• An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 8

    Well what a journey I have been on in the relatively short time I have been working towards MMO. I have learnt a lot and yet there is still even more to learn and to experience. On this journey I have chanaged my outlook on life as a male an I see that there is alot more other males can learn. What I say is just give something a go if you dont like it dont try it at least that way you wont feel you are missing out. I have since decided onto going onto yet another MMO technique called KSMO which really does work and is another new adventure. I have decided to give my aneros a rest for at least a month im sure my old friends will continue to give me even more on my return. I have also been keeping a blog on the KSMO site as its always nice to look back and think wow I can remember when that happend.