• Couch time

    Been enjoying these experiences for 18 months. No Super O yet but some fantastic feelings. This time I spent the first 15 minutes laying on the couch on my right side with the Trident inserted and did no Kegels. I focused on just relaxing and enjoying every little movement started to occur without making strong contractions. The trident begin sliding across my prostate. My prostate started convulsing ever so slightly. I just rode the waves of pleasure. I started to feel like I was leaking pre cum from my cock. I have a hypospadias cock so the wetness was sliding down my shaft underneath. Always enjoy tasting my pre cum. After a few minutes it felt like I had to pee. I really had to go. It seems like this was a mix of urine an prostatic fluid. Once I settled back onto the couch it took a few minutes to reactivate the same sensations. 20 minutes later I had the strong sensation of needing to pee again. I did not cum but enjoyed the experience.


    • Avatar for Iliketoplay


      07/17/2019at10:37 am

      Your getting closer. The feeling of the need to urinate means your contacting your prostate. It’s part of the sensational experience that the prostate provides.

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