• Cock Craving

    Over the last few days I have come to the conclusion that I am a guy who binges on cocks. It’s kind of like it is with wet orgasm itself. Immediately after ejaculation your libido drops like a rock. Depending on your age and sex drive it can build back up in ten minutes or ten hours. With me and cocks my craving reaches a pinnacle of arousal ending in sating it with a tryst with a guy; there upon my desire for male – male sexual intimacy drops like a stone; weirdly though my recharge of desire for erect cock and cum takes months or years to build back up. In between I would classify myself as interested – intrigued. Typically the thing that is the “thresh hold” between intrigued and aroused is some male porn, especially things that I like to do with guys.
    Admittedly I am no expert in male – male sex as I have only had 3 partners in 5 years. I am an anal virgin, which is fascinating as I was transformed by my rewiring through prostate or anal orgasm. My sex life with men started out as fantasy with no reality. Gradually with the first guy it became a little less fantasy and a little reality. The second guy added more reality and a little less to fantasy. Having been with my 3rd guy about 3 months ago reality is slowly gaining on fantasy. Also my nervousness is diminishing with each experience. As my nervousness dissipates it leaves more room for my arousal to fill the gap.
    Recently as I talked to my “third” guy recently, the recalling of the two hours we spent together got both our cocks hard and dripping. I asked him if he was up for another meeting and he said he might consider it. I am ready by virtue of the fact that as I sit here writing this, just the suggestion that I might do it again has turned my penis to a stone. Part of the reason for my growing desire is his cock. He was hard before he pulled his pants down and when he did he revealed the most beautiful erection. Despite all my well intentioned plans to prolong foreplay I was ridiculously impatient to feel his shaft in my mouth and savor his cockhead sipping and kissing his wet slit as his pre cum drooled onto my tongue.
    My recharge has shortened. I am only three months and I am ready to binge on his cock again.
    So after our chat the other day he challenged me to write about the second meeting we might have. This is a case of a true interface between my fantasy sex life with a man and my real sex life with a man. That being said ….. here is chapter two framed as a dialogue from me to him.
    We both recalled our first meeting with great arousal and a certain level of anxiety; less for me and more for you. You were very nervous but your nerves didn’t diminish that elegant erection you revealed to me as you gingerly slid down your under pants. I was the first man you revealed yourself to sexually. The impact of this event was not lost on you as your penis was pointing upwards, stone hard as your heart pounded with equal measure of arousal and embarrassment. Your cockhead was elegant in its turgid agitation. I love cockheads and yours was supreme among them. Your coronal ridge has that gracefully artistic arch like form that makes it look like a fine art object. Its gleaming pink tautness makes it appear to be as hard and delicate as a porcelain figurine, a perfect penis hand formed in bone china.
    Thoughts of that sexy penis in erection stirred my libido and sparked the hunger for your gracefully arched cock, erected in anticipation of my sucking mouth that I feel now.
    I fantasize a meeting now that will assuage your reticence and empower your rampant libido to suppress your vulnerability and embarrassment and yes your guilt, so that the sensual pleasure seeker in you reveals himself and wallows in the surreal pleasure of male intimacy with me, skin to skin and cock to cock.
    In this next tryst I slowly undress you, slowly peeling off the façade of propriety and social normalcy to reveal a horny sexual man who craves sexual gratification from a man as I do. Who feels in his stiffened cock the desire to use it to probe my ass crack, rub it against my own erection and feel the warm wet suction of my mouth enshrouding it as it is caressed and massaged by my tongue.
    In that this is fantasy I envision the luxury of a private place like a luxurious hotel suite where I would undress you and relax in private arousal. When I finally slid down your pre cum soaked underpants to reveal that rigid prong upturned in its arousal. The slit at the crown of you shaft in suspending a clear bead of your desire from a delicate thread of its own making. Your shaft is gently bobbing as the pulse of your desire tugs softly on it.
    My own cock is erect. I am in a thong that cannot hide the bulging swell of my arousal. My cock is hard and heavy with desire and it is leaking a stream of my own pre cum; the clear sweet nectar of my arousal has wetted my thong to the point that it is now dripping through the surface of the silken fabric. I slide off the flimsy garment as you watch with hunger in your eyes. I am larger than you but not by much. My girth and length cause your heart to race and your anus to throb. As a prostate pleasure person your rewired arousal has discovered your anus and makes itself known at times like this.
    This time I do not lay you on the bed, instead I lay back and part my legs beckoning you to lay onto top of me. You come to me and lay on me missionary style, as you do I grasp your cock and arrange it so it is alongside mine. Hump me I urge you in a husky murmur that tells you my need.
    Slowly at first you begin to rock your pelvis and thrust your cock rubbing it on my groin and the side of my cock. The thrusting of your pelvis adds to the vulgar arousal that is steaming in your cock. I put my hands on your muscular ass cheeks as you arousal emboldens you to surrender to the sexual heat that is building in your cock. My hands urge you with each thrust as I caress the firm flexing muscles of your ass.
    Your arousal is now in control; you hump me with abandon casting off any reservations and anxiety and allowing yourself to see yourself laying on top of me, a man, and grinding your cock against mine. Our combined precum lubricates our members and the skin of our groins so that the sensation in sensually surreal ; you envision your own ass raising and falling between my thighs as you fall prey to the divine sensation of the friction of hot hard cock against hot hard cock.
    I stop you before the friction and the mental vision causes you to spill your load on my cock. It is too early for that.
    I guide you off of me and tell you to get on your hands and knees doggy position. You comply with a promptness that tells of your desperation. Your cock is red from the friction of frotting and it is gleaming wet with the mixture of our combined passion. It hangs down with the weight of its need, dripping a stream of clear man honey.
    I part your ass cheeks to reveal the puckered hole that is now quivering and twitching in its arousal. Your have no shame at this point. As you offer me your anus you feel lust and desire and nothing else. You do not know what is happening next, you do not care. All you want is pleasure, and it needs to be anal. Your heart skips a beat as you feel the warm wetted tip of my finger massaging the tender flesh of the opening to your most secret pleasure place. That touch causes your anus to flutter and twitch as a wave of exquisite sensation ripples into your anal canal and sends a chill of erotic sensation up your spine. You spread your knees on the bed to expose more of your opening to my eyes and my probing finger.
    As I rub and tease the opening it begins to respond flexing and contracting s the waves of A Less orgasm are awakened. With each contraction of your anus your prostate convulses in sympathetic orgasm. The prostate convulsions become so strong your anus is now flexing and opening rhythmically like a vulgar metronome keeping the beat of a lurid song that only you can hear.
    My own cock begins to bob in its own lurid dance as the scenario before me exerts its control. The precum is running in a clear rivulet down my cock shaft. My erection looks like the cocks in a men’s porno, the veins bulging as they feed blood to my engorged prong. It is bent in its characteristic arch of extreme desire. My cockhead is blunt and large, swollen in lust.
    Slowly my massage of your sensitized opening is lulling you into a hazy serene place where time and reality has no meaning. The cloak of anal erotic pleasure has wrapped around you and is shielding you from the vicissitudes of daily life. In the serene bliss of anal massage your entire body becomes a sexual experience. You feel your nipples tingling and your anal canal pulsing as waves of excruciating pleasure roll into you in gentle rhythmic elegance. As each wave touches your prostate it detonates a mini explosion of deep pleasure. The pleasure causes chimes of melodic sensation to tug on you cock and ring in your ears.
    Taking advantage of the bliss that I know has numbed you I gather some of the precum from both our cocks on my middle finger. It is coated with a viscous layer of our passion. Using my other hand to hold your anus open I deftly slide my precum lubed finger into the warm silken grip of your anus. It slides in readily as if your hole has been waiting for its intrusion. The sweet invasion sends shock waves of pleasure deep into your anal canal. Each hard spasm of orgasmic pleasure makes your anus clamp down on my finger and your cock lurch as your cock, perineum and anal track begin to echo in agonizing ecstasy.
    My finger engages your pulsing prostate, the sensation ignites a firestorm of explosive orgasms that take on roaring proportions. There is a thunder storm of agonizing sweet sensation rhythmically pounding your annual tract; they are crashing on you like waves on a beach with an approaching storm. The dark grey sky of tumultuous orgasm now has you in its grip. You have no control as my finger strokes the secret spot deep inside you.
    To be continued ………………………………………….


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/19/2015at4:17 pm

      Sweet story. Can't wait for part 2!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/21/2015at2:01 am

      Nice fantasy, I hope you fulfil it.

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