• Day 31 of 2nd SR-Challenge: Flow, like a river. Don't fight it. Just let go and go with the flow.

    Yesterday, accidentally reading over a post I had already read months ago, exactly on New Year’s Eve last year, I was struck by the insight how far my journey has gone by now. Only now I realized all the changes I went through and the deeper understanding of @flexxor’s wisdom made all the difference. It’s rather unbelievable how boldly and concurrently sagely this young man in his twenties oozes his wisdom to the forum: To those still waiting and WANT to get that “Super O”; Here’s how … To me the key assumption of his post was

    “Keep this in mind during Aneros sessions: Don’t get caught up in everything. LET your mind wander. Don’t control it. Think of it like this (since evidence has proven people learn better with metaphors): Flow, like a river. Don’t fight it. Just let go and go with the flow. The same with the Aneros.”

    An imagination I got used to from my binaural sessions, following the orders of online domina Shibby (links you can find in some of my older blog posts) was sliding down a long helter-skelter into a basin of a black liquid of pure bliss. Having read the post and fascinated by the thesis I lay down on my couch and a mingled imagination of both fantasies occured to my mind. It didn’t take long to give up to the new scene. I found myself lying on the water like flotsam sometimes getting caught by some branches hanging over the river shore, sometimes getting faster adrift with the stream.
    Just when really transcending into that vision a wonderful super-O slowly came over me out of nothing but meditating about this fantasy. It was so soothing as well as mighty – a brand new experience. I found myself curling up like an embryo and totally drifting into a feeling of bliss, omitting some high sounds like coughs. There were about three or four waves of this, I was floating away on. Along came an extreme hard finally aching erection as well as involuntaries.
    This time I decided to end up the session. It came in my mind that it was great, amazing, new, fantastic but therefore at the moment not increasible. I wanted to preserve this treasure and to commemorate the experience. I didn’t want to fail with any attempt to achieve an even better feeling and afterwards start to grow angry with myself.
    It was my best decision. I have to slow down. Some things I had already to learn again from reading my own blog. Seems like a journey at light speed.
    This day was one of the best I ever had. I took pleasure in several very short Aless sessions, beginning in the bathroom this morning and untill now ending with putting on some lotion after having a shower. The shower was neccessary cause my testerone level made me go jogging! You must know, since years I could not brace myself up for that, though I love it when I did it. And as a sign from heaven a wonderful sundown was my companion.
    My awareness: Celebrate the moment! Good vibes, folks!


    • Avatar for Slondon7


      03/31/2017at10:58 am

      SOwithoutAneros I admire you very much 31 days is a lot to do semen retention i’m on day 27 I’ll try to get to you privately but I don’t know how to use that to navigate this website send private emails to people what is the best device for milking I see that you use all kinds. This is the second time I’m doing this Semen retention the organisms , super O s, unbelievable and mind blowing but the best thing is A less I’ve been doing it every morning for milking seems to be working, you could reach me privately on this website doesn’t matter to me I’ve been following your progress thank you for reading this I’ve been preaching this in the chat rooms. Hope to hear from you sincerely Slondon7

    • Avatar for SOwithoutAneros


      03/31/2017at1:15 pm

      Hey @Slondon 7, thanks for your nice comment. Though already on my day 34 of SR I must say, your nearly four weeks aren’t that bad either. To tell the truth, I didn’t do much for milking the last days. Nevertheless the stains in my underwear showed me how much precum I was leaking during all my Aless moments I give in althrough the day. This morning, for heaven’s sake blessed with a single office room, I enjoyed my new kind of masturbation, literally! Masturbating my hands themselves only, without touching my privates, I got a rock-hard boner by merely lotioning my hands thoroughly and with devotion. Concurrently I experienced moments of bliss and full body orgasms near to a super-O. Another time I did some palate touching with my tongue and got near PONR in some few minutes. Writing this comment I again got rock-hard and I’m just feeling wetness on my stomach next to my glans. I’m absolutely horny and, thinking about the last week more I want to hold back my semen, just let me feel my heavy balls and make me picture my semen and my sexual energy down there. This visualization is giving me another chairgasm right now and the next drops of precum are leaking out of my achingly hard member.
      Didn’t yet manage to get into those chat rooms either because of some technical issues. My Firefox seems not to be compatible.
      For PMs you only have to change to the forum, where you find a button “members” to search for a special member in alphabetical order. Beneath every member name listed you’ll find a button “private message”.
      In the forum you, too, can find a button messages top right beside your own member name and avatar to get to your message center.
      Best vibes and good luck for your own challenge, by the way, how many days are you trying to endure?

    • Avatar for SOwithoutAneros


      03/31/2017at1:20 pm

      @Slondon 7, just sent you a pm, too. Cheers!

    • Avatar for Slondon7


      03/31/2017at3:40 pm

      I really don’t know thank you for responding and everything ,you’re right about dripping and all that but everything is heightened almost 10 times The pleasure for me ,I was talking to Rook A couple days ago he was telling me he does the same thing but not anymore so he don’t like the idea The first squirt is painful I remember correctly that’s what happened to me sure curious if on what happens again pain or not oh by the way have you ever had a Wet dream from this yet well once again thank you for contacting me at lest I have somebody to talk to about this seriously.The pleasure I’m getting from this is beyond believe.

    • Avatar for SOwithoutAneros


      03/31/2017at9:39 pm

      @Slondon 7, I’m afraid not, until now I didn’t have a wet dream, although I feel quite close to ejaculation when giving in those Aless moments from minutes up to hours. My horniness is beyond believe, too, and writing down my thoughts and thinking about my situation, I got rock-hard exactly now, having typed these two sentences. It feels hard, too, not to give in to Aless but to type on. Now I feel my balls aching, oh yeah, heavy balls and another thrusting of my pelvis, pulsing penis and vibes up the spine, make it difficult to write down my thoughts, first full body orgasm, wow, that felt good. Had had another 4 km run this evening, I think of it as a displacement activity, but as it’s known that sports heighten the testosteron level, this might become a vicious circle. I just gave in to a chairgasm, vibes all over my front, especially across my chest. Rereading my post and focusing on my mistakes made me a bit calmer. Phew! Never would have thought that my fifies would become that sexual again. Getting a boner at least ten times a day was not my daily routine the last years, but I like it. Now I will take a shower and I will need all my willpower to make it to day 35! Good luck!
      P.S. Am I hallucinating? Did you ever hear your nipple say, “Don’t take that shower. Come, on, play with me!”? And did you follow? … Phew!

    • Avatar for Slondon7


      04/01/2017at12:00 am

      I tell other guys about their nipples all the time and I wasn’t making any progress and so I started with my nipples and I don’t know I didn’t think of them before I tried some A less this afternoon and when I went into an orgasmic spasm it felt like a continuous ejaculation I’ve never felt nothing like that in my life how much better does this go constant moaning I never had during sex it’s funny I’m talking to somebody’s in the same boat I am having the same feelings like that is a turn on in the back of my mind my nipples are telling me ejaculate ejaculate but I’m not just too good and getting better well God bless that’s what this is May you’re super Os get better and better

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