• Diddling techniques and their affect on my Progasm ICE!

    Hi guys,

    As many of you know from Aneros blog entries, I have been a serious nipple diddler since my Aneros breakthroughs in mid September 2016 when I began experience sustained Super-O’s and MMO’s.

    During the coronavirus lock-down and stay-at-home orders from our DC mayor who takes her information primarily from experts at the CDC the last two months or so, diddling my nipples at night helps me to escape 24/7 news circle. Recently I have noticed that nipple diddling has also enhanced very much my sessions with Progasm ICE. I am grateful to my good buddy @GGringo for inspiring to use once again Progasm ICE in my sessions after a hiatus of several years.

    I use two basic types of diddling at night. (1) Back and forth motion of my fingers across my nipples. (2) Circular motion around my aureoles and even the nipples themselves. Diddling at night when all is dark and hushed enables me to focus this type of sexual stimulation. Most nights I can diddle myself and launch myself into orbit of a Super-O or even a MMO. I usually have my Aneros sessions in the six o’clock hour in the morning right after showering and shaving. My nights of diddling prime myself to some amazing Aneros sessions, especially Progasm ICE!

    It is very interesting when these two diddling techniques are reflected in the movement of Progasm ICE as it massages my prostate and exercises my anal musculature. The afterglow of Aless following is also worth noticing. I find that using the Kegel Exercises in Aless enhances sexual pleasure.

    I am sure there are many guys out there who use the Aneros and have similar experiences.

    Take care.


    • Avatar for Mercury


      05/30/2020at1:53 pm

      Nipple stimulation has been very important to me. I don’t think I would be able to achieve the super O without it. Maybe over the years I have rewired my nervous system so that there’s a direct connection between my nipples and prostate. I’m not exactly sure how it works.

      It’s been a while since I’ve used my progasm. I’ve mostly been using my eupho trident with great success. Perhaps I should try the progasm again.

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