• An Aless like none other, the rest of Thursday October 22, 2015

    Hi guys,
    My Aneros session last Thursday, October 22, was remarkable because it was primed by acute horniness and a gay fuck video clip which I reblogged on tumblr a few days before.
    It seemed that the Aneros models I used that morning worked so exceeding well. Thus it set the stage for Aless which I experienced never before ushering me into new, exciting territory in my Aneros journey.
    Once I cleaned up my session, bathed, shaved, and dressed for the day, I hopped on to Aneros chat. That is when the Aless hit me.
    For a long time, my Aless had felt my ass was still feeling autof**k action from my Aneros tools. Aneros autof**k for me feels like a wave action. This is what @lonewolf8 verified for me in Aneros chat. This is actually an Aneros sine or cosine series of waves.
    But last Thursday, I felt this Aneros wave series would come upon me like a tsunami, often out of the blue. Long time Aneros users @brine was in chat that morning. He complimented me on this development. He told me just let these Aless waves come upon me of their accord, even greet them.
    Lastly Aneros user, @brucemarkland, was in chat too last Thursday morning. He encouraged me to change my Aless into a Super-O or even MMO's. This I do through stimulating my nipples and other areas of my body, deep, relaxing breathing, focus, and meditation.
    I am so grateful for my Aneros sessions and Aless now. Both are laden with exquisite pleasure. So also all my Aneros tools, so invested with pleasure producing properties!
    Take care!

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