• Erotic Sexual Spasms

    Hello all. I'm writing this after just reading one of my brother Lingamans hot and sexual blog post. He talked about the sexual gagging spasms that he get. I never could name it but I always wonder how my body did it. To explain it a little better its like when I feel a orgasm approaching whether its a mini o or super o or full body o I get these gagging spasms that shoot through my back side. Like when your brushing your teeth and the tooth brush goes to far deep and you gag well its the same feeling. Its just that the felling is coming from your anus.
    I was just having a a-less ride reading some blogs and they start up so quickly. Like my whole body jerks and my ass is regurgitating the orgasms but they don't hurt and they feel awesome. They give me confirmation that my session is on the right track and that a orgasm is vastly approaching. I mean my whole body just can't keep still and has to alert me that a orgasm is coming and that I better take hold of something cause its gonna be a big one.
    I am also on another one of my crazy challenges and trying not to touch my dick or jerk again. To confess I was cheating with the last challenge. I did not come for 22 days but I was still edging and jerking for over 3 hours but just no release. I am dick hungry whether its mine or someone else's. So this time no touching and I'm already 1 day down.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/30/2014at4:21 pm

      The sensation of a gag reflex in your anal tract is the best way to describe it. However the diffference is when it is in your anus the sensation is excruciatingly pleasurable.

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