• A quest!

    It’s been a while since my last entry but rest assured I have been keeping tabs on all you guys for inspiration, thanks. I’ve still been enjoying some wonderful sessions but I have noticed some subtle changes in my responses. I am also trying to train myself not to follow the same old routine for every session which seems to be paying off. For instance, my usual position for a session has been on my back, slightly propped up with a pillow or two, with knees bent and feet flat on the bed. I found this led to me tensing up my stomach muscles too much when things got going. Of course this impeded my breathing when I felt I should have been more relaxed. So now I adopt a more flat position which lets me release the tension in my abdomen, that immediately felt better. I follow the “do nothing” approach and just let things happen. Using my new position I became aware that when orgasms started I was really clenching hard on the Aneros, fair enough it’s difficult not to, but as the orgasm faded I was still holding it in quite strongly although I thought I had relaxed my “grip” on it. I was quite surprised how much more tension I could release and allow the Aneros some freedom to begin its work again. I am really concentrating hard on this as I find I can bring on the autofxxk response quite well. Also noticeable is that during a session I can go through many phases of different pleasurable sensations. A few times I have had the feeling of an ejaculation building as I approached climax, I could definitely feel the same pumping feeling that I get during ejaculation from traditional masturbation and ejaculation. So far nothing has occurred but it feels so close. I admit that on one occasion after a session I reallly felt the need to cum, I didn’t want to use my hands, I just wanted to somehow get as close as I could to the PONR and let my prostate take over. I found that if I positioned the edge of my duvet over my frenulum while laying flat on my back, any movement at all just kept things on the boil and eventually I felt that incredible sensation when a load is on its way. The resulting ejaculation came from deep within and was intense, and more productive than a normal one, it was strong with many pumps from my prostate. Although it wasn’t truly a HFWO, it has wet my appetite to experience a genuine one. As I am now about 10 days into SR and enjoying all the feelings that come with it, I am trying an experiment. Several times a day for the past two days I have been taking myself as close as I can to the PONR. It has been a torture of sorts but at the same time, so, so arousing, My thoughts are that by the time I settle in for my next Aneros session I will be bursting to cum, hopefully in a hands free manner. Whether I will be lucky enough for it to happen I don’t know, but in any case I will have had some fun trying. My arousal levels are so high just now that my prostate is demanding attention almost as much as my cock. I feel electrified and I’m buzzing with sexual energy.


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      08/19/2018at8:43 pm

      @Harper Great to read your post again! I know that close-to the PONR and “almost ejaculated” feeling! I like your “experiment” but I would not last two days due to the dreaded blue-balls! Please keep in touch with us here! GB

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