• Even veteran Aneros users need the Aneros!

    Hi guys,

    It is hard to believe that nearly a month has flown by without having an Aneros session! The worldwide COVID-19 has taken most of us by surprise, especially those of us who live in Europe and the USA. However, there were warning signs of this pandemic gathering strength first in China, then much of East Asia, then in Italy, Iran, etc. Many of us had our routines upended as a result. Many of us lost our jobs, or were furloughed or laid off. So as a result, the Aneros for me slipped into a sort of oblivion. However, as I indicated in my most recent blog posts, I had not forgotten the benefits of the Aneros in my life as a veteran Aneros user. Many nights elapsed during which I used the delights of nipple diddling to shut out from my mind the very bad news of the coronavirus and the utmost needs to take precautions of social distancing.

    This morning in the 7 o’clock hour I used MGX classic and then Aneros Syn classic for about thirty minutes. I used the Kegels in a natural way as I used both these two models. The session revved up my Aless which is still going strong at I type this blog entry at 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon. I hope to take my Aless to bed tonight and for some fun. I wish you all a Happy Easter or Passover this weekend, or whatever religious celebration, or just a secular enjoyment of life, which the Aneros gives us men and those special in our life! Take care!

    1 Comment

    • Ggringo

      04/11/2020at5:37 pm

      Happy Easter to yourself also @bigglansdc ! Prostate play is a form of therapy making us forget the atrocities of this nightmare pandemic.
      Stay safe everyone!

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