• “Edging” while wearing my BIKE CUP in bed overnight, July 27

    Hi guys,

    Last night I went to bed at 11 p.m. jocked and cupped, feeling really horny. I wore my trusty BIKE CUP Supporter Unit and slept on my side with a pillow between my legs in bed. Almost at once, it felt like an ejaculation coming on, but I staved it off. These extremely sexual feeling however lulled me to a deep sleep. After all, I had a very long day, exhausted with only just three hours sleep the night before.

    All night long I diddled and strummed my nipples. Since I am now rewired or rather I am hardwired in the direct connection I have with my nipples and genitals, I felt pleasure traveling traveling directly from my diddled nipples right to my genitals, e.g. testicles, perineum, prostate, cock root, shaft of my penis, and Glans. However, as I diddled and strummed my nipples so sweetly and deftly, every flick of my finger over my nipples was reflected in surges of pleasure in my prostate, or even various areas of that organ. It also seemed that my prostate was shadowing every move as I diddled! I was in such sweet dalliance, edging in the woods, so close to the PONR. I was also Kegeling and breathing gently and rhythmically.

    But I have a question for @goldenboy. Can I milk my prostate in that fashion? Take care!


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      07/29/2018at1:23 pm

      @BigGlansDC I’m not sure about that. Most of my good “milking” sessions result from extreme arousal, swollen prostate and an “actual” Aneros inserted (regardless of the model used) for direct pressure.

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