• Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Friday March 23 (day 19) : there is exquisite power in wearing an athletic cup!

    Hi guys,
    Today is my 19th day of my SR challenge. I am just two days away from achieving my 21 day goal. I have decided not to have an Aneros session today, but rather to take note of what I am experiencing now as my SR challenge matures and reaches the finish line.
    I hope to wear my BIKE CUP Supporter unit no. 85 for most of the day. However, I may change into just briefs as I visit a church parishioner recovering from surgery in a hospital 4.5 miles from my residence early this afternoon.
    I awoke in the 3 o’clock hour early this morning and listened to my walkman radio. My cup supporter felt so exquisitely sweet as I diddled my nipples through my Under Armour Coldgear shirt and as I Kegeled in my BIKE CUP!
    At this writing, my Kegels happen naturallly. The BIKE CUP and jockstrap caress my perineum. The sexual sweetness right is akin to what I feel in the vicinity of the PONR! I plan to do this many times today. Take care!
    Update @11:34 a.m. Aless right now as I wear my BIKE CUP is exquisite and sublime. Unfortunately in an hour or so, I have to go the hospital to visit my recuperating friend. I will put my cup and jock back on when I return home.
    Update @12:17 p.m. Waiting for the next bus due to arrive in 29 minutes. Right now I feel pulsating at the root of my penis from the perineum and anal musculature. It feels so dynamic and sweet. I just love to interact with this pulsating sweetness through the Kegels! See you all in a bit!
    Update @8:03 p.m. The hospital visit this afternoon was enjoyable but exhausting. Returned home at 3 p.m. and had to cool my heels for a couple hours. Then changed into my bed sweats along with my BIKE CUP/jock which I will wear in bed soon. The cup feels so good!