• Super E/Super Erection, a new term

    Shouldn’t “Super Erection” be a new Aneros term in the Wiki given to the unique erections caused by the Aneros and Peridise models? So many guys from the Aneros forum that I have chatted with describe the erections they get from the Aneros and all…

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  • Aneros can trigger erotic memories

    I like to express myself in writing as well. When in intense sessions with the Aneros or Aneros Peridise I would come to having a lot of sexy thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings. This would often bring me back to some erotic memories of when…

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  • Aneros is the cure to Proctalgia fugax

    Proctalgia fugax: I feel I may have this condition but the Aneros prostate massagers and Peridise have minimized the frequency of the symptoms. I think Aneros products soothe, minimize and possibly cure this condition. Here is the literature from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proctalgia_fugax

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  • My first and only “non-ejaculatory” penile multiple orgasm

    [b]My first and only “non-ejaculatory” penile multiple orgasm as a kid.[/b] [b]I am an adult now, for the record, but this is a story about when I was younger.[/b] I had a friend stay over for my thirteenth birthday. I was a late bloomer and…

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  • I used to have rectal pains before I used the Aneros.

    I'm a young man and for 4 years before I started using the Aneros I would get rectal pains at a minimum of at least once every 3 months, especially and most times in the middle of the night which woke me up out of…

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  • Links to post videos, pics, talk in forums, join groups.

    For those of you interested in recording your Aneros sessions and/or Super O’s, here is how you can do so. There is a website called www.xtube.com. You need to have an account; it’s free and easy to sign up for. If you don’t already have…

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  • Some P-Waves and spasms but no Super O last night. Lots of involuntaries.

    Last night I went through a lot of spastic activity and some mild p-waves using the MGX but no Super O's. It was relaxing though. I used a some ID Glide and a little Vaseline around the opening of the anus. Had lots of involuntaries…

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  • Testing this blog thing out.

    I'm testing this blog thing out. Any advice would be appreciated.

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  • Equalityboy81's Aneros Experiences

    I’m now almost 27. When I first saw the Aneros on the shelf at a local adult store in late 2006 I was excited and bought it right then. I believed what I saw on the website over the years about it. It made scientific…

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