• Day 16 of 5th attempt

    Feeling so much better (less horny) today.
    Yesterday, most of the day was still feeling in that hyper sexual / hyper horny state. I had a session in the afternoon for about 2.5 hours, then decided to stop cause of timing of other things I had to do. Interestingly, the guy im seeing right now came over and started initiating sex. I got rock hard really fast, and then soft really fast. He was teasing me and playing with my cock for a while, and then we had sex – but things just weren’t working. I was soft the whole time. Did have a few orgasms, but we just decided to stop. I think I just wasn’t in the mood all that much.
    Been a calm and cool energy since then, and not as horny. So that pretty much concludes the 2 day EXTRA HORNY period of this attempt. In some ways sad to see it go, but happy to feel a bit more normal and controlled today.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for SOwithoutAneros


      04/11/2017at9:10 pm

      @shockedwaves, congrats so far. I must admit, having a guy around starting initiating sex wasn’t part of my challenge I had to cope with. That’s quite a lot more of temptation you have to withstand than I had. I owe you respect! As I said, there are ups and downs and as we see, you made it to day 16 again. I believe, this time it will happen and you will cope with your 21 days. Good luck, knock on wood(ie)! 😉

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