feel he has a hand on this, so that we may bring natural healing to our bodies. Have a blessed journey!

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