• BigWilley12

    I have a question?
    Have any of you tried putting in an aneros before going to sleep?
    I tried it once this past week, and had a different experience,
    I felt like my anal muscles had been working all night, and when I awoke
    I was exhausted!
    I am sure that I had experienced a few orgasms ,but I dont remember them.
    I had a definite fullfilled feeling,but I was so tired that I am not sure that it was worth it. lol
    I dont think that I will be doing that again in the near future, but it was an interesting experience anyway.
    BigWilley 12


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/27/2009at9:14 pm

      I have never tried this but It sounds interesting. Being a progasm I would imagine your anus would feel workrd over. LOL

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/25/2009at10:48 pm

      Yes, I took a nap with it in but nothing happened. I slept for about 2 hours.

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