• Aless & Foreplay in the Nutty Buddy Cup

    Hi guys,
    The most wonderful thing about the Aneros is that it has put me in touch sexually with my body like never before. This is one of my greatest consolations as a retiree at age 66. This is one of the most basic benefits of Aneros rewiring which recaptures somewhat the thrill of discovering my body's sexual response through masturbation starting at age 11 when I entered puberty.
    I am sure that my dad is smiling down from heaven as I exult in my body and its sexual consciousness both within Aneros sessions and outside sessions in Aless. You see, he didn't realize that when I discovered at age eleven his jockstrap drying after laundering over the bathtub that that one event set me on the road to sexual realization during adolescence and years beyond. But I am sure he's proud of me now!
    It is nearly the middle of May. Here in DC we are emerging from spring into summer. Late last week I turned on my A/C and began wearing my camo shorts for the first time since last September. Also last night, I wore my Nutty Buddy athletic cup to bed for the first time in my mouths.
    I have recounted to you guys how jockstraps and athletic cups were catalysts that fueled my adolescent sexual consciousness and propelled me toward the thrills of masturbation as centered in my male sexual apparatus.
    Athletic cups in the 1960's were the traditional flat variety. They were uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. Baseball players had to readjust their cups on the field for all to say.
    Finally in the 1980's contoured cups came out which fit the genital anatomy of guys much more comfortably. Vic Bernstein was a baseball umpire who invented his Original Banana Cup. BIKE Athletic Company came out with its BIKE Cup no. 80. Likewise Shock Doctor some years later came out with its line of banana cups which guys like to wear.
    Finally in 2006, Mark Littell, a retired MLB great, patented his Nutty Buddy Cup which is designed to be worn with a pair of boxer briefs or compression shorts as a base layer. The athlete then wears an ordinary jockstrap over this base layer and the cup is then placed in the pouch of the jockstrap. The Nutty Buddy Cup is designed to "float" with the athlete's every movement in this configuration.
    I herewith give two views of the Nutty Buddy Cup:
    Nutty Buddy Cup exterior:
    Butty Buddy Cup interior:
    You will notice that the design and shape of the Nutty Buddy Cup is so unlike most other athletic cups. There are so "chambers" on the right and left of this cup for a guy's left and right testicles. The bottom part fits under a guy's groin/scrotum, actually covering his perineum. Most guys will wear their penis in the up "12 noon" position. This cup protects every inch of a guy's "junk" from his glans, the entire length of his penile shaft, both his testicles, all the way to his penineum. I enjoy Kegeling and my Aless in this cup.
    I slept like a baby wearing my Nutty Buddy last night and woke up with my briefs damp with precum. I have been in Aless since then exulting what this cup does for me.
    For more information about the Nutty Buddy Cup, see http://www.nuttybuddy.com
    Take care!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/12/2015at7:18 pm

      Sounds pretty cool, dude. Jocks )and cups( are an important part of the male experience. I have about 15 of 'em! FUN. Not too many with cups, but will check out what you mentioned.
      Plenty of places in DC to find others into ) and..ahem..( out of jocks- Green Lantern, SECRETS and good old Crew Club come to mind. Sometimes just a regular gym.
      Glad you are exploring the Aneros experience and are exploring a very unique male experience. Sail on, and HAVE FUN!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/12/2015at9:18 pm

      Yes, I have heard of those places too!
      And yes too, the Aneros journey is to be enjoyed for what it is!

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