• An Unexpected Surprise!

    Monday night, I received a little surprise. My kids are grown up and moved out, so when my wife and I separated, the only custody issue we had was the dog. It was my turn to host the mutt for a few days, so I wasn’t planning anything, as she sleeps on my bed and takes up more than her fair share. Ever notice how dogs do that? Anyway, I got into bed, (the portion I was allowed) and laid down on my stomach to sleep like I always do. I thought I would do some kegels, since I’ve been enjoying the fitness aspect and the knowledge that these exercises will help me with my journey. I had read a couple of entries by BigGlansDC and decided to start with step one and two. I completed the exercise and as usual, played a little movie in my head to drift off to. This time I was thinking about the wood walkway I was going to build in the near future. Suddenly, I felt a little wave starting! So I totally relaxed, and did some slightly deeper breathing. The wave built up, but didn’t turn into anything huge, but just pleasant. What was bigger for me was the fact that my Progasm was safely tucked away in her bed on the dresser, and I had done this with about 3 minutes of kegels. During the day, while I was driving and doing errands, I would do some and I could feel a little flutter in my lower abdomen. It’s day 3 of SR, and I was masturbating at least every other day, sometimes, two or three days in a row. I think that holding off on my TO’s is definitely helping.
    So I did a few more contractions, and a few minutes later, I had another one! I’m so overcome that I’m discovering the unleashing of this power after only 7 days!


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      02/05/2019at11:36 pm

      @Shadow66, Thank you for mentioning me in your blog!

    • Avatar for Shadow66


      02/06/2019at3:22 am

      My pleasure! Credit for sure where it’s due!

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