• Finally have my account back!

    Hey you guys it’s been about 6 months but I finally got my account back, thanks to Andrew and everyone who helped!! I’ll have to wait until after lockdown until I have the privacy to start riding again but once I do, I’ll post all about it and new (and experienced) users with insight into my techniques/what to expect etc if and hopefully when I become proficient in achieving consistent Super O’s. In the mean time I’ll look back through my reddit posts and see if I can post anything I haven’t already. 🙂


    • Ggringo

      04/20/2020at6:56 am

      @masked , glad to hear everything has been fixed for you! Given a chance, Aneros Support will do everything possible to correct problems. We anxiously look forward to reading about your progress when everything returns to normal.
      Good vibes to you and stay safe!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      05/16/2020at12:42 pm

      @masked, I am glad that Aneros Support was finally able to resolve your Aneros account issues! Congratulations!

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