• A departure from my normal routine.

    Woke early this morning not only with a persistent erection and some mild Aless, but the horniness and arousal brought about by 20 days without ejaculating. There was no respite, however much I tried to ignore it. It was too early to get up but no way was I going to get back to sleep feeling like this. On the spur of the moment I decided the time was right to jump into a session. After asking for some advice on this very situation only recently, and heeding the words of wisdom from @GoldenBoy and @BigGlansDC, I had already made up my mind to try a session sometime when Aless was present, so as the opportunity had presented itself, I thought “yeah let’s go for it”. Now, I am a late evening kind of guy when it comes to solo sessions and have to wait until lights out before commencing. So an early morning session would be a departure from the norm. Quietly, I gathered together everything necessary and hopped back into bed. Given my drowsiness I might not have made the best decision when deciding which model to use and opted for a new addition, Maximus Trident. Once inserted I felt better and settled back to see where things went. It wasn’t too long before some pleasant sensations came along. Then the fight between the in muscle and the out muscle began, and for a while the thing was poking me vigorously. It became a little uncomfortable, the P tab was digging into me and I had to take the Maximus out. I will have to revisit the Maximus again, but it is not looking too good a fit for me. I replaced Maximus with the Eupho Trident. Immediately it felt more gentle, like a soothing hand stroking a puppies head. I enjoyed thirty minutes or so of gentle caresses then fell asleep for two hours. Some wonderful Aless has been in the background all day long. The highlight of my day came whilst doing some exercises given to me by the physio to help with some Sciatica. The exercises are called Bridges, as demonstrated in this video https://youtu.be/WowARnE-p0s. After the first set of ten I began to feel a faint orgasm approach. I am glad I carry out these exercises at home not at the gym, I think I may well have been asked to leave. In between the soft moans of pleasure I could not stop myself from laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of the situation. Those few short moments changed my mood entirely for the rest of the day. It may take a little getting used to but, I very much enjoyed my first ever early morning session.


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      04/17/2018at2:45 am

      @Harper, you are finding your way on your Aneros journey. You have Youtube to help you. One of the most wonderful things that I have gotten from my own Aneros sessions is the ability to relax. That happens gradually but for sure as you continue it. 🙂

    • simplepenguin

      06/26/2020at2:38 pm

      Really enjoying your blog. Thank you.

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