• Diddling most nights in bed : a great help in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis

    Hi guys,

    Like most guys here in the USA and throughout the world, our lives have been thrown in turmoil with the COVID-19 outbreak crisis. As an older guy, 70 going on to 71, I have been instructed by CDC directives and those of my apartment management team to self-isolate and maintain as much as possible so as not the contract the contagion and maintain my customary good health. That is called “flattening the curve.”

    The COVID-19 crisis dominates the news these days here. We need to pay attention as much as possible for correct information, but not to disrupt our well-being. I am a retired librarian. I can escape to reading good books and to my foreign language translation projects which occupy me most days.

    However, it is really when I go to bed that I can escape this barrage of news on this crisis. I am so fortunate to have the privacy of a quiet, dark apartment at night. Yes, I may hear jets, helicopters, police cars, and ambulances most nights. But I can escape to the comparative quiet and darkness that I enjoy at night.

    However, these nightly environment facilitates my nipple diddling practice. Here I invoke my sexual fantasies which fuel the sweetness of diddling my nipples. The softest touches to my nipples are enough to launch me into orbit. My cock, prostate, and testicles get involved. I just my extended dalliance of the PONR.

    I thank the inspiration of guys like @SOwithoutAneros have provided me recently.

    P.S. Thursday night. I have donned my BIKE CUP no. 85 Supporter Unit a few minutes ago and I am looking forward to long night wearing my cup and diddling my nipples.

    Take care!