• ed's jpurney

    the last two sessions were about the same as the previous ones–i get to the involuntary contractions and bounce around on my back and the pleasure mounts and when i stop bouncing and relax fully the aneros adjusts itself to another position and i bounce again to feel the stimulation–when the aneros adjusts it usually feels like it's going deeper although it feels as though it is already as deep as it can go, so go figure–if i am lucky it feel like it welds itself to me, that is, when i bounce it maintains its grip on me so that there is no feeling of movement between me and the aneros, we are one–this can occur several times and is usually a tighter grip each time until it finally takes over–this was the super o for me, where it seemed to switch a gear and took over completely so that i couldn't stop bouncing or groaning, moaning or shrieking–sadly it hasn't happened again, yet– i get to the bouncing and gripping tightly and all that that gives me but haven't been able to go farther since my first super o–who knows, maybe i am pressing or maybe it wants to be completely next time–maybe there is a different trigger next time–will continue and see where i go

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