• Afternoon Delight

    I got a 30 minute head start this afternoon while she chatted on the phone with a friend. The sounds I was hearing were the AC blowing and the buzz of the Vice.
    I tried it today with just the coconut oil. It absorbs too quickly. Had to re-lube mid session. A thin layer of Vaseline with the oil on top seems to be the answer.
    It was a nice session. Hands free. Several mini Os. My prostate was on fire ! It went to new level today with the prostate. The squeezing moved me to whole new level. I liked it and it was hands free !
    Around 30 minutes into it she came in and gave me an awesome blowjob and pushed and tugged on the Vice on my already roaring prostate! She stroked me and teased me with dirty talk trying to get me to cum.
    I insisted she cum with me. After some back and forth, stroking, sucking, teasing, she finally gave in and got the Rabbit.
    Three minutes later we both peaked for a nice climax together ! I am so fortunate to have such awesome wife on this journey !


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/09/2014at12:15 pm

      Fortunate is an understatement. Divinely blessed may be too.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/09/2014at2:13 pm

      Well said Turnrow.

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