• Can you say MARATHON?

    Had the day to myself.
    It was inevitable.
    10:00 – Insertion of Dame Helix Syn.
    10:01 – The excitement begins.
    10:10 – Check in to Aneros chat, a bit out of breath.
    10:11 – Begin chatting (while riding) with some Aneros buddies – Twlltn, Theme_Gasm, Aneros2010, to name a few – all the while moaning through Dry and Super Os.
    11:00 – Won the "I Can Still Chat and Type While Being Taken for a Wild Ride by Lady Syn" Award – while shivering through long-term, full-bodied orgasmic bliss.
    1:00 – Began deepening my connection with my pal Theme_Gasm, all the time still riding – during my settling in to Calm Seas. Removed Synsation.
    2:00 – Met up with my other pal, Aneros2010. We had an amazing mutual -less session together – during which every imaginable orgasm passed through me.
    4:00 – Crossed the "finish line" of my marathon session, satisfied, sweaty, wet, warm, and smiling.
    Now, the after-glow and echoes.
    Thank you to my Aneros pals who are so generous, helpful, encouraging, and open.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/11/2013at3:59 pm

      Wonderful, wonderful man!!! men!!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/22/2013at9:42 am

      You are most welcome! It was a great pleasure!

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