• Cunnilingus

    The ever evolving sexual and erotic experiences in my life are an endless source of inspiration for topics. Last night as I lay in bed reading and waiting for J to come in from the shower I pondered wait I might write about. The inspiration was provided when she came into the bedroom naked from the shower. As she dried herself off, it was hard for me to continue reading and not look at her beautiful body. So I looked. She is so sexy even at sixty; she never ceases to get me hard. Indeed as I lay there my cock began to stiffen.
    That is when it hit me. This post needed to be about cunnilingus, and particularly my first experience of cunnilingus on her. Cunnilingus is my absolute favorite sexual activity and always has been. When we first started dating she was 19 and was not only a virgin, but if I believe her )and I do( she had never experienced an orgasm from a boy yet. She was a very reserved and protected girl raised in a very repressed home. It was 1971, we had reached our 4th date and we really liked each other. From the first date she established a very high level of trust in me. I was more experienced that she was but I was very nervous around her. We knew on that 4th date that sex of some sort was in the offing before the night was over, I was more nervous than usual.
    Having been raised in a family of sexually aware girl cousins around my age I came of age with all of them; one of them who was five years older than I gave me my first orgasm )that wasn’t self administered( when I was 15 years old by sucking my cock. I had fingered a friends vagina a few times when I was fifteen, but had never brought her to orgasm, she was too nervous to cum, plus I had no idea what I was doing. So J was the first girl that I was not related to that I felt comfortable enough with to initiate sex with and be intimate with. I was 20 years old at that fourth date.
    The date was a movie and a snack afterwards at a restaurant we both liked; it was an upscale hamburger place. J loved hamburgers then and still does. It was late November in Upstate New York, early winter was setting in. It was cold and damp. We parked my car behind my apartment down the hill from her dorm and huddled together as we went up the hill back to her dorm room; she had a single. We weren’t ready to say goodnight early. Our privacy was assured in her room. By the time we got there it was 10:30 PM. There was a dorm visitor’s curfew at 12 midnight, but that seemed like hours away.
    We got into her room and put on our favorite album ….Nights in White Satin by the Moody Blues. To this day Nights in White Satin gives me chills and makes waves of nostalgia wash over me. Soon we were lying on her bed making out. Our passion was inflamed by the way we felt about each other and by the mood set by the music. A candle flickered sensually on her windowsill. It was the only light in the cool air of the room; we were providing enough heat to stay warm. My hands were under her shirt and hers were down my pants.
    The feeling of her hand fondling my cock made my cock so hard it ached. No girl had ever been this forward with me physically; her hand caressing my cock lovingly gave me carte blanche to be confidently assertive with her in return. I didn’t question the desire that drove to unbutton her blouse and pull off her bra to reveal her breasts. This was the first time I had seen her perfect 34 C tits. She lay there bare on top while she still wore her jeans. She was )and still is( incredibly sexy when she was bare-chested with jeans. That has always been a huge turn on to me and it still is. The volume of my arousal and my desire for her was turned to near maximum. My kisses trailed down her neck to her nipples. For the first times she felt a mans suckling warm mouth tugging and sucking her nipples. For me I still remember her sweet soft nipples stiffening in my mouth as I tugged and drew the invisible milk of passion from them. To this day I remember the anguished moan as I massaged and stroked her desire stiffened nipples with my tongue. Pressing her wrinkled areola between my lips and sucking her rigid nipple she stiffened and began to stroke the back of my head. I could feel her heart pounding.
    Emboldened by the passion of the moment I extricated her hand from my pants and stood up. As she lay on the bed looking at me silhouetted in the flickering light of the candle, I removed my clothes in her view, in effect putting on a strip tease show for her. I unbuttoned my shirt, and removed it; then my pants and I slid out of them. With her eyes glued to the performance I was providing she watched as I put my thumbs in the waistband of my briefs and slid them down. I was nervous to reveal my erect cock to her but I was turned on by a factor of 10 times more than I was nervous. My cock was indeed erect and standing straight up. I was the first guy she had ever seen totally naked. As she stroked my body with her lingering gaze her own arousal grew and my aroused resolve redoubled.
    I knelt next to the bed and unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped her fly. She did not resist. In fact as I pulled on the waist of her pants to slide them off her she raised her bottom off the bed to allow them to come off easier. Throwing her jeans on the floor I kissed her belly button and ran my hands over her breasts and caressed them lovingly. Desire was rushing in my ears in a torrential roar.
    Then, straightening my back up as I remained on my knees on the floor I looked into her eyes as delicately pinched the sides of her panties at her hips between my thumb and forefingers and pulled them down.
    As I revealed her down covered Mons to my eyes in the sensual light of the room, I remember it started raining. The sudden sound of the wind forcing the rain against the window distracted me for a moment. The howling rains outside made me think of the time. I looked at the clock next to her bed; it was 12:30 AM, I remember that so clearly now even though it was 42 years ago. I was not going to be going anywhere because if I left now she would get in serious trouble for breaking dorm curfew; I was best spending the night with her hiding in her room. I was here for the night. I thought that leaving now was not a choice anyway; we would be spending our first night together. The thought of sharing a bed with her made my head spin and the ache in my cock to spread to my perineum; it served to calm and arouse me at the same time.
    Reality returned and I looked at this lithe sexy shapely girl that I had very strong feelings for lying naked before me on her bed. I am sure she felt nervous and very vulnerable but somehow she had vested a great deal of trust in me. So with the greatest respect and awe I grasped her knees in my hands and lifted her legs and parted them, putting her feet on her bed with her knees bent. Revealed before me was the most erotic site that I had ever seen, it was her feminine mound with a covering of soft short hair and the pink cleft of her opening was there before me like a gourmet feast. The sight of her glistening pussy mouth presented to me in vulgar elegance as I knelt naked between her legs is another one of those memories that will forever be burned in my memory.
    Using my thumbs to part her outer vaginal lips I lowered my face to her inner lips and gently made contact with them. The sensation of the wetted silken smooth skin of her pussy lips on my own lips was riveting. Tenderly I kissed the warm smooth mouth of her femininity. I found that the more I kissed her dewy opening the more I needed and wanted to. Inhaling her warm arousal and feeling her wetness on my lips, my own arousal grew and the more confident I became. Soon I was probing her with my tongue and licking and kissing her thickening flower petals.
    I remember that she had very little taste when I started my lingual investigation of her grotto, but as I became more bold and assertive in my probing her opening began to exude a rich heady aroma and taste and drip pearlescent white nectar of her desire. I recognize now that the change in her taste was indeed her arousal expressing itself.
    Remembering some of the basic female anatomy I had read about, I searched for her clit; it wasn’t hard to find as it was erectly protruding from its fleshy hood. Teasing it carefully with my tongue to see how she responded I was pleasantly surprised to hear her groan in throaty acknowledgement of the pleasure that she felt. So with greater confidence I used my firmly pointed tongue to stroke and manipulate her clit. The direct assault of her rigid nub coaxed her to pursue greater pleasure by slowly thrusting against me and humping my mouth as she moaned quietly. As she sucked air in her lungs with each thrust of her pelvis I could sense her arousal was amplifying.
    The rain kept tapping on the window. Although my sight was fixed on the sexy undulating female hips under my mouth I did notice that the room was filled with the sparkling light from street lights that was deflected through the raindrops on the window. The room felt like a sensual refuge for the two of us as I expressed my desire for her by kissing and suckling her pussy. I was moved that she was comfortable enough with me to allow me to give her pleasure in this way.
    It was almost 1 AM and my fate that night was sealed, I would sleep with her. Her fate in the next few minutes was also sealed; she would soon be falling into the arms of orgasmic rapture. As my oral affection to her drooling pussy mouth pushed her closer and closer to orgasm; she lost all reservations she may have had as I coaxed her closer and closer to the agonizing abyss of ecstasy. Holding my head and directing my mouth to the places that she instinctively knew would feel wonderful she began to murmur vulgar things to me. It was the first time I had ever heard a girl lose control and succumb to the delirium of orgasm.
    When the orgasm hit, it forced her pussy mouth open to accept its euphoric intrusion; ecstasy impaled her and rushed into her pussy as she rocked her pelvis in welcome relief; she murmured my name and implored me to not stop. She rode the wave of pleasure and rocked against my mouth as I struggled to keep contact with her clit. To my amazement before the first orgasm stopped a second began. She acknowledged the unexpected arrival of the second orgasm with repeated refrains of “Oh my god”. She held my face to her weeping pussy mouth; I was like a baby bird feeding from the mouth of a mother bird. But instead of food, I was being fed pleasure from her gaping cunt.
    In the peace and solitude of that darkened room so many years ago I learned of the divine pleasure that this wonderful girl could experience from oral love.
    So here I am 41 years later. Just a few nights ago I found myself in that same basic position, kneeling between her legs feeding on the passion that was drooling from her pussy. I have since that first night performed countless sessions of oral sex on her. Her mature pussy has seen the birth of our children, literally thousands of penetrations from my cock, swallowed gallons of my cum and had uncountable orgasms. Its landscape is different than it was 41 years ago, as is her taste. In arousal her taste is now tangy and resonant. Her inner lips are fuller and thicker and her opening reveals itself in arousal in pink quivering contractions. Her desire to have my tongue suckling and licking at her yawning feminine mouth in her aroused mindset is much more easily expressed now and her comfort at revealing her aroused sex to me is not only easier now but it is arousing for her.
    So when I knelt at the altar of her arousal two nights ago I looked deeply into the open pink mouth of her pussy mouth and I stroked her clit and the opening with my tongue with the passion of a man driven to satisfy her. Holding her cheeks in my hands and directing her pussy to my assault as I drove her arousal higher and higher. As her breathing became choppier and more ragged the gentle undulation of her pelvis became more erratic. Her ability to facilitate her own arousal became very hard to accomplish. With all of our years of cunnilingus I have learned to read her cues very effectively. So as the growing orgasmic tension deep in her pussy made her movements somewhat spastic I assumed the lead and fixated my oral attention on those parts of her opening and base of her clitoral glans to stroke and massage her to crescendo.
    As her moans turned to a lilting trill and her legs began to tremble in the moments just before climax, I sucked her clit into my mouth and tugged it as I stroked and massaged it with my tongue. This time unlike 41 years ago, I was able to insert an upturned finger into her quivering pussy and firmly stroke the roof of her vagina and in the process release her orgasm.
    She is mature now in her welcoming of orgasm. Opening her legs wider and pressing my mouth against her clit she allowed the orgasm to drill into her pussy and fill her with agonizing bliss. She is more confident now in welcoming the second orgasm and the relaxing cascade of waning orgasmic spasms.
    This time unlike the first time I made oral love to her, as she rode over the crest of the second orgasm I mounted her and fucked her deep and hard. The final shuddering quaking of her pussy in orgasm squeezed my cock and pulled me over the abyss with her. So caressing her ass I expressed years of desire for her by arching my back and pressed my cock deep into her pussy and pumped it full of my hot cum.
    Years have passed but my love of cunnilingus has not diminished. Indeed with rewiring it has only amplified. I am lucky indeed.

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