• An Unexpected Surprise!

    Monday night, I received a little surprise. My kids are grown up and moved out, so when my wife and I separated, the only custody issue we had was the dog. It was my turn to host the mutt for a few days, so I…

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  • Session 6-Success!

    I know that I decided to take a break for a few days from the Progasm, but here it was the next day and I was getting a little worked up. Reading other experiences made me to eager, what can I say? So I ran…

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  • The first few days

    In the beginning, there was darkness. Hmm. I think maybe that one’s been taken. Try this. I remember my first sexual experience. It was dark, I was afraid, I was alone. Hmm. Not much better. Okay, focus here. My story, insofar as it relates to…

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