• Dressing my cock up in cellophane (Day 4) : delicate, sublime, yet profound urogenital sensations

    Hi guys,

    I am having lots of erotic fun dressing my cock up in cellophane these days. The cellophane containers in which my store-brought muffins come in have the thinness of the latex of sexual condoms. Condoms that men wear over the cocks for sexual intercourse have this thinness of latex material to not detract too much from the sexual sweetness of sexual contact with their sexual partners, whether female or male.

    When I was in college in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, I bought a couple condoms out of curiosity, mostly to experience their sensation of my circumcised cock. You’d rolled down a condom your cock shaft to its base. The condom at its base had a sort of elastic to keep the condom in place during intercourse. Also the condom had a reservoir or a small balloon which extended a tenth an inch beyond the glans for your ejaculated semen. Some guys told me that wearing a condom over your cock felt like wearing a raincoat. Yeah, the condom lessened the sweetness of sexual contact, but not by much. But also wearing a condom for sexual intercourse guards against unwanted pregnancy in females and venereal disease. Hence they are called prophylactics.

    The cellophane containers that I wear over my cock have a slight resemblance to wearing a condom. My cock certainly loves their feel. They have enhanced the sweetness of my Aless and Kegels for sure.

    These beautiful and sweet sensations that I feel from my dressed up cock in cellophane focus my attention and consciousness on the urogenital part of my body, my manhood or the center of my maleness, namely my genitals as they relate intimately with urinary system. I exult in these lovely, beautiful sensations. They are the outgrowth of my gratitude for robust health in my urinary and sexual reproductive systems of a 69 year old man.

    It wasn’t so for me as an adolescent. I had contacted somehow a recurring kidney infection at age 15. It probably happened because I was too bashful to use the boys restrooms. My parents put me under the care of a fairly young personal physician who had served in the Navy. This doctor was sterner stuff and advised a regimen of first two weeks of penicillin by injection twice a day and then sulfa drugs taken orally once a day for a good year after that to clear up that infection. The Ex Navy doctor and hospital nurses urged me to drink lots of water to main good urinary health, a practice I have maintained a more than fifty years since.

    Also I should say that my close to seven year Aneros regimen gave me good, robust prostate health well adding additional benefits to good urinary health.

    Update at 6:30 p.m. I have dressed up my cock in cellophane continuous today since 6 o’clock this morning except to make a few pit stops in my bathroom throughout the day. The feel of a good seven or eight cellophane containers on my cock has been amazing. I look forward toward doing this in the pouch of my cup jock throughout the night tonight.

    One notable occurrence today happened mid afternoon earlier today when I spent a good hour in the warm sunshine in a park three blocks from my apartment, the first time in a good couple months. We have had much cold weather then with many rainy days. But the weather today was splendid, a true harbinger of spring a good six weeks ago. I enjoyed sitting out in the warm sunshine and discretely diddling myself, enjoying life! Take care!