• Beyond Words…

    This is my most recent KSMO Blog entry. These words are inadequate but I am at loss for others for now:
    >As I mentioned in last Saturday's [KSMO] Chat, mrs. a and I had another amazing advance/adventure a few evenings ago…
    Beginning in the Yabyum and foreheads "kissing", the energies were flowing easily and, after a good while and then briefly experimenting with other possibilities, we fell into our favourite Scissors, with still times, gentle G-spot massaging thrusting, still times, back and forth as intuition suggested…
    The energy flows were all-enveloping, soothing, energizing, blissing us out…
    Jack, this was the return of "through-the-body-travel" and the first time ever with a partner. Absolutely indescribably astounding!
    …to be back in something like the IOs, but very different and age/body/relationship generated new and so so…
    communion with all
    … dimensionless infinite love…
    beyond body
    cosmic clouds of light
    silent symphonies of total gentle ecstatic music
    we, physically united in our bed but beyond that awareness, in disembodied union with all
    then 2 hours later
    awareness refocused for both about the same time together still, still in bed…
    and a celebratory ecstatic prostatic orgasmic completion of this consciousness altering voyage
    of being bliss embodied… of being in/throughout the universe/multiverse
    of love without end…
    and yet these words convey so little of it…
    this journey is it
    who knows what can be next?
    many thanks to all
    as we rewire
    we are all reconnected
    PS After that "three hour tour" who knows? Jack, you'd like the fact that "multitides" was my subconscious spelling slip/intention when I began writing this post. So I kept it with its original intended; multitudes! Multitides is perhaps the best word in this whole piece that does approach describing key feelings from this incredible experience/union. Thanks again.<
    Here at Aneros, any questions or comments from anyone are most welcome. I am particularly curious about thoughts from those who have had similar "spiritual", "beyond" orgasmic experiences. As I said in a related post in another thread on the KSMO site:
    >My journey has been one of mixing and merging Aneros (which is a godsend for my chronic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia![and everything else!]) and KSMO: maybe that makes it KISMET!!!<


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/11/2008at5:55 am

      Good God Artform! That sounds amazing!
      I'd like to reach those heights some day.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/04/2013at10:49 am

      I have read about this in The art of the Bedchamber.
      Truely amazing Artform. A goal of mine! its good to hear someone whos achieved this.

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