• A bit of a slow recovery

    It’s been around five days since I ended my last run of SR. It seems to have taken rather longer than usual for me to recover, I tried a session a couple of nights ago with nothing to show for it. I have also experienced very few erections or horniness whatsoever during this period. I took it as a sign that maybe I was needing a bit of a rest. Today I am happy to report that I can definitely feel some stirrings and stiffness. Just considering a session has left me very aroused and moist in anticipation. This is much more like it!


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      09/02/2018at6:37 pm

      @Harper You should be feeling it by Day 7. Just keep your expectations low and you should get that “old feeling” back in no time!

    • Avatar for Harper


      09/02/2018at11:02 pm

      @goldenboy. I think I might be there already. I had a bit of a thing going on earlier this evening that took me by surprise. It is worthy of a further blog. It is somewhat different to the norm.

    • Avatar for Harper


      09/03/2018at12:10 am

      I wrote out the rather lengthy blog then promptly lost it. Damn!
      Much too late to rewrite it all now. I’ll write it up again as soon as I can.

    • Avatar for goldenboy


      09/03/2018at6:56 am

      @Harper What I do is compose the blog on Word, then cut and paste directly into Aneros. Takes the pressure off completing it within a certain timeframe and you won’t lose the blog! I have lost a few blogs that way! Bummer!

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