• Day 22 of 5th attempt

    Happy to have made it to my 21 day goal. Nothing magical happens at the 21 day mark, which isn’t a surprise. I feel mostly the same as I did as soon as the day after I last ejaculated 3 weeks ago. These changes, expecially the last few days:
    – if i get aroused during the day, I’ll leak pre cum, even if I am soft
    – wake up in the middle of the night with erections that are pretty strong
    – get blue balls pretty easily after being aroused if I don’t get a chance to play
    – when im really turned on, like before sex im really excited about, it feels almost like a nervous/anxious energy
    I was having issues with control around the 3rd week, but that seems to have gotten a bit better. Like I was having pretty strong orgasms and right at the point of no return a lot yesterday, but also didn’t have any close calls.
    I’m going to keep going with it and see how it goes. I’m thinking of cumming around the day 34 or 35 mark. The ONLY reason I want to cum is because I think I had better control during sex when I had ejaculated at least once in the past week. But maybe I should use this opportunity as a challenge to really learn better control. I don’t know.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for SOwithoutAneros


      04/18/2017at2:12 am

      How cool is that? Thumbs up! Still crossing fingers! Ever thought about ruining your orgasm if cumming involuntarily? Best vibes and good luck!

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