• A recent masturbation session

    Hi guys,
    As a guy entering his latter 60's, I do not masturbate much anymore. My urge to masturbate was greatly lessened when my last job was ending more than five years ago when I was living under great stress. At the same time, I suffered acute erectile dysfunction.
    Aneros restored my sexual function, I am happy to say.
    But as a guy in his 60's, I may masturbate once or twice a month.
    Some weeks ago, in late April, I was up fairly late viewing penis pics and scenes of gay sex on Tumblr. Horniness struck me like a brick that night. Not only had I an erection that wouldn't quit, but I was masturbating. It was almost like old times. I found myself riding or surfing the edge of ejaculatory inevitability, over and over again! However, I must have edged for a good two hours! Finally I ejaculated a huge of load of semen, but I had a very sweet orgasm which permeated my whole body, even my consciousness, a good five plus minutes! I attribute much of this to my nearly three years of Aneros sessions. Now I am incorporating "edging" into my Aless and Aneros sessions. The sky is the limit.
    Take care!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/12/2015at7:28 pm

      "Edging" can be fun, alone or with friends. I love hearing that you edged for 2 hours.
      I think Aneros ) any of them ( enhance the edging process.
      I do wish I knew you, I would encourage more frequent sessions, I would certainly like you get you to a point where the sessions became a weekly event,then daily.
      I think you are on the right track, bro!

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