• Continuing with Aneros Tug-of-War

    Hi guys,
    I have been having daily Aneros sessions since early Sunday morning. It appears that my body craves them and so does my male psyche. :-] I plan to have another first thing tomorrow Friday morning. We are supposed to have a cold snap this weekend, so I do not know about Saturday afternoon. Management still has not turned on the heat at our apartments.
    This morning I began with Maximus for a change. Maximus performed exquisitely. I had great tug-of-war with Maximus.
    Program Classic this morning didn't perform as well as I wanted. But I *love* big buddy Progasm Classic and what he does for me. Maybe some session very soon, I will start with him!
    As always, Tempo stars in most of my sessions which he did this morning. I have found that slow, gentle rhythmic breathing activates Tempo! I just love how Tempo tones and strengthens my anal musculature.
    Finally, I concluded with Helix Classic which did quite well with Aneros Tug-of-War.
    I cannot say enough about my Aneros models and what they mean to me. They have become my best buddies in my Aneros journey as a man in his 60's.
    Cave of Mystery's technique of Aneros Tug-of-War suggests that a guy place his butt on a pillow with his two feet placed firmly on the bed. I followed those directions assiduously maybe two years ago, but my Anerosing seemed such hard work and sometimes exhausting. Now it seems much easier, even effortless. Yet, I enjoy this technique better on my right side with both my knees together in "sitting" fashion, a recommended position by the Aneros Company as given in its Wiki. However it isn't hard to keep trying.
    However, I seldom get erections in my Aneros sessions. But that doesn't bother me in the least. Aneros has brought lots of pleasure into my life both in my sessions and outside of sessions in Aless. In fact, my Aneros sessions power my Aless!
    Take care!

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