Wonderful News!!!
It seems as though during the last two weeks I have scaled the heights to the next plateau. I have, for lack of a better term, had “an attack of serious pleasureâ€. Achieving a break through milestone I wondered if I would ever see the other side of.
Call it a series of mini o’s or dry o’s, I don’t care. I found a new level of pleasure, one that my body could not tolerate without some form of dry release. I feel as if I have finally transcended my bodies hard wired pleasure circuit and proved an old dog can learn a new trick.
I wish I could say that I learned some new technique or had some sort of revelation, but as Mog would say, I finally logged enough hours. The pleasure spot that had slowly built up over months, and then stayed at a consistent “gee that feels real good†for months, finally, took a jump beyond. Whatever “beyond†is, it sure feels of orgasm strength and cycles up down on a series of involuntary contractions. I couldn’t believe what I was feeling, while I was feeling it. It was similar too and yet different from a hands free wet prostate orgasm – those have always been brought about by thrusting or with pressure on the prostate. But this required no motion. Finally, the chain reaction involuntaries – which have been present forever – broke a pleasure barrier and brought about some sort of minutes long pleasurable buildup that finally reached a minutes long crescendo and then started all over again by itself. I am not talking about blood vessels popping in the eye type pleasure, but I am talking about pleasure, on an orgasmic scale, that defies conventional penile ejaculatory time boundaries. That’s what makes it so gripping.
The real fun didn’t begin until the second hour of any session. After the normal start and routine fun, as I was relaxing, then the “this could be serious fun†involuntaries will start. I admit to being able to use my internal muscles to jumpstart involuntary sets. None of these things is new – except now, it goes farther! Just the next evolutionary step. I will say this – I was coming off about two weeks of no sessions and had had an unusually long time between traditional orgasms – so there was a lot of energy circulating down there. But then again, this has been building up for long time – who’s to say.
I was able to repeat this in three of the last 5 sessions – all with the Helix. The other two sessions being with a Peridise and the Eupho. Yes, I scored my successes with my first model – one that I didn’t think would get much playing time once the Eupho got on the team.
Now, I would love to see if my body is ready for the “snow ball effect†– a phrase I picked up on from B. Mayfield to describe rapid advances the body can make once a breakthrough has been achieved (I can hope can’t I?)
Only time will tell where this is headed. I’m only 22 months into this thing. Now I’ve got to get back to repeating the procedure…
It’s nice to make a little progress now and then… there’s hope for us grinders.
Hey J4 – – indeed wonderful news for you. No doubt your "snowball" is rolling and picking up speed.
Thank you J4.
You are an inspiration.
Congratulations J4!!! Greater heights now more accessible, butt enjoying every moment here is the key. All the best as you progress.
Congratulations J4!!!!
I have to agree with your forum post, of not knowing any specific technique or trick, that your body was just ready. That has also been my experience when I have made progress. I'm sending pleasurable energy your way to help with the snowball effect! 
I'm very happy to hear of your wonderful progress on the road of Aneros pleasure!
Great to hear of your progress J4. I broke my one and only Aneros the other week and I was seriously thinking about not bothering to replace it…but now you've inspired me. Say farewell to your fellow grinders! Hmm. might get a Eupho.
Good for you. It took me a long time also. 22 months 34 months……once your over the edge, it's all worth it. LL