• Cautious Super-T experimentation

    Hi guys,
    The last 24 hours or so I have been Aneros horny following some amazing sessions over the weekend and then earlier this week. So I decided to have a session late Tuesday night with MGX and Progasm ICE. MGX has a ribbed stem which massages and stimulates a man’s anal musculature, so I wanted to use this model once again along with Progasm ICE. MGX has a different, more aggressive feel than Helix Classic. It was not one of my best sessions. But I was tired after a long day, and fortunately rewarded with Aless and a well-exercised hole.
    I spent some hours late afternoon and early evening yesterday, Wednesday, studying closely the Aneros Wiki and posts on the Super-T. In recent weeks, I have had an hankering for the Super-T. Aneros directions for use and the Wiki emphasize that Anerosers avoid as much as possible stimulating the penis during sessions. Hence masturbation is discouraged. However, these same directions encourage a man to use the Aneros while having sex with his partner. This enhances their lovemaking and also the orgasm(s) which they share in their coitus. A guy in most cases will experience an intense orgasm and a thorough ejaculation/emission of his semen. Long time Aneroser, @brine, confirmed this in a chat we had in the chatroom in the 11 p.m. hour last night. So I decided to attempt for myself a Super-T.
    But before I describe more of this, I want to describe in a cursory fashion my masturbation experiences as a single man. I entered puberty/adolescence about 1962/63 at 12/13 years old when our first astronauts were rocketing into space and the JFK assassination. During that period of time, I was experiencing exciting changes in my body and my first erections. One day I discovered my dad’s jockstrap and tried it. In September 1963, I had to buy one for 7th grade PE. I got a raging hardon when I put it on for the first time. Soon after I began playing with myself and then progressed to serious masturbation. Then in April 1964 one evening, I experienced my first orgasm/ejaculation accidentally which swept over me like a tidal wave of pleasure! That initiated me into a devoted masturbator over the decades.
    However, my sexual libido began to decline noticeably in my early sixties when I took a very stressful job. The job ended and I entered an early retirement. In Sept./Oct. 2011 on BateWorld.com, I met a guy who is a masturbator athlete who told me about the Aneros and what it has done for his life. Matt, who goes by @matt1008 on this site, told me that the Kegel Exercises with the Aneros would revitalize my sexual life. In a way both have.
    Now I masturbate once or twice a month now. Horniness hits me like a brick for a masturbation session to happen. When I cum now, I have the sweetest orgasms and creamy ejaculations. My orgasm lasts about a minute or two. Also I think that my Aneros sessions of the previous four plus years have made less apt to masturbate. However last night may have changed that.
    So last night just past midnight, I made an attempt for my first Super-T. I used Helix Classic and MGX. I followed @brine’s suggestion with Helix Classic which he uses when has sex with his wife. The Helix Classic slipped in easily and made a beeline for my prostate. Wow! It felt intense and so good as it “pummeled” my prostate. I masturbated first on my side, then on my back and then kneeling on my futon. Then I went to my bathroom with the Helix stilled inserted and then masturbating standing over my bathtub. I tried Anerosing in all these positions next with MGX. Finally I used these models again in my pursuit of the Super-T. When I finished the session at 1:30 a.m., I was tired and went stay to bed at 2 a.m.
    I tried again this morning in this pursuit with Helix Classic, Maximus, and MGX using the same procedure for 1.5 hours. It was arduous and tiring. Then I gave up. I came away from these three sessions with the resolution to have more ordinary sessions three times a week with a leisurely Saturday morning or early evening session devoted to masturbation and Super-T’s. Take care!
    P.S. Further reflections. [1] I felt my Aneros models more intensely, especially their dimensions as they pummel my prostate. [2] I was initiated into the MGX as never before and began to revel in its ribbed stem. I can now ride MGX with confidence! [3] Extra virgin olive oil is my lube of choice, so I lubed my circumcised penis and masturbated my organ of copulation in a radically different way. I learned to masturbate dry because I revel in dry traction. [4] My penis remained flaccid during my sessions last night as always whenever I Aneros. All this did not bother me. I love my circumcised cock for what it is because it has served me well over the years. I love how jockstraps and athletic cups support and protect my manhood even now! [5] I am typing these reflections early Thursday afternoon. Both my anal tract and musculature feel somewhat sore today, but its a delicious soreness of a good “fuck!”. I am Kegeling as I type all this right now. Love my Kegels and what they do for me. [6] Here is a resolution that I must keep. When horniness hits me like a brick and I feel an urge to masturbation, set up for a session with my Aneros buddies, go for a Super-T, and see what happens!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/04/2016at1:28 pm

      Great post! I find that a Super-T drains me. I go for them once every 3-weeks or so. Keep us posted.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/04/2016at3:51 pm

      Thank you, @GGringo, the glory of Aneros sessions is that we can have fun and experience pleasure in our bodies. We can experiment too!

    • Avatar for Turnrow


      08/04/2016at4:44 pm

      I assume in these super Ts that you ejaculated? Right? How many times in your Wednesday session did you ejaculate and how many times in your Thursday morning session did you ejaculate?? Or did you have dry Orgasms with the aneros in???
      Does the Matt guy you talk about have a blog on his activities? Can you link it???
      Thanks for sharing.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/04/2016at4:47 pm

      @GGringo, I have expanded greatly this blog post with more material about my Aneros experiences in the last 24-36 hours, along a section of further reflections. Even though I didn’t achieve success in getting that first Super-T, what I experienced during that period of time affirmed me as a man. 🙂 Thank you for your encouragement!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/04/2016at5:36 pm

      No, I didn’t achieve a Super-T at all, but that doesn’t discourage me in the least. While I masturbated my penis, I did experience my Aneros models in a new, refreshing way. Matt is the guy I met on BateWorld.com in Sept/Oct 2011 who is a JO artist and an adept Aneroser. I believe his handle on BateWorld is matt1008, the same handle he has on Aneros.com. I am not sure he has a current log but we can sure the web for it. @matt1008 is writing a book on masturbation to be published this fall.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/04/2016at5:43 pm

      Here is the link to matt1008’s blog on Aneros: http://www.aneros.com/blogs/matt1008/
      Hope this helps!

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