Jump to Other Entries By Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum
Frenulum talk : Aneros session for Wednesday September 18
Ah the pleasure of Anerosing in the standing position!
Dalliance upon my cock and balls, failed orgasm and ejaculation, Tuesday September 10
Diddling while wearing my jockstrap last night : Powerful meditation on my prostate, cock and Glans!
The Aneros, Nipple Diddling, Aless, and Glans Penis Connection!
My prostate and anal musculature are muscled dynamos of sexual sweetness
Mental imagery : Aneros session for July 23
Recovery from a food illness and surviving the heatwave here
Maximus Classic + Helix Classic Syn ---> Sweet, powerful Aless!!!
July 4 Aneros session : Amazing Aless following
Your body demands you pursue your Aneros journey
Another test : respond if you can!
What I did during the two week Aneros blog section outage?
Nice short session with Helix Syn Classic which left me with Amazing Aless
A test
Feel the exquisite pleasure (The intimate nipple diddling Kegeling experience) Plus athletic cups
A powerful 20 minute session which has produced powerful Aless!
The Nipple Diddling Kegeling Connection
Beginning my tenth year in my Aneros journey
Sweet, timeless memories about jocks and cups (inspired by goldenboy)
The Nutty Buddy Cup is Ideal for Diddling and Kegeling (with a shout out to @goldenboy!)
Nipple diddling while wearing a BIKE CUP (inspired by goldenboy)
Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 5) : Super hot Aneros session II, Wednesday February 6
Dressing my cock up in cellophane (Day 4) : delicate, sublime, yet profound urogenital sensations
Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 3) : Super hot Aneros session, Monday February 4
Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 2) : Kegel sweetness!
Dressing up my cock up in cellophane ; Aneros session for Saturday February 2
Bringing my Progasm Black Ice out of retirement, sessions for January 27 & 29
Nipple diddling, Kegeling, and jocks and cups!
MGX Classic, Progasm Junior, and Maximus : an amazing combo : Sessior for January 24
Amazing things happen with Aneros when you are relaxed : Session for January 20, 2016
My lifelong archetypal fascination with jockstraps and athletic cups
Aneros session with an old buddy, Progasm Junior, January 19 with a major discovery!!!
Beating my meat and diddling my nipples with Kegels thrown in : Aneros foreplay, Saturday January 19
After two weeks, finally an Aneros session!!!
The consolations of a jock and cup on cold winter's nights
New Year Eve and New Year's morning celebrations
Kegeling and Diddling in a Jock and Cup
How to choose your jockstrap size and your cup size correctly
Eupho Classic, Wow again! Saturday morning session, November 24
Eupho Classic, Wow! Monday morning session, November 19
Deep Aneros "liquid" penetration : early Friday morning session, November 16
Deep Aneros penetration : early Monday morning session, November 12
New nipple diddling technique applied to Thursday November 8 Aneros session!
An Aneros/Body Synergy
Underwear unveiled (my take)
Sunday morning Aneros session, September 9
Now I can produce Super-O's and MMO's in Aless
The power found in ordinary (BIKE) jockstraps for sexual arousal (my experience)
A quantum leap with Tempo : Thursday August 2 session
Aneros Tempo : the nipple diddling and prostate connection : Friday July 27 session
"Edging" while wearing my BIKE CUP in bed overnight, July 27
Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic all the way : Sessions for July 25 & 26
Why I love diddling or strumming my nipples so much! :-)
A sweet masturbation session after six weeks of semen retention/chastity
Aneros auto-fucking and Super-O's : Session for Wednesday July 11
July 4, 2018 session : many happy returns
An Aneros auto-fuck session like none other! : Sunday July 1
An overnight of abundant genital and anal activity, June 24-25
Diddling my nipples in the middle of the night before my PC!
Session for Tuesday with Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic : Wow, huge auto-fuck action and an amazing Aless afterward!
Erotic chastity & the eroticism of athletic or chastity cups ; taking a short break from Aneros :-(
Follow your Aneros auto-fuck wherever it leads you! : Saturday morning session, June 15
Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic, Wow! : Sessions for June 10 & 12
Aneros equilibrium, Aneros resonance, Aneros fishing, etc. : Session for Saturday June 9
Aneros sessions for Sunday June 3 and Tuesday June 5 : ah, so sweet and powerful!
Jocks & Cups, Kegels, Aneros, etc. --> Going deep and Sexual touch!
Kegeling and diddling while wearing my BIKE CUP in Aless! May 12 session.
A major Aneros discovery this morning! May 10 session
Imploring the fates to help me rejoin the Aneros Forums I
Aneros password trouble IV (for my Aneros buddies)
Aneros password trouble III (for my Aneros buddies)
Announcement: Password trouble II (for goldenboy, GGringo, Turnrow ... et al.)
Announcement: Password trouble
MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic are so awesome! Session for Friday April 20
MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE give me stupendous Aless! Session for Monday April 16
Nutty Buddy Cup all the way III-IV : Aneros sessions for Thursday April 12 and Friday 13
Nutty Buddy Cup all the way II : Aneros session for Wednesday April 11
Super horny for Aneros : Session for April 5
Nutty Buddy Cup all the way : Aneros session for Thursday March 29
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Palm Sunday Fizzle Failure, March 25 (day 21) : Approaching my SR goal and beyond!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Saturday March 24 (day 20) : Why my BIKE CUP feels so good!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Friday March 23 (day 19) : there is exquisite power in wearing an athletic cup!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Thursday March 22 (day 18) : There is power and sublimity in my Aneros tools!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Wednesday March 21 (day 17) : Aneros session during a snowstorm!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Tuesday March 13 (day 9), etc.
SR & Athletic/chastity cup challenge (days 4 & 5) : Plus Wow! Maximus! Session for Friday March 9
Athletic Cup and Aneros Communion : SR challenge (Day 3) & Aneros session for Wednesday March 7, Wow!
Athletic cup & SR challenge (Day 2) : Aneros session for Tuesday March 6
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Monday March 5 (day 1)
Aneros session while wearing a BIKE CUP no. 85 supporter unit! March 1 session
New exciting sensations from the intersection of a jock, cup, and Aneros! February 28 session
Dealing with strong, insistent Aless
Jockstraps and athletic cups zero in on my man area, so does the Aneros!
Tuesday morning session, February 27 : I really needed it!
An abortive Aneros session, Thursday February 23.
Staving off the flu with the Aneros! Sessions for Sunday Feb. 11 and Tuesday Feb. 13
Tempo, my spark plug to a stellar Progasm Classic performance, January 22
Early Saturday evening session with Tempo and other Aneros buds, January 20
Tempo, my spark plug to great sessions : MLK day session, Monday January 15
Tempo, MGX, Black Ice -> Sweet Aless, Monday January 8
Tempo Aless, January 6, 2018!
Aneros sessions, 12/25 & 12/30 : Aneros/Aless Mindfulness
My thoughts on male chastity, and jockstraps and athletic cups, and Nov. 21 session
Two incredible Aneros sessions, Mon., Tues. November 13 & 14, with powerful Aless
A highly unusual session early Monday morning, November 6
Saturday evening Aneros session for November 5, and an Aless that won't quit
That delicious anal-prostate tingle & Aneros Tug-of-War technique : Sessions for Oct. 28 & Nov. 1, 2 & 3
Rare Sunday session, October 22, with foreplay shaving my scrotum
Aneros Classic all the way! ; Free, easy, and deep! : Aneros session for October 21
Aneros sessions for October 16 and 18 : It's getting cold!
A relish for the Aneros : Sessions for October 10. 12, and 14
What led me to Aneros? Today's session, 10/9/17 ; An Aless that won't quit!
Working with Aneros Sweetness : Aneros sessions for Sept 29-30 & Oct 7 ; Athletic cup Aless!
Aneros Full Court Press "grabbing" my Prostate: Session for Wed. Sept. 27
"Labor" Day session, September 4
Aneros subtlety and the Kegels : daily sessions, 8/30-31 & 9/1-2
An exciting, new and developing appreciation of Progasm ICE, August 26 & 28 sessions
Aneros Full Court Press with Kegels ; Kegeling in Athletic Cup in Aless, August 23
Priming the Aneros pump with Kegels and Reverse Kegels, Session for August 15
Aneros Full Court Press today, August 4, along utmost Aless
July 12, 14, & 15 sessions : Helix Classic joins my front team ; diddling sweetness ; dressing my cock!
Aneros session, July 6 : ever deeper propelled by nipple diddling
Even deeper, more intense Aneros penetration and "hooking" session, with Nonstop Aless!
Two Extraordinary sessions for Saturday June 24 : a wow with the sleek Progasm ICE (in honor of GGringo)
Aneros "hooking" around my prostate : Sessions for June 17, 19, 20, and 22
Aneros sessions for June 8 and 10, Mindful Anerosing, etc.
Deeper Aneros penetration with effortless Kegels, Aneros session for Monday June 5
Aneros sessions for Monday May 29 and Saturday June 3
A clean bill of health, a celebratory Aneros session, and sweet, powerful Aless following
A "new awakening" for my prostate : Monday May 8 session
Foreplay, April 29, 2017 session : E = m^2 : Aless!
Aneros "replacement" at rehab center with heightened Aless!
First post-op Aneros session!
Ten weeks of enforced abstinence from Aneros! :-(
New Years Eve morning session, December 31 : incredible Aless following
Christmas Eve morning session, December 24 : Kegeling in athletic cup in Aless!
Aneros sessions December 20 & 21 : Kegeling and Aless while wearing a cup
An enjoyable session, despite the winter cold, Monday December 19
Aless in an athletic cup in post-session, Saturday morning, December 17
Thursday December 15 session : the sweetness of well-plowed hole!
Aneros sessions for Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13 & 14 : Feels so good!
Prostate, cock, Glans, masturbation, jocks, cups, etc. & the Aneros
Thanksgiving morning session, November 24 : Athletic cups on my mind!
After the cold snap, an awesomely sweet session : Tuesday, November 22
Aborted session, Monday November 14 ; Transformed, completed session, Tuesday, November 15
The sweetness and power of an Aneros autofuck, Saturday session November 12, and wow! That Aless!!
Aless during Election Day and the day following
Late Sunday afternoon, early Monday morning sessions, Nov. 6 & 7 : overdoing it (temporary)
Saturday morning session, November 5 : Quality time with my Aneros devices and in Aless!
Friday morning session, November 4 : Luminous genital energy and sweet chairgasms
Wednesday and Thursday sessions, November 2-3 : A "developing" Super-T! Oh yeah!!!
October 31 & November 1 sessions ; Some corrective measures ; Glorious chairgasms
Relentless Aless ; That Aneros Itch : Sessions for Friday and Saturday, October 27 & 28 ; Series of Chairgasms
Amazing Thursday session, October 27 followed by irrepressible Aless!
Sessions for October 25 & 26 & Interacting with Exquisite Aless
Aless on my mind, and wow! An amazing Sunday afternoon session! October 24
It's gotten cold! Saturday afternoon session, October 22
Savoring irrepressible Aless, Thursday October 20 and early Friday morning session, October 21
Actively working with Aless : Tuesday evening, October 18 & two Super-T attempts
Tuesday morning session, Tuesday October 18 : Savoring the Aneros and Aless!
Tuesday morning session, October 11 : Tug-of-War Technique and Aneros Elasticity
October 10 Columbus Day session, with super hot Aless following
Early Saturday morning session, October 8, Wow that Maximus!
Boy, that awesome f**cker, Progasm Classic! Friday morning session, October 7
My beloved Energizer Bunnies, Maximus and Progasm Classic, etc., Wednesday October 5
A "normal" session : wonderful Aless following, Monday October 3
Friday & Saturday morning sessions, "Average?" : But wow! What Aless!
Wednesday morning session, "This magic moment", September 21
Monday morning session: "Really into you!" : September 19
Aless a day following the breakthrough & Saturday midday session: Wow!
Energizer Bunnies Maximus and Progasm Classic: Super-O's and MMO's!
Two great sessions, Sept. 13 & 15, 2016
Sweet, pulsating Aless = Sweet, pulsating prostate?
The reassurance of Aless!
Friday morning session, 8/26/16, wild rides with MGX and Progasm Ivory!
Thursday morning session, 8/25/16 ; Oh, the sweetness and power found in Aneros sessions, Aless and the Kegels!
Tuesday morning session "quickie" 8/23/2016 ; Kegels do work! Yeah, especially with Aless! *
Jock pouch foreplay ; Super hot Monday morning session, 8/22/16 ; Noontime Bating/Session Climax *
Bating and edging preludes ; Awesome Saturday session ; Amazing Aless following!
Aneros subtlety has power! Friday morning session, 8/19/16
Early morning's Kegels, Thursday morning Aneros session, post session active bliss
Test -- Bating
Sessions for Monday and Tuesday morning, 8/15 & 8/16/16
Bating and edging session Sunday afternoon, August 14
Saturday morning session, 8/13/16, with bating and edging sessions following
I have not bated like this in a real long time, 8/12/16 masturbation and edging session, noontime
Friday morning session before dawn, 8/12/16 *
Harnessing Aless for masturbation and Super-T's *
Superabundant Aless --> Wednesday morning session, 8/10/16 --> Oh, that sweet Aless!
A couple of GGringo's perceptive comments worth treasuring
Oh that Aneros feel! Early Monday evening session, 8/8/16
Aless and Kegels in a jockstrap and an athletic cup
What my body wants, very early 8/8/16 session *
Super-T attempt late Saturday night, 8/6/16
Taking an Aneros breather, Saturday morning, 8/6/16, but practicing Kegels *
Third Super-T attempt, 8/5-6/16, making some progress
Revitalizing my masturbation sessions and aiming for the Super-T shoot! *
A darn good, solid session, Friday morning, 8/5/16
Second attempt at a Super-T, late 8/4-5/16 session, again with caution!
Cautious Super-T experimentation
Focus on the Penis during Aless: An meditative exercise (A work in process)
8/2/16 session, Eupho Classic, Tempo, and Progasm Classic: Wow! *
Nearly a month's hiatus from Aneros and then Wow! Sessions 7/30 and 8/1
Saturday morning, 7/2/16 session, oh those Aneros smaller models
Wednesday 6/29/16 session, there is always Aless sweetness no matter what the session!
Monday, 6/27/16 session, the power of Aneros subtlety *
6/25/16 session, rediscovering Helix Syn and Progasm Jr
Fathers Day session, 6/19/16 p.m.
Friday 6/17/16, Feeling well "fucked" after morning session
6/15/16 Noon Session, Aneros & Aless Chi *
Do Nothing Technique & Those Awesome Kegels = Aneros Power & Sweetness, 6/13/16 session *
Morning sessions, 6/10/16 & 6/11/16 = Sweet, powerful Aless! *
Session just after sunrise and aftermath, Wednesday 6/8/2016 *
Aneros session for Monday June 6, 2016 with Aless Afterglow *
Late Tuesday night session, June 7, 2015 *
More on Kegels, Reverse Kegels, Aneros & now that Prostate "Itch" 6/3 & 6/4 sessions *
Kegels, Reverse Kegels, and Aneros -- Wow!!! 6/2/16
Memorial Day morning session, 5/3016
Memorial Day morning session, 5/30/16
Aless for Friday May 27, 2016 and updates
More on Kegels and Reverse Kegels, 5/27/16 morning session
Aneros session for Saturday morning, April 22, 2016, Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Saturday morning May 22, 2016 session with Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Saturday morning May 22, 2016 session with Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Redesigned web site challenges and Aneros session
Aneros session for April 1, 2016
Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016
Recovery from the flu & New Years with Aneros!
Achieving Aless sweetness while wearing a Nutty Buddy athletic cup
Aneros sessions are cumulative & you have Aneros tipping point[s]
Aless while wearing the Nutty Buddy Athletic cup
Kegeling & Reverse Kegeling refinements, session for 11/5/15
An Aless like none other, the rest of Thursday October 22, 2015
After cold snap, Aneros pleasure!!!
Continuing with Aneros Tug-of-War
Stumbling upon Tug-of-War technique
Aless while wearing a Nutty Buddy Athletic Cup
Rewiring: Aneros sessions 10/11 & 10/12/15
Aneros muscle memory
Three weeks away from Aneros and wanting it so bad!
Session for July 8, 2015
More and more Aneros and Aless pleasure!
Afterglow following my first Super-O, July 4, 2015
Celebrating Independence Day 2015 with Aneros
A LGBT poem, written by a retired, straight teacher
A masturbation session that was absolutely hot!
Aneros session for Thursday June 18, 2005
Aless session while wearing a jock and cup
Sweet, powerful Aless now after sessions
Edging both with Aneros and also in Aless
Aneros session, April 12, 2015
Coming up on three years with Aneros!
Aless & Foreplay in the Nutty Buddy Cup
A recent masturbation session
The Glans Penis, Prostate, and Maximus
Sweet, vibrant Aneros energy!
The consolations of Aless
Aless foreplay, a hot Aneros session, Aless postplay
Oh, Progasm Classic & Maximus, you guys send me!
Powerful, continuous powerful Aless
Mixing Aneros models up in sessions
My thoughts on pornography and Aneros sessions
Aneros Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Aneros autof**k strokes: Relaxation and subtlety
Aless while wearing a jock and cup
Oh Aneros! You really send me!
Deeper & deeper, subtle & delicate Aneros sweetness
The Aneros autof**k & Aneros surfing
The liquid energy of Aneros pleasure!
Aneros edging: Go deeper and deeper!
Getting more and more into the "do-nothing" technique
Sweet sexual energy surrounding my Aneros models
Aneros horniness, session for Aug. 5, 2014
Aless & Kegels : CONNECTION!
Coming up on my 2nd Aneros anniversary: Lessons learned
Rainy Friday morning Aneros session, May 16, 2014
From the Glans Penis to the Prostate
Aneros Foreplay
Presidents Day Morning, Savoring Aneros Electric Eroticism!
My Aneros Autof**k is now liquid f**k motion!
Aneros Springiness and Mushiness
Savoring Aneros Foreplay and Afterplay and Aneros Downtime
Lying on my Right Side, with a Variation
First possible Anerosless Super-O last night!
More Aneros positions: Sitting, Standing, Lying on Belly, and Doggie
Do Nothing Aneros Technique and Two New Aneros Positions
Aneros Foreplay with Jockstraps and Athletic Cups
Change and Transformation in my Aneros sessions
Tempo and Progasm Classic, the Cadillacs of the Aneros line!
Recent Aneros Milestones
Eupho Syn: Sweet Delicate Autof**k Action
Getting into the Autof**k [Action]
My Aneros Team[s]
Aneros DeVice, Oh fuck yeah!!!! A review!
The Awakened Prostate : A Celebration of National Masturbation Month
First anniversary with the Aneros, 6/3/13 (A work in progress)
Apartment renovation finally completed, May 9
That Delicious Tightness in my Perineum
Aneros Resonance and Harmonics, Session for April 11, 2013
Entering the Aneros Afterglow Earlier Today: Session for April 6, 2013
Progasm Classic in Blue est arrivee!!! Sessions for March 31 & April 2
The consolations of heavy duty Progasm Classic autof**king, sessions for March 23 & 25
TRUE Aneros autof**king: Session for March 21, 2012
Aneros Carnal Knowledge, Session for March 19, 2013
Can't get enough of Aneros lovin', Sessions for February 11-14
Recovery from a brief illness : Sessions for the week of February 2-9
My now "Three" Progasm Buddies which I love and adore! Sessions for January 23-26
Aneros Autopilot, Long Autof**k Strokes, and Focus: Sessions for January 19 & 21
Those \"long\" Aneros autof**k strokes: Sessions for January 10-18
My Aneros Team: A Show and Tell
Aneros Autof**k Stroke Focus: Sessions for January 5, 7, & 9
An Amazing Athletic Cup for the Kegel Exercises and Anerosing
I'm an Aneros lovin' it! Session for January 4, 2013
A New Year! : Aneros Session for January 2, 2013
Year End Sessions for December 27, 29 & 31, 2012
A Vital Connection: Christmas Eve a.m. Session, 2012
Aneros Focus: Sessions for December 19, 21 & 22
The Progasm is Absolute Pleasure!!! Sessions for Thursday December 13
Getting into the Zone of Pleasure: Aneros Sessions for December 15 & 17
A Really Good Time With the Maximus: Session for Tuesday December 11
Going All the Way with the Progasm: Sessions for December 5, 7, & 8
The Awakened, Anerosed Prostate and the Kegel Exercises
I'm a Progasm Slut! no. II: Sessions for November 30, December 2 & 3, 2012
Those Subtle Aneros Feelings and Delights! Sessions for November 23, 24, 26 & 28
I'm a Progasm Slut: Session for Wednesday November 21
Both Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic Rock: Session for Monday November 19
The Helix Syn )Re(-Joins My Lineup: Session for November 16, 2012
Models MGX and Helix Classic Join My Team!: Session for Saturday Nov. 18
Hurricane Sandy & Falling in love with my Progasm Classic
A Tightness at my Aneros Sweet Spot, Session for Monday November 12
Aneros spin offs to date, November 2012
Now my Eupho with his Big Bros, Session for Saturday November 10
That Aneros sweet spot: Sessions for October 20 & 22, 2012
Inspiration for title Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum: Session for Friday Oct. 17, 2012
Kegeling and my Aneros BIG Buddies: Session for Wednesday October 17, 2012
Kegeling and the Progasm: Sessions for October 13 & 15, 2012
My Three Big Really Good Buddies: Aneros Session for October 10 & 12, 2012
The Progasm Classic, Maximus, & Progasm Ice : My Big Buddies : October 5 & 8 Sessions
Aneros Automatic Autof**king and the Kegel Exercises, October 3, 2012
My three good buddies: Aneros session for October 1, 2012
Maximus and Progasm: Aneros Session for Saturday 29, 2012
My main men, the Maximus and Helix Syn, Aneros Session Wednesday morning September 19, 2012
The Aneros Maximus Rocks!!! Session for September 17, 2012
Aneros Session Early Tuesday Morning August 28, 2012
Long Overdue Aneros Session, Saturday Afternoon, August 25, 2012
Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum
Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum
Dressing my cock up in cellophane (Day 4) : delicate, sublime, yet profound urogenital sensations
Posted by BigGlansDC on February 5th, 2019.
Session Length: N/A
Models Used: N/A
Hi guys,
I am having lots of erotic fun dressing my cock up in cellophane these days. The cellophane containers in which my store-brought muffins come in have the thinness of the latex of sexual condoms. Condoms that men wear over the cocks for sexual intercourse have this thinness of latex material to not detract too much from the sexual sweetness of sexual contact with their sexual partners, whether female or male.
When I was in college in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, I bought a couple condoms out of curiosity, mostly to experience their sensation of my circumcised cock. You’d rolled down a condom your cock shaft to its base. The condom at its base had a sort of elastic to keep the condom in place during intercourse. Also the condom had a reservoir or a small balloon which extended a tenth an inch beyond the glans for your ejaculated semen. Some guys told me that wearing a condom over your cock felt like wearing a raincoat. Yeah, the condom lessened the sweetness of sexual contact, but not by much. But also wearing a condom for sexual intercourse guards against unwanted pregnancy in females and venereal disease. Hence they are called prophylactics.
The cellophane containers that I wear over my cock have a slight resemblance to wearing a condom. My cock certainly loves their feel. They have enhanced the sweetness of my Aless and Kegels for sure.
These beautiful and sweet sensations that I feel from my dressed up cock in cellophane focus my attention and consciousness on the urogenital part of my body, my manhood or the center of my maleness, namely my genitals as they relate intimately with urinary system. I exult in these lovely, beautiful sensations. They are the outgrowth of my gratitude for robust health in my urinary and sexual reproductive systems of a 69 year old man.
It wasn’t so for me as an adolescent. I had contacted somehow a recurring kidney infection at age 15. It probably happened because I was too bashful to use the boys restrooms. My parents put me under the care of a fairly young personal physician who had served in the Navy. This doctor was sterner stuff and advised a regimen of first two weeks of penicillin by injection twice a day and then sulfa drugs taken orally once a day for a good year after that to clear up that infection. The Ex Navy doctor and hospital nurses urged me to drink lots of water to main good urinary health, a practice I have maintained a more than fifty years since.
Also I should say that my close to seven year Aneros regimen gave me good, robust prostate health well adding additional benefits to good urinary health.
Update at 6:30 p.m. I have dressed up my cock in cellophane continuous today since 6 o’clock this morning except to make a few pit stops in my bathroom throughout the day. The feel of a good seven or eight cellophane containers on my cock has been amazing. I look forward toward doing this in the pouch of my cup jock throughout the night tonight.
One notable occurrence today happened mid afternoon earlier today when I spent a good hour in the warm sunshine in a park three blocks from my apartment, the first time in a good couple months. We have had much cold weather then with many rainy days. But the weather today was splendid, a true harbinger of spring a good six weeks ago. I enjoyed sitting out in the warm sunshine and discretely diddling myself, enjoying life! Take care!
diddling kegel exercises kegeling kegels nipple diddling nipple stimulation