• A quickie and anticipation

    Wow, it's been awhile. Due to a busy summer schedule, there's been no "me" time. Finally yesterday before work there was some alone time. While watching some porn, I became overcome by desire and so after lubing up the Maximus, standing in front of the computer I dropped my shorts and briefs, and slowly guided the now slippery tip of the maximus inside me. Since it had been at least a month, I was pretty tight, so I took it slow. From watching some intense porn, I was already leaking pre-cum, but as the head of the maximus touched the sweet spot inside, more sweet fluid leaked out of my semi-erect cock. I desperately wanted to continue, but time ran out, so I had to end my fun for the day with just a few little sensations that were produced after contracting my anal sphincter. But Friday promises to leave me with ample time for a nice, long overdue session with the Ice and Maximus. Stay tuned!