• Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 2) : Kegel sweetness!

    Hi guys,

    I arrived home after church this afternoon exhausted and somewhat frazzled. I immediately changed in casual clothing and then went to our neighborhood 7 Eleven for refreshment. I arrived back at my apartment to unwind some. Then late afternoon I finally entered into late Sunday relaxation.

    When sunset arrived, I changed into my sweats. However I wanted to have a serious date with my dick. I dressed my dick again cellophane containers, five in face. It gave the appearance that my cock was wearing a condom. Unfortunately this afternoon the 7 Eleven was filled with shoppers so I could not make any purchases of non lubricated condoms to dress my cock with. Maybe tomorrow afternoon Monday, I’ll visit the CVS eight blocks away to purchase such condoms.

    It is absolutely awesome to dress my cock this way with cellophane containers. I get hard when I see my cock this way. My cock in this configuration fills up and out the pouch of my jock cup. It makes for amazing Kegeling especially at night in bed. I am grateful for @goldenboy’s interest and approval.

    Back to bed for more amazing and hot exploration!

    Update at 10:34 p.m. I am lost in wonder and lust as I diddle myself and Kegel at the same time in rhythmic fashion. This activity produces abundant pleasure. When I go to bed in a few minutes, I plan to diddle and Kegel to the PONR over and over many times, but not cum! But I have the protection of my cellophane containers to guard against any semen spillage and mess! 🙂