• AnerosLar

    Recently, I became aware of something I can do for my prostate without taking prescription drugs; and as a bonus have orgasms. I tried two products by other companies that vibrated. They only made me sore from 2 to 3 hour sessions during a ten day period. Then I thought I would a Helix Syn Trident. I had my first session last night from 10 till 1230; not much happen and I fell asleep; woke at 3 with the trident still in position. Started another session till 5:30. I did get a few tingles, but nothing fantastic like I have been reading about. I know this takes time and patience. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions from your own experience?


    • Avatar for AnerosLar


      07/23/2019at6:48 pm

      Hope this posts

    • Avatar for newjoytoy


      09/15/2019at5:49 pm

      It’s a journey. I was lucky in that I had my first SO within a couple weeks of buying my Helix Trident. Actually, if on my first session I had gotten the effect I get now I probably would have thrown the thing away out of fear of what it was doing to me. I’ve done a LOT of anal play over the years thus I expect I had a big head start on a lot of people. Be patient, give it time, enjoy the journey, you’ll get there.

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